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Midi trigger of main playback


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Hi Simon,

There are 3 different MIDI Protocols FLX supports. These are MIDI Timecode (MTC), MIDI Show Control (MSC) and MIDI Notes. All three can be used to trigger cues on the Master Playback. The article below goes through each of these, and how they can be configured on FLX...


Hope this helps, if you have any questions just let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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On 9/3/2019 at 5:21 PM, Edward- Z88 said:

Hi Simon,

There are 3 different MIDI Protocols FLX supports. These are MIDI Timecode (MTC), MIDI Show Control (MSC) and MIDI Notes. All three can be used to trigger cues on the Master Playback. The article below goes through each of these, and how they can be configured on FLX...


Hope this helps, if you have any questions just let me know.


so my software can do basic MIDI channel messages (Note On, Program Change etc) but not MIDI Show Control so is it possible with these to just trigger a GO on the main playback?

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Hi Simon,

With MIDI Notes, each individual Note command triggers each individual cue. For example when the console is set to Notes triggering Cues, and it receives a MIDI Note On 10 command, the console will trigger cue 10 in the currently viewed playback. 

If you wanted to simply emulate a Go button press with the same MIDI Note command, you could do this, however via programming a Macro. 

Firstly, program a macro that presses your Go button. You can do this by tapping RECORD MACRO x ENTER (where x is an empty macro number) -> Keys -> Press your Playback's Go button -> MACRO. Now, view an empty playback, and program an empty cue. Go into this cue's settings -> Macros... -> Macro Add -> Choose your Macro -> OK -> OK. Now, whenever you send a MIDI Note 1 command and you are viewing this single cue macro playback, it will emulate a Go button press of your main cue stack.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Hi Edward,

Can you please update the KB article with this - or at least equivalent - detailed information. I was interested in the process so had a read of the KB you quoted. The article really is lightweight in this respect as clearly from your replies on this thread there is more to setting up MIDI triggers than the article implies. The article simply says "MIDI Notes cause a Go to the cue corresponding to the Note-On message on the currently viewed/selected playback. Programmed Fade times are used, and velocity information is ignored." From your explanation above, it's quite clear the process is much more involved and requires MACROs - MACRO is not mentioned anywhere in the KB.

Thanks, Kevin

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Hi Kevin,

Macros are only required if you want a single Note command to emulate a Go button press. In most uses of MIDI Notes as the article describes, the Note number you send to the console, will trigger that cue number on the viewed playback.

I will however add this information as a tip under the Note's Cues section.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Hi Simon,

2 hours ago, SimonH said:

is there a way, using remote, that I can view the cue list of the main playback whilst the desk is in the macro playback?

On FLX consoles, only one playback can be viewed at a time, so in your set up for the MIDI Notes to work you will need to be viewing the macro playback. By viewing, this means the playback has been chosen by holding VIEW and tapping the playback's button, so that it is brought into the cue list window. You can then continue to use the other desktops.

If you would like to remotely see what cue you're in, you could move your main playback to an empty playback on the multi-function faders. You could then remotely view the Faders desktop, which indicates the current and next cue number for each playback. You would need to re-record your macro with the new playback go button if you wished to do this.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/6/2019 at 10:23 AM, Edward- Z88 said:

For example when the console is set to Notes triggering Cues, and it receives a MIDI Note On 10 command, the console will trigger cue 10 in the currently viewed playback. 

Hi Edward,

we can't trigger point cues using that method, right? ( I know they can be triggered with MIDI Show Control. )

So I can either renumber my memories so point cues I made earlier get transformed to integers or use the single note command via Macro, correct?  Including this info in the KB article could also be helpful to users.

Edited by Delete-0-Enter
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On 9/23/2019 at 8:38 PM, Delete-0-Enter said:

we can't trigger point cues using that method, right?

That's correct. The MIDI Notes standard only allows for whole note numbers.

On 9/23/2019 at 8:38 PM, Delete-0-Enter said:

So I can either renumber my memories so point cues I made earlier get transformed to integers or use the single note command via Macro, correct?  Including this info in the KB article could also be helpful to users.

Correct. Thank you - knowledgebase article updated.

All the best,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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  • 2 years later...

Hi @TimC

20 hours ago, TimC said:

Edward I would like to view this article but the link dpesnt work for me. When I go to zero88 support the address is https://zero88.com/support

As @Davidmk mentions, all of the ZerOS articles on the knowledge base site have been migrated to their relevant section of the ZerOS online manual. The MIDI Notes section is available here…


Hope this helps. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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