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Zeros 7.10 download


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Hi @Troncosauce

The direct link to the ZerOS 7.10 download is available here...


This software is available, along with Phantom ZerOS, the release notes, and ZerOS Monitor, from the ZerOS page here...


Please see the link below for installation instructions...


I hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Hi @M. Torka

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

37 minutes ago, M. Torka said:

When I try to load the ZerOS from USB stick, load Setup  & Palettes, I get the respose:

The latest software for FLX S consoles is ZerOS 7.10. Is there a particular reason you are trying to install ZerOS

For installation instructions please see the link below…


I hope this helps. Please let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward, 

in my understanding 7.9 is higher = newer than 7.1......but nevertheless, the actual update is 7.10.

I´ve downloaded this .exe file from your website, transferred the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and put it into the FLX S24 USB input.

The initial situation on the console is seen on Pic1.

The I did it as recommended, see progress in the Pic2,3,4 and 5.

What is wrong? Why can the console not find the update file?????

KR MariusPic2.jpg.5cd6ed14620dfe3eedffbb381ff21f68.jpg

Unfortunately I´ve no idea and need your help.


KR Marius




Edited by Edward Z88
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Hi Marius,

Thank you for attaching images of the process.

13 hours ago, M. Torka said:

I´ve downloaded this .exe file from your website, transferred the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and put it into the FLX S24 USB input.

13 hours ago, M. Torka said:

What is wrong? Why can the console not find the update file?????

Good question. From your images, everything seems to be correct. You will receive this "Unable to open Upgrade package" error message when loading "Phantom ZerOS" into a console, but shouldn't see this when loading the console software.

If you haven't tried already, please download a fresh copy of the software, and transfer this to the USB drive and overwrite the original file. Please then plug this into the console, tap SETUP, tap Load File, and then choose ZerOS 7.10.exe and click OK. As a side note, the "Load Options" are only used when loading in show files.

Please let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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On 12/8/2021 at 10:18 AM, Edward Z88 said:

Hi Marius,

Thank you for attaching images of the process.

Good question. From your images, everything seems to be correct. You will receive this "Unable to open Upgrade package" error message when loading "Phantom ZerOS" into a console, but shouldn't see this when loading the console software.

If you haven't tried already, please download a fresh copy of the software, and transfer this to the USB drive and overwrite the original file. Please then plug this into the console, tap SETUP, tap Load File, and then choose ZerOS 7.10.exe and click OK. As a side note, the "Load Options" are only used when loading in show files.

Please let me know how you get on.



On 12/8/2021 at 10:18 AM, Edward Z88 said:

Hi Marius,

Thank you for attaching images of the process.

Good question. From your images, everything seems to be correct. You will receive this "Unable to open Upgrade package" error message when loading "Phantom ZerOS" into a console, but shouldn't see this when loading the console software.

If you haven't tried already, please download a fresh copy of the software, and transfer this to the USB drive and overwrite the original file. Please then plug this into the console, tap SETUP, tap Load File, and then choose ZerOS 7.10.exe and click OK. As a side note, the "Load Options" are only used when loading in show files.

Please let me know how you get on.


Hi Edward, 

in my understanding 7.9 is higher = newer than 7.1......but nevertheless, the actual update is 7.10.

I´ve downloaded this .exe file from your website, transferred the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and put it into the FLX S24 USB input.

The initial situation on the console is seen on Pic1.

The I did it as recommended, see progress in the Pic2,3,4 and 5.

What is wrong? Why can the console not find the update file?????

KR MariusPic1.jpg.3b8520babafb29c099531edb701c1dea.jpgPic2.jpg.5cd6ed14620dfe3eedffbb381ff21f68.jpg

Unfortunately I´ve no idea and need your help.


KR Marius



Hi Edward, I did it as you´ve described:

following messages:

Looking for upgrade package.

Opening upgrade package

Reading upgrade script

Unable to read upgrade script

upgrade failed.


Is it possible, that the 7.1 upgrade file on your website has a problem?


I´m frustrated


KR Marius






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Hi Marius,

2 minutes ago, M. Torka said:

Is it possible, that the 7.1 upgrade file on your website has a problem?

I have checked the file, and can confirm it is not corrupt. We also haven't had any other reports of this.

To confirm, the latest software is ZerOS 7.10, not 7.1.

If you are still experiencing difficulty with this, it may be easiest to jump on a call together to see what may be causing the issue.

Please email support@zero88.com, and let me know a time that works for you to chat this through.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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