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Macros gone for lamp on LAMP ON Leap Frog 48


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I am having some problems with my leapfrog 48 where about 2/3 months ago we had in the macros panel when we selected a vari-lite 2500 Wash there would be a option to lamp on and lamp off but about 2 months ago those 2 options disappeared and now I have to go into beamshape and do it manually but that is quite an inconvenience. In the macro tab now I don't even have the option to generate new macros, the screen on the board is blank. What can I do to bring them back? 

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Hi @glitcher0

The VariLite VL2500 Wash fixture personality has 4 fixture macros available:

  • [Fixture Display 100%]
  • [Fixture Global Reset]
  • [Lamp Off]
  • [Lamp On]

These will be created after patching the fixture and tapping Automatically Create Macros in the Macros window.

If this doesn't appear to be working for you, please email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi @glitcher0

16 minutes ago, glitcher0 said:

on the macro tab on the board we have no macro options for any of our lights as well as not having the button to create macros, it is completely blank

Please could you confirm the current software version installed on your console?

If you haven't created any custom macros, I would recommend clearing all fixture macros. To do this tap SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Macros.

Then, exit SETUP, and hold SHIFT and tap MACRO, to open the Macros window. You should see a Automatically Create Macros button available if your fixtures have fixture macros available.

If you save a copy of your show file to a USB drive and email this to us, we can investigate.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi @glitcher0

1 hour ago, glitcher0 said:

Thank you @Edward Z88

All I had to do was shift macros as it was not on the board but on the screen, thank you!

Thank you for the update, pleased to hear you can now access your macros.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi @glitcher0

If you wish to control multicell fixtures with your Leapfrog console, I'd recommend installing ZerOS 7.10, available from the link below...


If you do not wish to control multicell fixtures, ZerOS software can be downloaded from the link below...


Installation instructions are available here...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi @glitcher0

On 2/12/2022 at 8:35 PM, glitcher0 said:

Hi @Edward Z88

Can you explain what multicell is please?


A "multicell" fixture, is a single fixture with multiple light outputs, that can each be controlled individually.

For information on multicell fixtures, please watch the video below...

For more information, please see the link below...


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 5 months later...
On 2/11/2022 at 9:35 AM, Edward Z88 said:

Hi @glitcher0

If you wish to control multicell fixtures with your Leapfrog console, I'd recommend installing ZerOS 7.10, available from the link below...


If you do not wish to control multicell fixtures, ZerOS software can be downloaded from the link below...


Installation instructions are available here...


Hope this helps,


Hi, Its been a longtime but I am now getting around to updating the desk. I see 7.12 is out now, will that work on my desk?


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Hi @glitcher0

4 minutes ago, glitcher0 said:

Hi, Its been a longtime but I am now getting around to updating the desk. I see 7.12 is out now, will that work on my desk?

Yes - ZerOS 7.12 software is available for Leapfrog consoles. 

ZerOS 7.12 can be downloaded from the link below, along with release notes...


Hope this helps.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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