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Upgrading to 7.11


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I have been trying this out on Phantom in advance of going to the venue. It seems to work fine and I get the expected results on Capture.

However, I was surprised to see that all fixtures now show as orange on my latest showfile which had been saved at software level 7.10, previously I had a mixture of white ones for known lights and red ones for ones created from the .ift editor. Most of the ones that were white offer up the library one to update to (with the usual nuisance resetting of the description field) but the red ones don’t offer up anything, or even show the channel attributes. Will importing the fixture .ift file help at all at showing the attributes?

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Hi @delicolor

15 hours ago, delicolor said:

However, I was surprised to see that all fixtures now show as orange on my latest showfile which had been saved at software level 7.10, previously I had a mixture of white ones for known lights and red ones for ones created from the .ift editor.

Please see page 5 of the ZerOS 7.11 release notes...


There has been an update to the Change Profiles column for clarity. In ZerOS 7.11, ANY fixture that is not from the current ZerOS Library installed on the console, will be shown in red. This then provides the ability to change fixtures from earlier show files to their latest library version, or convert custom .ift files to their library equivalent if available. See the link below for more information...


15 hours ago, delicolor said:

the red ones don’t offer up anything, or even show the channel attributes. Will importing the fixture .ift file help at all at showing the attributes?

Any fixtures displayed in red, simply mean the fixtures are not from the ZerOS Library, and may not be able to take advantage of all the latest features. They can be controlled and played back in the same way as earlier software. Fixtures are always included in show files, so upon loading a show ZerOS will have everything it needs to import the fixtures, without the need for the original .ift file. 

When you say the fixtures don't show the channel attributes, do you mean no tabs are available along the top of the touchscreen when you try to control them? 

Please feel free to email us a copy of your show file that shows the issue, and we will investigate further.

15 hours ago, delicolor said:

(with the usual nuisance resetting of the description field)

This is logged as reference number ZOS-10745 on our system. I have raised the priority of this functionality.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I just mean that when I tap on a red profile entry from the fixture schedule, if not recognised it just shows as per the screen. I assumed it would have listed the attributes as per the .ist of the fixture, not just an empty black box.

It isn't an issue, I just thought it would work slightly differently.


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Hi @delicolor

13 minutes ago, delicolor said:

I just mean that when I tap on a red profile entry from the fixture schedule, if not recognised it just shows as per the screen. I assumed it would have listed the attributes as per the .ist of the fixture, not just an empty black box.


Thank you for sharing a picture of the console. If you have attempted to convert your fixtures, and there is no fixture model/mode listed, this usually means your fixtures are not yet included in the ZerOS Library. Tapping "Show All" will show you the full Add Fixtures list with your fixture selected, and parameter list shown.

Hope this helps.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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