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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Jon Hole

  1. On 11/14/2016 at 1:16 PM, Jon Hole said:

    there's a new, single way of requesting fixture profiles from Eaton.


    On 11/14/2016 at 1:16 PM, Jon Hole said:

    a new email address has been setup for requesting profiles:



    20 hours ago, Jon Hole said:

    If you email us, as per the above instructions, we can get it made for you

    Thanks Jolyon, please email all that information, including the attachment, to the team so they can create it for you.

  2. 11 hours ago, Jolyon said:

    We have 8 LEDJ stage colour quad fixtures which are used as both houselights and a colour wash on our main stage. I cannot find these in the fixture library. Have they been deleted as obsolete or were they never there. It is essential that we have these available to our new S 48 for obvious reasons. I have tried the links both to the full fixture list and the article on creating a custom fixture, but without response. Could you advise please.

    If you email us, as per the above instructions, we can get it made for you

  3. 10 hours ago, kgallen said:

    I'm still not clear why you want to hard-separate current and legacy products. Users don't know or care what their product fits under and your product line moves on so this implies you need to keep reshuffling the website to move stuff over - I'm not clear who gains from such partitioning? The user has to search multiple places and you have to keep moving stuff. Then as now we find the good current stuff has wandered off into the legacy section. Sure, on a product page mark it in big flashing words at the top that it's a discontinued product but why artificially separate in the support portal? More appropriate partitiioning is consoles, dimmers etc like it is on the Zero88 front page.

    Completely agree, which is why we're trying to bring it all together onto the new website. This will happen in phases, but the end goal is a single website, with a single search function. However, the website is also a marketing tool - so current product will always take "pride of place" and have all the pictures etc! Legacy products will then be listed as-per the screenshot above.

    10 hours ago, kgallen said:

    having had a look at the Beta site, it is looking nice and much more usable. Much less fussy than what you showed me back in April

    Glad you think we're going in the right direction!

    10 hours ago, kgallen said:

    I'd be interested to see how quickly I can get to the critical support articles when I'm on a phone with a weak 3G connection. 

    Many of the images are currently "full res" rather than "web quality", so once we change those that should help. Some pages which are picture heavy will have some elements that won't be displayed on the mobile version, which will hopefully also help.

  4. Hi Kevin,

    4 hours ago, kgallen said:

    (Jeez, Edward those "Download" and "Support" sections are just truly awful. Is it ever going to get sorted into an accessible resource? You can't find anything in the damn area. Casual visitors have no chance. As I've said many times before - I know what I'm looking for and I still have to hunt around - and I know there is stuff under there somewhere. Frog-wise it's just a jumble and ZerOS-wise half of the useful stuff for FLX is under the "Legacy" Orb/XF sections.)

    We're approx a month away from launching our new website, that sets us up to solve some of these issues:

    1) All downloads for current products (such as ZerOS, Fixture Library etc) will be much more simply downloadable directly from the relevant product page, and looks a little like this:


    2) Legacy products will be listed and, at start, will link directly to the relevant area of the knowledgeable. Once launched, one-by-one each of these legacy products (all 47 years worth!) will be converted to a "normal" product pages, making all the downloads work exactly the same as current products. The knowledgebase / forum will then not be used for any downloads what-so-ever.


    3) We plan to transition the knowledgebase over to the new website as a Phase 2 development. Eaton's nanorep platform was a significant improvement over our old knowledgebase, but the search, URL structures and breadcrumbs just aren't performing how we were promised or how we'd like, so we'll bring it all back in house!

    Our beta testers can see how the website's coming along via the link within the beta forum. 

  5. Dear All,

    Zero 88 Fixture Library version 38 has now been released.

    For full information, please visit: http://zero88.com/software/library

    This release contains 10380 fixtures from 360 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library please click here.

    The library is released in 2 formats:

    • Full version for desks running ZerOS software (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX Series, and Leap Frog 48 & 96).
    • Filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion 500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before using it.


    Download & Installation
    The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below.

    The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick.

    ZerOS desks (FLX, FLX S, ORB Series, Solution series and Leap Frog 48 & 96)
    To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap SETUP, tap "Load File", then select the GFT.ift file.

    To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap SETUP, tap "Load File", then select the GFT.ift file.

    JesterML & JesterTL
    The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. 

    Frog Series and Illusion 500
    Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. 

    The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. 

    Sirius 250/500
    Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500.

    Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual.


    Additional Fixtures
    If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, please read the following thread:


  6. Hi Rhys,

    Are you using the unit in 16 channel or 8 channel mode?

    According to the manual (PDF page 9, manual page 16E/17E), for the 16 channel mode it's correct that shutter defaults at 011 (between "008" and "015" is "Shutter Open") because there's a separate dimmer channel for controlling intensity. If Shutter wasn't defaulted to this, you'd have to control two separate parameters just to get light output from the future.

    The 8 channel mode is slightly more odd - there is still dimmer control, but for some bizarre reason it's combined with the Prism channel. Presumably this means you can only use the prism at full intensity. This mode looks like it's designed more for simple clubs, DJs and parties rather than for a programmed performance / event - so I'd strongly suggest switching to 16 channel mode if you're currently in 8 channel mode.

    Hope this helps,


  7. Hi Phil,

    Sorry about that - a couple people have found the same issue, which we’re investigating.

    You can download this file, load it into your console, turn it off, turn it back on, click “Automatically Create Effect Palettes” and you should be back up and running!


  8. It looks like the Shark Combi-Spot has some gobos that could help provide some texture? Overlap the beams and ensure they're out of focus. You could then play with adding in some "animation" but I'm not sure Pan and Tilt are the correct option. Maybe try adding a sine wave to the focus parameter just to bring the gobo in an out of focus (although never a hard focus). Potentially a slight intensity effect too.

    With the LEDs, you could try putting a small sine effect on the Green and Blue channels just to slowly pulse them slightly, and offset that across the fixtures - probably randomly, but maybe see if offsetting them in order helps suggest movement. Give the Green and Blue parameters slightly different speed and sizes from each other so you don't always get exactly the same shades.




  9. Hi Martin,

    I almost went down this route in my reply, but thought that it was adding unnecessary complexity.

    It’s certainly true that a lot of devices do - the MacBook Pro certainly, and probably the switch. However, I couldn’t guarantee this, and “correct procedure” would be to use a crossover cable in this situation.

  10. Hi Jason, Alex, Martin, Kevin and Joe,

    Thank you for continuing to provide feedback on this - we're still investigating but unfortunately haven't been able to reliability recreate the Effects Library missing yet. We've given the issue an internal reference of ZOS-9342 while we investigate.


  11. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.9.5 software - a new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, FLX & FLXS, SCD Server (& Pro) and Leap Frog 48 & 96.

    More information can be found at zero88.com/software/zeros

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. Our contact details are:

    email: support@zero88.com
    phone: 01633 838088

    Best Regards,

  12. The Auto Palette does the following:

    1. Takes Red to 100% and applies no effect to the parameter
    2. Takes Green & Blue to 50% and applies an effect to the parameters (the waveform function was previously called "Mark On", but in the new software called "Step (7/8)"). The waveforms are at 100% size, so because these parameters are set to 50% (the "midpoint"), the effect switches the parmaeters between 0% and 100%.

    When this is running, manually taking Green to 100% means this becomes the "midpoint" of the waveform (which is at 100% size), so the waveforms will  switch the parameter between 50% and theoretically 150% (realistically just 100%). Therefore the result is switching between Red @ 100%, Green @ 50% (so "Orange") and Red @ 100%, Green at 100% (so "Yellow").

  13. Kevin's correct - you can use the "Red Step Off" effect, and then use the offset buttons in the Effect Palettes Window to offset those across your fixtures (and use the speed encoder to adjust the speed of the effect).

    In the next release of software (currently in beta), this effect is called "Sparkle - Red" - it's exactly the same effect, but by default is faster with a random offset - however you can choose to slow it down and take it back to a forward offset if you wish.

  14. Hi Samuel,

    All FLX S24 consoles have a limit of 48 fixtures (FLX S48 consoles have a limit of 96 fixtures).

    A fixture is a “physical device” - an LED unit, a moving light, a smoke machine, etc.

    1U consoles also have a limit of 512 DMX channels. That means, if you wanted to patch 48 moving lights, each one could only take up approx 10 DMX channels each before you run out - which is not very many by today’s standards. However, it’s usually not a problem as most people only want to patch a handful of moving lights, and the rest are LEDs, dimmers etc (which usually only take up a few DMX channels each, freeing up the rest for “larger” moving lights).

    A 2U console doubles the number of DMX channels available (to 1024), meaning each moving light can now take up 21 DMX channels each (there is still the same limit of 48 physical devices).

    You can choose to purchase either a 1U or a 2U console. If you choose the 1U console, you can upgrade it online at any time - zero88.com/upgrade - the current cost is £250+VAT

    Hope this helps? Feel free to ask more questions!

  15. To add onto Edward's comments, tonight we've released ZerOS to our Beta Test forum. I've also written this note in the Beta forum:


    As I'm sure you're more than aware, ZerOS 7.9.5 is significantly later than we intended. This is part due to the shier number of features included within the release and part due to a heighten standard for software testing. The end is very much insight and I thank you massively for your support in software testing and your patience whilst waiting for the release.


  16. Dear all,

    Over in our "Software Testing and Beta Releases" forum, we’re gathering information regarding how Lighting Programmers & Operators currently use, or would like to use, Pixel Mapping functionality on Lighting Consoles (not dedicated Media Servers).

    We'd appreciate your feedback (no matter how much experience you do or don't have!) - so if you'd like to take part, and do not have access to our Software Testing forum, please drop me an email with your Forum username.

    Many thanks,


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