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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Jooj

    Please let me know how you get on.

    13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I'm astounded that a desk of this tender age can have dirty faders that bad. What environment is this desk used in?

    I would also agree that it sounds like the console is used in a very dusty environment to exhibit these symptoms. FLX S24 consoles were launched in 2017, so it can only be 4 years at the oldest.

    13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Also, I'm not sure "contact cleaner" is that wise for carbon track potentiometers??? This will strip the faders of their lubrication and is thus a downward spiral regards reliability and (electrical) noise.

    @kgallen Contact cleaner can be used VERY sparingly on these self-greasing faders (just a minute drop), which can bring them back to life if they are not registering correctly. Use air duster if you want to be on the safe side.

    If this doesn't solve the issue, the faders will need to be replaced.


  2. Hi Joshua,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    41 minutes ago, Joshua said:

    Yes, this is exactly what it looks like, I'm suspecting that it might be the issue here,

    As per the link @Jon Hole posted, devices that look like this rarely work with the MIDI Show Control protocol.

    42 minutes ago, Joshua said:

    Can you recommend any higher quality converters? I'm pretty new to midi and have no idea what to look out for.

    Any MIDI interfaces from reputable manufacturers should be compatible with the MIDI Show Control protocol. For testing and demonstrations, we use a MOTU MIDI interface.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  3. Bonjour

    Bienvenue sur le Forum Zéro 88.

    Merci pour la description détaillée de vos résultats en mode test.
    Je recommanderais d'injecter du "nettoyant de contact" dans les faders et de les travailler de haut en bas. Cela éliminera toute saleté pouvant causer un enregistrement incorrect des faders. Veuillez n'en utiliser qu'une très petite quantité dans chaque fader - une trop grande quantité causera des dommages permanents aux faders.

    Une fois que vous avez appliqué un nettoyeur de contact à chaque fader, redémarrez la console en mode Test, pour vous permettre de voir comment cela a affecté les faders.

    Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.



    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Thank you for the detailed description of your findings in Test Mode. 
    I would recommend squirting some "contact cleaner" into the faders, and working them up and down. This will clear out any grime that may be causing the faders to register incorrectly. Please only use a very small amount in each fader - too much will cause permanent damage to the faders.

    Once you have applied contact cleaner to each fader, boot the console into Test Mode again, to allow you to see how this has affected the faders.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  4. Hi Tony,

    2 hours ago, Tony B said:

    Is there anythimg else needed to do? I have done all the above but nothing is happening, I have a recorded chase and sound out from my mixer via aux monitor...

    You shouldn't need to do anything else - connect your audio feed, enable Sound to Light on a chase, and then run the chase...


    You may find it easiest to set the Chase's speed to 1 BPM - that way you can see the Sound To Light triggers more easily.

    If there doesn't seem to be any audio reaching the console, you can boot the console into Test Mode. For information on accessing Test Mode, please see the link below...


    If you choose the "Other Test" tab at the top, this will then show you the audio levels being received.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  5. Hello,

    11 hours ago, kinous said:

    I checked twice it matches. I also tried to swap or invert but I still have the same problem. 

    Thank you for checking.

    17 hours ago, kinous said:

    But with the B1R there is a bug on the position menu.

    When I turn the pan wheel it moves correctly but  the tilt is also moving back and forth at the same time. When I turn the pan wheel it moves from 1 cm back and forth only.

    Please find the updated fixture file attached...

    B1R Beam UPDATE.ift

    Please try this, and let me know how you get on.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  6. Hi @kinous

    The fixture file for the Stairville B1R Beam can be downloaded from the link below...

    https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/STAIRVILLE/B1R Beam.ift

    The fixture file for the Varytec Hero Wash 715 HEX LED can be downloaded from the link below...

    https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/VARYTEC/Hero Wash 715 HEX LED.ift

    For information on loading these fixture files into FLX S consoles, please see the link below...


    If you have any questions let me know.


  7. 41 minutes ago, Gafferted said:

    Thanks Edward, maybe something that could be added to a future release?

    No problem. Suggestion logged as reference number ZOS-10847 on our system.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  8. Hi Dave,

    40 minutes ago, davelowe said:

    there are 12 buttons to attribute to movers via profiles, is that all I can use or is there a banking system that I cant find/make work?

    Fat Frogs can control a total of 12 fixtures, using the 12 fixture keys. These can’t be paged. For information on the Fat Frog, including the manual, please see the link below…


    If you have any questions let us know.


  9. Hi @kinous

    3 hours ago, kinous said:

    I've sent you an email a few month ago about creating new fixtures but didn't received any answer.

    Sorry to hear this, could you confirm the address you emailed this to?

    I have forwarded your fixture request to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we’ll be able to get back to you next week. 

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  10. Hi Steve,

    7 hours ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    Hi Edward apologies I realised I never came back to you regarding this. We were shut for a further 6months following the Christmas lockdown and I just forgot sorry!

    All seems to be ok now following the latest software update!

    No problem. Glad to hear it.

    7 hours ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    Whats the possibility of putting touch friendly sliders on the mobile apps in place of the wheels? 

    I believe this is already logged on the system as a future enhancement. I can check next week. 

    If you have any questions let us know.


  11. Hi Steve,

    6 hours ago, Gingersteve91 said:

    Hello Again,

    Catching up on old topics today!

    We got to the bottom of this, it turned out to be an issue in the hardware of the controller for any address beyond 256.

    Prolight are (still) in the process of making us brand new controllers to replace the faulty ones. 


    Thanks very much for the update. Glad to hear you got to the bottom of this, and hope you get a replacement soon.


  12. Hi @gmanno

    Please could you confirm which software version you are currently on your FLX console? Please ensure you are running the latest software, which is currently ZerOS 7.9.9, prior to updating your console’s library. 

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  13. Hi Martin,

    10 minutes ago, martin o said:

    Thanks Edward. I couldn't think there was but having watched many of the You Tube tutorials and discovering the power of the FLXS, I thought I may have missed something. Again, excellent tutorials and support. Many thanks.

    No problem. Thanks very much for the feedback.

    If there's anything else you need just let us know.


  14. Hi @martin o

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    26 minutes ago, martin o said:

    Certain parts of a cue stack of a show I would like to capture and merge in to another show. I appreciate that renumbering may be required but being able to 'tack it' on the end of a new cue stack would be perfect.

    Upon loading a show file, you will completely wipe the current show file, and replace it with the loaded show. There is therefore no way of importing certain cues from one show into the current show file.

    Cues within a show file can be transferred to other playbacks in the same show file if required.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  15. Hi @beyond the blue,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    1 hour ago, beyond the blue said:

    Is there a quick way to get back to the missed cue without using the mouse or touch pad, like a one press back button?

    On FLX S48 consoles, there is not a dedicated Back button. However, you can configure the GO button, so that if you hold SHIFT and tap the GO button, you pause your cue transitions or go back to the previous cue. To do this, you can hold the SETUP key, and tap the Master Playback's button. This will open the Playback Settings. The bottom row of options are the button functions. If you hold the Z/SHIFT key, you will see the current shifted option indicated. Keeping the Z/Shift key held, tap the "Pause" option, and then release the Z/Shift key. You can then press OK on the Playback Settings.

    Now, if you are mid-way through a cue transition, SHIFT + GO will Pause the transition. Another press of SHIFT + GO, will Go back to the previous cue.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know.


  16. Hi @Lightescape Duncan

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

    Just got the FLX 48 and loving the ease of - well just about everything. 

    Really glad to hear you are enjoying your new FLX S48.

    1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

    I'm guessing its the wrong profile but what do I do?


    1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

    OK quick response by myself - did a bit of research and its the z b 242. - loaded and we are away.. 

    Great, glad to hear you were able to use a different fixture profile to control your fixture correctly.

    1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

    Ive got the channel details of the fixture, is it an easy thing to edit the profile?? or has someone else had this issue??

    If you wish to create or edit fixture files, you can use the free Fixture Editor application for PC. The Fixture Editor is included in the Fixture Tools package, which can be downloaded from the link below...


    For information on using the Fixture Editor, please see the link below...


    I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know.


  17. Hi @quisqui

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    19 minutes ago, quisqui said:

    it is imposible to mix colors as the fader that is activated the latest takes preference and complitely cancel the other one.

    By default, colour will mix between playbacks using Latest Takes Precedence. This means upon raising a playback, your lights will go to the colour recorded on the playback. They will not mix between the playback you have raised, and any existing playbacks that may be active.

    To achieve colour mixing on playbacks, such as creating yourself a Red, Green and Blue playback, see the link below...


    14 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    The previous thread in this section of the forum is the same question.

    Please also have a read of the thread @kgallen linked to, which includes other tips and advice.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let us know.


  18. Hi Otter,

    12 hours ago, Otter said:

    You need to disable "release on lower" for the intensity fader! Otherwise it will overwrite the colors when turning of the fixtures light, so next time u need to set all color fades again from below. With disabled "release on lower" the color mix will stay, even when intensity is 0%.

    That is exactly right. However, the drawback of doing this is if you lower your intensity playback with release on lower disabled, and then go to bring up the fixtures manually, they won't illuminate, as the intensity playback will still be telling them to be black. Therefore if the intensity playback is lowered with release on lower enabled, it releases control, allowing you to then control your fixtures manually again.

    12 hours ago, Otter said:

    Maybe You guys wann add this hint to the video. ;)

    I have added this as a tip to the bottom of this page...


    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


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