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Trouble Removing Fixtures on ORB XF


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I've added a few too many fixtures using the patch wizard and have tried to unpatch them using the unpatch function (which has removed them from the universe - ie they don't appear in outputs view), but they still appear in fixtures view on setup, and on my MFFs. Any way to remove them without resetting the desk?

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Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

11 hours ago, Chaddyfynn said:

I've added a few too many fixtures using the patch wizard and have tried to unpatch them using the unpatch function (which has removed them from the universe - ie they don't appear in outputs view), but they still appear in fixtures view on setup, and on my MFFs. Any way to remove them without resetting the desk?

Please could you confirm the software version running on your Orb XF? To find your software version, please tap the "Other Windows" button top left of the Output Window. From the drop-down choose System Info. In the window that opens will be a line of text showing the "Software Version". The latest software for Orb XF consoles is ZerOS 7.9.9. ZerOS 7.9.9 can be downloaded along with release notes from the link below...


To remove fixtures in ZerOS 7.9.9, simply tap SETUP to view the Fixture Schedule, select the fixtures you wish to remove using syntax, and then tap the DELETE button. For more information see the link below...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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5 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:


Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

Please could you confirm the software version running on your Orb XF? To find your software version, please tap the "Other Windows" button top left of the Output Window. From the drop-down choose System Info. In the window that opens will be a line of text showing the "Software Version". The latest software for Orb XF consoles is ZerOS 7.9.9. ZerOS 7.9.9 can be downloaded along with release notes from the link below...


To remove fixtures in ZerOS 7.9.9, simply tap SETUP to view the Fixture Schedule, select the fixtures you wish to remove using syntax, and then tap the DELETE button. For more information see the link below...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


Hi Edward,

Thanks for your response. I just picked up the desk a few days ago. Turns out it was running 7.5.0! I have updated it now to 7.9.9 and am just trying to get my head around the new system. I'm used to working on one of the old Fat Frogs so this is quite a change.

In terms of deleting fixtures from the fixture schedule, it is working perfectly now, exactly as you've said so that covers everything.

Thanks again!



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Hi Charlie,

9 minutes ago, Chaddyfynn said:

In terms of deleting fixtures from the fixture schedule, it is working perfectly now, exactly as you've said so that covers everything.

Great, glad to hear it.

For further information, please see the Orb console page below...


If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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