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Dear All,

ZerOS Library 3.0 has now been released. This is available for ZerOS consoles running ZerOS 7.10 software and later.

This release contains 27,914 fixtures.

ZerOS Library 3.0, along with further information, can be downloaded from the Library page below...

For installation instructions, see the link below...


Legacy Consoles

If your console cannot run ZerOS 7.10 software or later, individual fixture files that you require can be downloaded from the link below...
https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/


Additional Fixtures

If the fixture you wish to control is missing from the latest library, see the link below...


If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Edward,

Thank you for this new library.

I still have a question about this new ZerOS and this 3.0 library for 7.10 and later.

I have 95% of my hundred current projectors which are in the old library (gts41.0) and not in this new one (3.0).

- Quad 188 (36 units)

- "ParZoom", (12 units)
- "LSP1218", (20 units)
- "LS200Z", (4 units)
- "Bowlder 4012wash" (2 units)
- "LSW1915" (5 units)

- "PAR64 CAN" (12 units)

I see that in this new 3.0 library, there are some other old projectors that I also own and which are also not RDM...

from Stairville

- MH-X 200 (6 units)
- MH-Z 1915 (5 units)

What are reasons that many projectors have been choose for be in this new librairie and some other not ?

In the future, can the fact that this projectors that are only in gts40 library that not enter in the future version 4.0 can cause problems and be unusable by the FLX ?


Have a good day and take care of yourself


1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


Hi Eric,

2 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

What are reasons that many projectors have been choose for be in this new librairie and some other not ?

The "ZerOS Library" format, that was introduced in ZerOS 7.9.8 software, uses a completely different database to the original Zero 88 Global Library. There is therefore no guarantee that the less-common fixtures will be included in the ZerOS Library.

2 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

- Quad 188 (36 units)

- "ParZoom", (12 units)
- "LSP1218", (20 units)
- "LS200Z", (4 units)
- "Bowlder 4012wash" (2 units)
- "LSW1915" (5 units)

I have raised the priority of these fixtures, to get these added to a future ZerOS Library release.

2 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

- "PAR64 CAN" (12 units)

There are four Cameo PAR 64 fixtures in ZerOS Library 3.0. Please email us a copy of your fixture's manual to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we will investigate.

2 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

from Stairville

- MH-X 200 (6 units)
- MH-Z 1915 (5 units)

These fixtures are already included in ZerOS Library 3.0. If you cannot find them, please email us a copy of the fixture's manuals to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we will investigate.

2 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

In the future, can the fact that this projectors that are only in gts40 library that not enter in the future version 4.0 can cause problems and be unusable by the FLX ?

Fixtures in the original .ift format, will remain compatible with future versions of ZerOS. Individual .ift files can be downloaded from the link below...

https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/

Electroconcept fixtures are available here...

https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/ELECTROCONCEPT/

Ledstage fixtures are available here...

https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/LEDSTAGE/


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist




Thank a lot for your answers.


Can you speak about 7.10 update... 

This update can be use for performance or is it a little bit premature ?


Thank a lot Edward

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


Hi Eric,

10 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

Can you speak about 7.10 update... 

This update can be use for performance or is it a little bit premature ?

We have received excellent feedback regarding the stability of ZerOS 7.10 software.

We are aware of a potential crash in this software when running on legacy consoles. This issue is not present in the FLX range of consoles. We have a beta version available for legacy consoles that solves the issue.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Good thing ! Thank for the good new !

  • Like 1

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Dear Edward, 



I Have had some problems with my jester 24/48. Error 3, and after looking on Forum, I find solution.

Changing the battery 2032, I did it today, reset the Jester and all is going good.

For the FLX there is also a Battery to change ? 



I have a question regarding a  fixture that I have. "ParZoom", from LedStage.

So I have a fixture that working good, (I will send to you, because other fixture that you did before, are not working good...)
So this fixture is working with only with green, Blue, Red, and there is aseparate control for the white.
So on other fixture from other brands, the three colors are included with white in the shades, without a separate control.

Do you think that is possible to have a fixture that can incorporate white?


Other question about a other fixture ...

It s about Ledstage Bolder"4012WASH".

For using this fixture I must open the lens on strobe setting "104 to 107" for having light.

how can I have in the basic settings of this fixture, a value of the stroboscope between 104 to 107 ? 


Thank for your help




1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


thank for your answers.


1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w


Thank Edward !

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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