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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello,

    16 hours ago, delicolor said:

    I had a play with the test mode on my desk. I seemed to be getting continuous slow random press and release messages in between the genuine key presses but eventually noticed that there was some level movement on my DMX IN signal (I’m not certain what from though, the DMX 2 goes into an RDM splitter and on to a couple of led driver decoders with a termination. I’ll explore if there is some noise pickup offline). When I pulled out the DMX IN cable all keypress messages stopped (other than genuine ones).

    What was the DMX input connected from? If channels on the DMX Input are raised or lowered quickly, this will display Press and Release on the status display. 

    16 hours ago, delicolor said:

    The faders and buttons seem to be well behaved, however I was puzzled as to what the four faders and six buttons at the bottom of the screen were there for? I expect it is something obvious with hindsight!

    The six buttons bottom left of the Front Panel display, show the Remote Switch inputs. If a remote switch is pressed they will highlight.

    Hope this helps,


  2. Hi Ceri,

    1 hour ago, Ceri said:

    Also with live music shows, one monitor  full of all the pallets and the other for output. 

    You could still achieve this using the Remote Desktop method. If you are using a PC running ZerOS Monitor, you could use your now surplus touchscreen connected to the PC, to give you an additional touchscreen. 

    1 hour ago, Ceri said:

    2 monitors was really useful on the orb, one for the cue screen, one for the output screen.

    By default, desktop 1 will have the Outputs and Cues Windows on the top and bottom half of the external monitor respectively. You can also view these Windows on the internal touchscreen if you wish. More information here…


    1 hour ago, Ceri said:

    the new FLX is still running solid. Hope to sort the updates once term finishes. 

    thanks for all your help. 

    Glad to hear it, and no problem at all. If there’s anything else you need let us know. 


  3. Hi Tim & Kevin,

    It is not as easy as just calculating a BPM for a given Speed value. This is because if you look at converting a waveform to BPM, you would have to factor in both the Speed and Offset - this therefore is also affected by the number of fixtures the effect is running over. For example, automatic effect 4 "Chaser 1/8", with speed of 20, offset across 8 fixtures, gives you 120 BPM. The same effect offset across 4 fixtures at the same speed would give you 60 BPM.

    1 hour ago, Tim123 said:

    1. In the longer term, please can this development to prioritised for a future Zeros release as it would be so useful.

    The ability to give effects a BPM, and for them to calculate the required speed, is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-8694. I have raised the priority of this following your request.

    1 hour ago, Tim123 said:

    It is very tiring having to try to find the effects speed that roughly correlates to the correct bpm and never getting it quite right.

    A possible way of dealing with this if you are recording effects into cues, is to get your speed roughly correct, record the effect into a cue, and then on playing back the cue, use a Speed Override fader to boost up or slow down the speed slightly on the fly to suit. See the link below for more information...


    If you have any questions let me know.


  4. Hi Ceri,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    FLX has a single DVI-D output for an external monitor, which can be a touchscreen. To add additional external desktops, you can connect tablets, PCs or laptops over the network, running the ZerOS Monitor apps. For more information see the link below...


    Thanks @kgallen for the lightning fast response! Appreciate it.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  5. Hello,

    1 hour ago, delicolor said:

    Sad to see Solution has now been manufacture discontinued but I assume future Zeros releases will continue to recognise it.

    That is correct, Solution consoles will continue to receive software updates.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  6. Hello,

    23 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    As an aside, does the test mode apply to Leapfrog/Solution? I’m not back in front of the desk until Monday.

    Yes it does. Booting Solution/Leapfrog consoles with the SETUP key held down will boot into Test Mode.

    24 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    I have the opposite problem that a few faders creep up to 1% which now that I have fixtures 1 - 48 defined means if the lights are off they highlight red and get inhibited. I assume the resolution is the same.

    That is correct, the best route to go down first is compressed air spray. 

    In the meantime, to avoid channels being brought into the programmer, resulting in cues not playing correctly, you could switch the channel faders to HTP mode. This will mean the levels will mix HTP with cues, rather than "LTP catch". HTP channel values are displayed in yellow in the Output window. Alternatively you could enable the Preset control, meaning the channel faders can only output if the A or B master is raised. These options can be found on the MFKs by tapping SPECIAL.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  7. Hello,

    12 hours ago, lugamil said:

    I was wondering of its possible to temporarily change the color of fixtures. What I mean by this is to set a color to a fixture, than start a chase or something that also changes the color, stop the chase which returns the color back to the original.

    For example: I have a couple pars changing blue to red every second. I want to have a button that latches a white strobe. So far all of this is possible however, when I unlatch the strobe I want the pars to go back to red or blue.

    As @kgallen says, you simply need to make sure your White chase releases. This will then allow your Red/Blue chase to resume. 

    For example:

    1. Record your fixtures at 100% in red on playback 1
    2. Record your fixtures at 100% in blue on playback 1 (choose Create Chase)
    3. Record your fixtures at 100% in white on playback 2
    4. Record your fixtures at 100% in black* on playback 2 (choose Create Chase)
    5. Configure the button function of playback 2 to be latch

    This will allow you to raise playback 1 to start your red/blue chase, then tap the button of playback 2 to trigger the strobe, and then tap playback 2's button again to resume the red/blue chase.

    *In this example, by black we mean the intensity of the fixtures is at full, however their RGB(W) values are at 0. This means that you won't have to worry about intensity mixing options between playback 1 and 2.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  8. Hi Nathan,

    1 minute ago, Nathan Bell said:

    Update - I re-read your explanation and put it at 50%.  That did the trick.  Thanks for your help with this issue.  

    No problem at all, glad that solved the issue.

    We have received your email to support, and will advise on the procedure to get the battery replaced.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  9. Hi Nathan,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    36 minutes ago, Nathan Bell said:

    None of the cues in my OrbXF are fading.

    Is the Speed Override fader at 50%? This is the fader that can change the speed of your cue transitions, which is the right-hand fader in the Master Playback section. If this is at full, your cues will snap.

    38 minutes ago, Nathan Bell said:

    It's been unused for a couple of years, and when I powered it up I got a warning about a battery needing to be replaced? 

    If you’d like guidance on replacing the battery, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com. 

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  10. Hello,

    Thank you for the description of the issue. Sorry to hear you have experienced this issue with your console. When the issue occurs, do you have any USB devices connected/is the console connected to a network? If so, what devices are connected? If you disconnect these, do you still experience the issue?

    If you have any questions please let us know.


  11. Hi Emrys,

    Just now, Emrys said:

    I'm still a bit confused though as, they are not profiles I've created myself and all the fixtures have been in previous libraries so why aren't they in the latest fixture library?

    ZerOS now uses an entirely new fixture database. This database change was introduced in ZerOS 7.9.8. Therefore even though the new ZerOS Library (.zlbr format) contains almost twice as many fixtures as the "legacy" Zero 88 Library (.ift format), there's no guarantee fixtures in the legacy library are in the new ZerOS Library.

    If you have therefore programmed your show file in ZerOS 7.9.7 or earlier with the old library, and then loaded this show file into ZerOS 7.9.9, you may find you are unable to convert your fixtures to the new library version, if the fixture was in the old library, and not the new library. In these cases, please drop us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, detailing the fixtures missing from the new library, and we will make sure these fixtures are included for a future ZerOS Library release. In the meantime you can continue to use the "legacy" format fixtures in your show file.

    See the link below for more information...


    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  12. Hello,

    15 minutes ago, jb07 said:

    Why are my fixtures in red?

    Fixtures displayed in red in the Fixture Schedule and Add Fixtures, are fixtures that are not from the ZerOS fixture library. Instead, these fixtures are from other sources, and will not follow the same standard format as library fixtures. The Fixture Schedule gives the ability to convert these fixtures to their library version, if this fixture model and mode is included in the ZerOS Library. You don't have to convert the fixtures to the library format, and can continue to use them as usual. 

    For more information on converting fixtures, see the link below...


    If you have any questions let us know.


  13. Hello,

    8 hours ago, jb07 said:
    so the old fixtures I created are no longer compatible? do we have to use the official versions?

    Fixture files in the .ift format, are still compatible with the latest versions of ZerOS. You can continue to use these fixtures without issue, rather than using the fixtures contained in the library. To get any missing fixtures added to a future fixture library release, drop us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, with a link to the fixture's manual.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  14. Hi Emrys,

    15 hours ago, Emrys said:

    I've converted all the fixtures shown in red but, they are still showing as red, is this normal or have I missed doing something? Thanks

    When you click a red fixture in the "Convert Profiles" column, the console will offer a small selection of fixtures in the library, that ZerOS thinks could be the same make, model and mode as your current fixture. You can then choose the correct one to convert to. If instead you see a full list of fixtures, this means your fixture will be missing from the library. If you send us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com with a link to the fixture's manual, we will be able to get this fixture added to a future release.

    11 hours ago, kgallen said:

    This is not an issue you can still keep the ‘red’ fixtures. Pretty much all the ones I’ve created myself stay red.

    As Kevin says, there is no issue in leaving your fixtures "red" and continuing to use them - this just means they are not in the library format.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  15. Hi Nico,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    On 5/22/2021 at 2:32 PM, Bikearl said:

    I was wondering if i can convert a .isf file to .pdf file?

    Or in the best case, convert it to .Ascii or .Sho

    Apologies for the delayed reply, I somehow missed your post.

    It is not possible to export ZerOS show files to ASCII or PDF. You can export cue lists as CSV files. For clarity, show files saved in ZerOS 7.9.7 and earlier use the file extension .isf. In recent software versions show files will be saved in the .zos format.

    13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    FLX will happily gobble ASCII cues written out by e.g. ETC/Strand desks but doesn't honour that in the other direction

    Exporting as ASCII is definitely something we'd like to do. Currently there are features with much higher priority being worked on, so this is yet to be implemented.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  16. 27 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I would have thought the FLX S24 would be more than adequate unless you need absolute individual control over those 36 dimmers. 

    Yep, sounds like a FLX S console would be perfect, other than the mention of a close contact input. This would require the full FLX.


  17. Hi Ian,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    17 minutes ago, Ian Garland said:

    So what do I replace it with? We use it a couple of times a year for live shows running a max of 36 dimmers but most of the time it just operates 14 LED par cans as eye candy lighting before cinema screenings. The frog is set up to step via the aviation plug at the rear by a simple relay pulse. Is that something that exists on later Z88 desks?

    It would be worth taking a look at the FLX range of consoles as a replacement. If the close contact remote input is a must-have, then the full-size FLX console would be worth a look...


    If you can do without the close-contact input, then the FLX S48 would be a suitable replacement. For more information on FLX S consoles see the link below...


    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  18. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    11 hours ago, Chaddyfynn said:

    I've added a few too many fixtures using the patch wizard and have tried to unpatch them using the unpatch function (which has removed them from the universe - ie they don't appear in outputs view), but they still appear in fixtures view on setup, and on my MFFs. Any way to remove them without resetting the desk?

    Please could you confirm the software version running on your Orb XF? To find your software version, please tap the "Other Windows" button top left of the Output Window. From the drop-down choose System Info. In the window that opens will be a line of text showing the "Software Version". The latest software for Orb XF consoles is ZerOS 7.9.9. ZerOS 7.9.9 can be downloaded along with release notes from the link below...


    To remove fixtures in ZerOS 7.9.9, simply tap SETUP to view the Fixture Schedule, select the fixtures you wish to remove using syntax, and then tap the DELETE button. For more information see the link below...


    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  19. Hi Steve,

    2 minutes ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    I've litterally only just converted the fixture profile today so I think the legacy one is still in the desk.

    If you haven't yet tapped SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Fixture Files, the "legacy" versions will still be available in Add Fixtures on your console.

    3 minutes ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    Are there any compatibility implications this will cause should we revert and continue to use the legacy profile going forward?

    There will be no compatibility issues. Legacy fixture files can continue to be used as they were previously. The only thing to be aware of, is if you were to perform a fixture swap-out, the fixture should be converted to the library version first, prior to changing to a different fixture type.

    5 minutes ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    Is there any plans to reinstate the staggered macro in the newer fixture profiles as I've seen im not the first person to ask about this?

    Many fixtures in the ZerOS Library format still have a Lamp On macro. It just so happens a handful of Martin fixtures no longer have a Lamp On macro, and instead Lamp On can just be accessed from the fixture's Control parameter. We may look to bring these back in a future library update.

    If you have any questions let me know.


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