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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    1 hour ago, fobono said:

    If only one cue is recorded on a playback, the button acts as a "Flash" function.

    That is correct, by default when you record a single cue onto a playback, the button under that playback will become a flash. If you are not finding this is working correctly, please press and hold SETUP, and tap the playback's button. This will open the Playback Settings. Please ensure the button function at the bottom is set to Flash.

    For more information see the link below...


    If you have any questions let me know.


  2. Hallo,

    Willkommen im Zero 88 Forum.

    Wenn ZerOS Wing mechanisch an FLX-Konsolen angebracht ist, sollte es gemäß den folgenden Informationen ordentlich angebracht werden...


    Wenn Sie Probleme beim Anschließen des Wing an FLX haben, senden Sie uns bitte ein Bild per E-Mail an support@zero88.com.

    Da der ZerOS Wing kein externes Netzteil besitzt und über USB mit Strom versorgt wird, ist kein USB-Hub eingebaut.

    Auf das Cue-Listenfenster kann nur über den externen Monitor zugegriffen werden, wenn Sie den externen Monitor in den Konsoleneinstellungen aktiviert haben, oder Sie können sowohl über den internen Touchscreen als auch über den externen Monitor zugreifen, wenn der externe Monitor in der Konsole deaktiviert ist Die Einstellungen.

    Derzeit zeigt Ihnen das Fader-Fenster, was die Fader der Konsole gerade tun, und gibt keine Informationen für Wings an.

    Wenn Sie Fragen haben, lassen Sie es mich wissen.



    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    When ZerOS Wing is mechanically attached to FLX consoles, it should attach neatly as per the information below...


    If you are having issues with connecting the Wing to FLX, please could you email us a picture to support@zero88.com?

    As the ZerOS Wing does not feature an external power supply, and is powered via USB, there is not a USB hub built in.

    The Cue list window can be accessed via just the external monitor if you have the external monitor set to enabled in the console Settings, or can be accessed via both the internal touchscreen and the external monitor if the external monitor is set to disabled in the console Settings.

    Currently, the faders window will show you what the console's faders are currently doing, and will not give information for Wings.

    If you have any questions let me know.

  3. Hi Elliot,

    15 hours ago, Elliot said:

    Hi I am trying to use my ADJ sweeper beam led on my flx s24 and I can’t get it to do anything 

    What mode are you using the fixture in? Does the mode and address set on the fixture match the mode and address in the patch on the FLX S24?

    Can you confirm the fixture is receiving DMX from the FLX S24? In what way does it not do anything - does the Tilt parameter under position move the fixture?

    If you have any questions let me know.


  4. Hello,

    Framing shutter parameter labels will be displayed as per the information in the fixture library, which will come from the fixture's manual. Therefore the standard naming is "Frame a#x", and "Frame b#x", as defined in the fixture's manual...


    For fixtures which specifically state which of these parameters in the Movement, and which is the Swivel, these will be labelled "Frame In#x" and "Frame Angle#x".

    Frames will be displayed from "Frame a#1" through to "Frame b#4" on the encoders, following on from the previous Shape parameters, with no empty encoders separating them. Therefore depending on the selected fixture, there is currently no guarantee of accessing the movement and swivel for a particular frame on the same encoder page.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  5. Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    As far as I am aware, most people who use colour mixing on ZerOS find this far more intuitive, as it means you don't really need to care how your particular fixture mixes its colour - you can instead simply dial "Red", and no matter the fixture you're controlling, you'll get red on stage.

    On 3/13/2021 at 8:01 AM, 3perf said:

    So what I'm suggesting is a "no conversion" or "native" setting for the Colour edit mode, for those who prefer to work that way.

    I have logged this suggestion, to add a third "Native" Colour Edit option to the Colour Attribute Settings. This is logged as reference number ZOS-10731.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  6. Hello,

    On 3/13/2021 at 7:26 AM, 3perf said:

    Is there a complete list of shortcuts which are relevant only for the FLX S consoles?

    Please see the link below, which I have updated to now include separate keyboard layouts for FLX and FLX S consoles...


    You will now be able to use the variant filter top right of the manual to see the relevant content.

    On 3/13/2021 at 7:26 AM, 3perf said:

    Coming from another platform, the ">" shortcut for Thru is deeply unintuitive for me too. My preference too would be "T" (and indeed you don't seem to have mapped it to anything else); I can live with it not being "T", but having to press two keys for Thru is a waste of time.

    Thanks for the feedback. On some other consoles running ZerOS, there is a "Time" key. Therefore we can't use T for Thru, as this is reserved. As on most standard keyboards there is a shift key next to the full stop, typing > is easy enough to do with one hand. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, as a symbol, it makes logical sense for Thru, and has been used in ZerOS for many many years.

    On 1/25/2021 at 5:29 PM, Edward- Z88 said:

    We may add another key option for Thru in future.

    This is still the case, logged on our software tracking system as reference number ZOS-10537.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  7. Hi Elliot,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    10 hours ago, Elliot said:

    I am trying to use my vega spot 60

    I have just taken a look at the manual for this fixture, and there appears to be an error. See page 23 of the manual...


    This is stating that when the "Strobe" parameter is at 0, and also at full, the shutter is closed. I am guessing, that actually this parameter needs to be at full to give an open Shutter. To confirm, please raise the fixture's fader, and then tap the "Beam" tab from the top of the touchscreen until you see "Strobe" on the encoder wheels. Then dial the Strobe encoder wheel to full (255). Does the fixture illuminate? If so, you can edit this parameter, so that the Strobe parameter is set to full by default, meaning you can simply raise the fixture's intensity.

    To do this, double tap CLEAR. Then press and hold RECORD, to open the Record Options on the internal touchscreen. There should be a SmartTag button displayed, which by default will have a red stripe on the button. Press this to make it blue, meaning disabled. You can then tap RECORD to save and close. You can then select the fixture by pressing the button under the fixture's fader, and then dial the Strobe parameter to full. The fixture shouldn't come on, as the intensity is down. Ensuring that the "Strobe" parameter is the only parameter you have adjusted, you can then tap RECORD, and then press the Home icon top left of the internal touchscreen. From the options you can then choose to store this as the fixture's defaults.

    Now, the fixture will have the Strobe parameter at full by default. You can then press and hold RECORD to open the Record Options, tap SmartTag to enable it again, and then press RECORD to save and close.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  8. Hi Antti,

    17 minutes ago, Antti said:

    Is there a reason for removing the possibility to edit these values in the setup? Key combos are quick to use, but not always the most easiest to figure out.

    I assume this is regarding changing a fixture's defaults or home values, which used to be done inside Setup? The ability to record a fixtures defaults and home values just like another lighting state, allows you to use the standard Record, Update or Delete commands. Worth mentioning you don't need to edit a fixture's defaults to use the RGB colour mixing method in my previous post.

    For more information on fixture defaults, see the link below...


    Hope this helps,


  9. Hi Antti,

    14 minutes ago, Antti said:

    I'm experiencing the exact same problem when trying to make a circle form effect. It always ends up looking like a figure eight. When I change the position of the fixtures it's still a figure eight, just unsymmetrical.

    If you move your fixtures away from their defaults to a location on stage, and then apply the circle effect, try dialing the effect Size encoder down to 0. Then slowly increase the Size encoder wheel. You should find the fixtures perform a circular motion around their current location.

    17 minutes ago, Antti said:

    I'm running version 9.7.7 on an Orb XF.

    In case you weren't aware, the latest software for OrbXF consoles is ZerOS 7.9.9. If you wish to update your console's software, ZerOS 7.9.9 can be downloaded from the link below...


    Hope this helps,


  10. Hi Antti,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    1 hour ago, Antti said:

    I'm looking for a solution for this exact problem, but all the links in this thread are not working for some reason. Are those contents deleted or moved to another location?


    For information on how to do this, see the link below...


    Those old links pointed to our support.zero88.com site, which has now been retired. All information for ZerOS consoles now lives in the relevant sections of the online manual...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  11. Hi Kevin,

    I'll be honest, I thought these comments were already logged on the system, so was just going to bump up the priority of the existing issue. However, couldn't find the item so had to add new!


  12. Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your explanation. 

    I have logged this suggestion on our software tracking system, as reference number ZOS-10729.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  13. Hi Simon,

    On 3/6/2021 at 1:15 PM, SimonH said:

    Ok great. TBH it doesn't really affect me as I just want to use the capture software to plot in the daytime! It works well for me that way. I originally thought that once the flx took control the capture control stopped working, it wasn't until I saw the tutorial that I thought there might be an issue and it might help others if I raised it. 

    No problem, I've dropped you an email.



  14. Hi Simon,

    Thanks very much for the information and images. From the description, I think you may have come across an issue we are aware of in ZerOS 7.9.9. 

    I’m not in front of my laptop today, however I will drop you an email on Monday. 

    If you have any questions let me know.


  15. Hi Simon,

    3 hours ago, SimonH said:

    the fixture info doesn't match. This is the same problem I'm having with my show file.

    Please could you elaborate a little on what fixture info you mean? Do you mean you are finding parameters are not matching in Capture and ZerOS? With the fixture controls open in Capture (pressing the power icon for the selected fixtures), view the Zoom control on Capture, and dial the Zoom encoder on the console. Does it adjust correctly?

    2 hours ago, SimonH said:

    if I click the focus in the same place multiple times the light never goes to the same place and the pan tilt details in the capture panel never changes.

    Please could you confirm the version of ZerOS you are running on your console?


  16. Hi Joel,

    On FLX S consoles, you are limited to using and modifying the existing Colour Effects, and cannot create your own. You could however use the Red Fade effect, and then reduce the levels of blue and green accordingly. This could get you near the colours you’re after.

    Alternatively if you want to use existing colour palettes for the effect, as Kevin suggests you could go down the route of programming a chase onto a playback which changes the colours of your fixtures. 

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    In theory for FLX S you could use Phantom ZerOS in FLX mode, use waveform to create your Effect, programme a palette, save the showfile then load into FLX S. Once in FLX S you can use this palette although you won’t be able to modify the effect once in the desk. 

    Exactly right, however as you won’t have any physical fixtures connected whilst programming the effect, it could be difficult to get the colours right. 


  17. Salut Ben,

    Bienvenue sur le forum Zero 88.

    D'après votre description, il semble que "Programmer Time" soit activé pendant très longtemps. Cela signifie que les modifications manuelles que vous apportez prendront un certain temps à disparaître.

    Pour trouver l'option de temps du programmateur, appuyez sur Z / Shift, et sur la quatrième roue codeuse, vous verrez l'heure du programmeur. Est-ce que cela a un fond bleu clair? Si c'est le cas, appuyez sur le bouton au milieu de l'encodeur Programmer Time pour le désactiver, indiqué par un fond bleu foncé.

    J'espère que cela t'aides,


    Hi Ben,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 forum.

    From your description, it sounds as though "Programmer Time" may be enabled, to a very long time. This means manual changes you make will take a while to fade.

    To find the programmer time option, tap Z/Shift, and on the fourth encoder wheel you will see programmer time. Does this have a light blue background? If so tap the button in the middle of the Programmer Time encoder to disable it, indicated with a dark blue background.

    Hope this helps,

  18. Hi Kevin,

    2 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Just curious if the team had any further thoughts on Eric's (and my) issue and the subsequent enhancement suggestion for an in-desk pan/tilt "correction offset" for physically misaligned fixtures (due to poor hanging accuracy - Eric, or "cheap" fixtures with poor mechanical calibration - me).

    Definitely an interesting feature to investigate. It would mean you could leave a default home position of 50% pan 50% tilt, and ensure your fixtures tilted upstage/down stage for example, even if they have been rigged with a slight offset. This is on the system as reference number ZOS-5911.

    2 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Unrelated I also came across another interesting feature, "Preheat", which is a bit like move on dark, and is used to preheat tungsten lamps at the cue before they transition above 0%. This would be of interest for me, as to mitigate thermal shock, particularly on a flash to @FUL I will try to program a preheat of a few % on pre-cues where the next cue will be a step-change bump to the lamp. Of course I already have my Betapacks set with appropriate preheat, but this is of course at a much lower level such that blackouts are still dark.

    Certainly another interesting feature to investigate. For now, you would have to manually give your fixtures some low intensity, in the cue prior to snapping them on to full.


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