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Upgrade version question - Light names question

Paul Bennett 211

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Hi we are looking to upgrade our FX desk.  I am reading the instructions which state, Consoles running ZerOS 7.8.3 or later you can download to a usb and install.  But consoles running or older need to follow different instructions.  Which do I use, its quite confusing as we have a software version and an OS version,  The OS version is which is obviously older and then the Software version 7.9.6 which is newer so i am slightly confused.  Then the latest version to download is 7.10?


On a separate note we are looking to rename our fixtures as the current naming is quite confusing, I am wondering what people have found is the best way to name.  We have lights like Lectern soft, Lectern hard.  Then other like above stage rear left centre? 



Edited by Edward Z88
Console serial number hidden.
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24 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

Which do I use, its quite confusing as we have a software version and an OS version

I believe it is the software version for ZerOS, the other one is the underlying Linux system however I'd suggest you wait for @Edward Z88 or one of his colleagues to confirm this.

28 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

I am wondering what people have found is the best way to name. 

There's no right or wrong for this, just use what suits you. I give the same name to all fixtures of a particular type in the same location (e.g. "LED Pars Side" and "LED Pars Stage"). It is useful to number your fixtures logically as well - for example, I have...

101 thru 106 1 FOH Profiles, 111 thru 114 Side Profiles, 121 thru 126 DS Profiles, 131 thru 134 US Profiles. That way I can find a specific fixture easily and my screen is nice and tidy - there's room for the full labels to display and all like fixtures are together. Mine have been numbered this way since I've had the desk. Perhaps @Edward Z88 can tell us what effect renumbering would have on existing show files - you should wait for his response before you try renumbering.

Generally, your life will be easier if you can look at a fixture and work out, in your head, what number it is.


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Hi @Paul Bennett 211

1 hour ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

Hi we are looking to upgrade our FX desk.  I am reading the instructions which state, Consoles running ZerOS 7.8.3 or later you can download to a usb and install.  But consoles running or older need to follow different instructions.  Which do I use, its quite confusing as we have a software version and an OS version,  The OS version is which is obviously older and then the Software version 7.9.6 which is newer so i am slightly confused.  Then the latest version to download is 7.10?

Thank you for attaching an image of your console's System Information window (I have removed this from your post to hide your console's serial number). As @Davidmk mentions, the "Software Version" is the key information in the System Information window. As you are running ZerOS 7.9.6, please see the link below for information on how you can update your console's software to ZerOS 7.10...


1 hour ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

On a separate note we are looking to rename our fixtures as the current naming is quite confusing, I am wondering what people have found is the best way to name.  We have lights like Lectern soft, Lectern hard.  Then other like above stage rear left centre? 

For information on naming fixtures, please see the link below...


45 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

Perhaps @Edward Z88 can tell us what effect renumbering would have on existing show files - you should wait for his response before you try renumbering.

For information on renumbering fixtures, please see the link below...


Fixtures can be renumbered without any problem. Cues will not be broken upon renumbering fixtures, and cues will continue to use the same fixtures, even if they now have a new number (behind the scenes, ZerOS has an ID for each fixture that is patched that cannot be changed, meaning your cues know which light is which, despite fixture numbers being changed).

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Hi @Paul Bennett 211

6 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

I have updated my console now, I changed the fixtures that were red to the white equivalent.  Why did I need to do this?  Also the only thing I could not change and need a fixture file for is the JEM Compact Hazer Pro.  This is red but there is no white version. 

When you load in a show file, ZerOS looks at the fixtures in the show file, and compares them to those fixtures in the library. If the fixtures in your show file are not from the same library version as the library currently installed on your console, ZerOS will import the fixtures from the show file. This ensures that your existing cues play back exactly how you recorded them. These fixtures will be displayed in red in the Fixture Schedule, to indicate they are not from the library.

The Fixture Schedule provides the ability to convert these show file fixtures, to their latest library equivalents. For more information, please see the link below...


If you are not able to convert all your fixtures to the latest library versions, this doesn't matter, as you will continue to be able to use the original version of the fixture without issue.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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1 hour ago, Edward Z88 said:

Hi @Paul Bennett 211

When you load in a show file, ZerOS looks at the fixtures in the show file, and compares them to those fixtures in the library. If the fixtures in your show file are not from the same library version as the library currently installed on your console, ZerOS will import the fixtures from the show file. This ensures that your existing cues play back exactly how you recorded them. These fixtures will be displayed in red in the Fixture Schedule, to indicate they are not from the library.

The Fixture Schedule provides the ability to convert these show file fixtures, to their latest library equivalents. For more information, please see the link below...


If you are not able to convert all your fixtures to the latest library versions, this doesn't matter, as you will continue to be able to use the original version of the fixture without issue.

Hope this helps,


OK thanks last question today i promise!   We have an attached touch screen monitor.  We have checked the manual but can't find a way to re-organise the panes.  We would like the Groups window to extend across, and the effects to drop down and replace one of the colour palettes is this possible?  I have attached a picture to show what i mean.  thanks


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Hi @Paul Bennett 211

2 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

We have checked the manual but can't find a way to re-organise the panes.  We would like the Groups window to extend across, and the effects to drop down and replace one of the colour palettes is this possible?

The window layouts on the external desktops are pre-defined, and cannot be customised or resized. Fully customisable window layouts are on the roadmap for a future ZerOS release.

4 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

OK thanks last question today i promise! 

No problem! If there's anything else you need, just let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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2 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

Hi @Paul Bennett 211

The window layouts on the external desktops are pre-defined, and cannot be customised or resized. Fully customisable window layouts are on the roadmap for a future ZerOS release.

No problem! If there's anything else you need, just let us know.


That's a shame.  On our old version we had this which is annoying.  

I just looked at the fixture that is in red.  It's our JEM compact hazer pro.  I watched the video and there is no fixture in the library for us.  the one it suggests is the GLP Fusion Par FP7 which its obviously not.  Is there a way to get the JEM Compact Hazer Pro fixture?  I know it will work as is but was wondering if its possible to get them all from the library.  I have used the latest library file. 


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Hi @Paul Bennett 211

6 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

That's a shame.  On our old version we had this which is annoying.  

On FLX, you have never been able to rearrange the windows on the external desktops. In earlier software versions, the "Effects" window was not included on the Groups/Colour desktop, and therefore the Groups window was full width. When the Effects window was added to this desktop, the Groups window was resized to the top quarter, making it 5 tiles wide to match the internal Groups window.

9 minutes ago, Paul Bennett 211 said:

I just looked at the fixture that is in red.  It's our JEM compact hazer pro.  I watched the video and there is no fixture in the library for us.  the one it suggests is the GLP Fusion Par FP7 which its obviously not.  Is there a way to get the JEM Compact Hazer Pro fixture?  I know it will work as is but was wondering if its possible to get them all from the library.  I have used the latest library file. 

The JEM Compact Hazer Pro is included in the ZerOS Library under the "Martin" manufacturer. To convert your existing fixture, select just your JEM Compact Hazer Pro in the Fixture Schedule, and then choose Convert All Profiles. Then click Show All, and find the fixture under Martin. You can then click OK.

I hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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4 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

the Groups window was resized to the top quarter, making it 5 tiles wide to match the internal Groups window.

Which I prefer since a "magic sheet" set up on the internal screen is organised the same on the external screen. For the few ZerOS versions where the Groups pane was double width, it was a real "pane" (sic.)...

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16 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Hi @Paul Bennett 211

On FLX, you have never been able to rearrange the windows on the external desktops. In earlier software versions, the "Effects" window was not included on the Groups/Colour desktop, and therefore the Groups window was full width. When the Effects window was added to this desktop, the Groups window was resized to the top quarter, making it 5 tiles wide to match the internal Groups window.

The JEM Compact Hazer Pro is included in the ZerOS Library under the "Martin" manufacturer. To convert your existing fixture, select just your JEM Compact Hazer Pro in the Fixture Schedule, and then choose Convert All Profiles. Then click Show All, and find the fixture under Martin. You can then click OK.

I hope this helps,


Perfect found it,  nice one. 

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