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Posts posted by Davidmk

  1. Still haven't got this working, not sure why. I think I need to check the addresses on the fixtures and my assignment of them to channels. It's complicated because some are paired with the same address while others have unique addresses but paired on the same channel. (It's to do with keeping the rig down to one universe but it's not how I'd do it.)

    I think I'm in for the long term so anyone hoping to do this themselves best not hold their breath 😕

  2. 5 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:

    For more information on triggering/releasing playbacks, please see the link below...


    I should have started there shouldn't I? Especially after directing others to "RTFM" 🙂

    My next gig's get in is later than usual so I could arrive early and give myself a couple of hours playtime before having to start work in earnest. Let's see what I can find out.

  3. So, yesterday's gig was busier than expected and I didn't get a lot of time to spend on this but I did try it.

    First up, I used macros to trigger the playbacks - as in I recorded a macro for each playback and then called those from my chase steps. I have a feeling that wasn't what Edward meant but lack of time stopped me from using the playback trigger instead.

    With macros, the results were mixed. It does work if the Tap Tempo is slow but I think latency is a problem because, if you speed it up, it seems to miss steps out. Snag is that, when it is running fast, it is difficult to be sure about that and I can't see the actual fixtures from the desk (I have to go down a floor and out into the auditorium) so I can't increase the speed gradually and look for a breakdown point.

    Back in theatre next Friday, I'll give it another go then. Watch this space.

  4. Thanks both.

    Release seems to be the missing factor in all this. I'll have a play Thursday when I'm in the theatre next and report back. In addition to lots of playbacks, I'll have a go with multiple cues in one playback (unless you can tell me for sure it won't work - it would be easier to manage).

  5. Thanks Kevin. I did wonder about using release. I don't think you can release a particular step/cue though, so step 2 can't release step 1, etc. If you release the whole playback then of course it stops running. Using a number of playbacks is an interesting way round that though. It might even be possible to use one playback with multiple cues as I recall macros run at the end of the step (so each step of the chase could release the playback before triggering the next cue in the playback) but that's probably getting too ambitious to start with.

    Let's see what Edward thinks.

    PS. I've done a modified sparkle in the past where it didn't alter the existing colour but, sadly, I haven't got it in my current showfile.  It's not what I want here though, you can't use tap tempo on effects.

  6. I have been trying to record a particular colour chase on LEDs and failed. Obviously I'm missing something - can anyone help?

    What I want is to set each fixture in turn to white (as in R, G, B & W at 100%) but return to whatever colour it was before (as set by another, current, cue) when the next step runs. This should give the effect of a white light running through all the fixtures.

    I've tried recording the steps as cue only with smart tag off and being very careful to manually tag all the colour values. I've cleared the programmer after each step.

    The chase I get sets each fixture to white in turn but leaves it white as all the other steps execute until they are all white. I admit I am a few versions behind but I suspect its down to me doing it wrong rather than there being something that has been fixed in a newer version.

    Anyone ever made a chase like this work? One which sets the fixture back to a specific colour would not be what I'm after but any other suggestion would be most welcome.

  7. See Special Playback Functions in the manual.

    Never tried it but the manual does say "there’s nothing special or different about the Master Playback compared to the other playbacks"

    You should also be able to set it up as an inhibit master if there are channels (like your house lights) that you don't want it to control.

  8. Everything Edward says is, of course, correct. I would add another reason which is that many dimmers remember their last state until they get a new DMX signal. From this it follows that the last state on the desk should be all intensities to zero with the desk turned off last.

    That said, in our venue, the main power switches for the dimmers are in the dimmer room, nearer the stage door than the desk position (I pass it on the way in while dragging my desk behind me) so I turn them on first, then its the desk, power to the DMX fixtures and lamp-on to the moving heads (when I'm ready to use them). Been doing it that way for 20yrs, along with the other lampies with no issues (and still on the original dimmers). While the above is best some justifiable variations might be possible depending on the rig.

  9. Ah, now I've been trying OHP film with the buttons and labels printed onto it with a cut out plastic frame underneath. It works but I think I need a precision cut frame.

    I print the OHP in reverse and then turn it over so the ink is protected - especially useful if I wanted to put traditional LX tape labels on top and I attach it to the frame (and the frame to the Launch) with double sided tape. I'm happy with that part of it.

    In trying to make the frame a precise match I printed the button layout onto an A4 label and stuck that to my sheet of 1.5mm plastic but my cutting out with a Stanley knife left a lot to be desired. I only cut out the outside, not the little bits in between the buttons, but it was still too rough and I snapped the frame in one place.

    It worked though - I was afraid that pressing a button might trigger one of the adjacent buttons but that didn't seem to be a problem so the principle seems sound.

    I have been toying with buying a cnc cutter as it could open up some possibilities in other projects. Making frames in a precise and repeatable way may just be the excuse I need and if it works out I'll be able to make as many as I want with very little effort. :)

  10. On a parallel note...

    If you must put a date in a file name then using international standard date format (year month day) will keep your versions in order (when sorted by file name). So rather than "morely dance sept 2020 r1" call your file "morely dance 2020 09 r1"

    Just a suggestion of course.


  11. 3 hours ago, stowedout said:

    output both CC and note info but we will have to choose

    I think it's more a matter of not having a choice, those controllers with buttons you can't use because they only send CCs. Enabling both CCs and notes would mean you could fire a given pb with either the note or CC with the equivalent value. You'd still only get the first 128 playbacks maximum.

    (From here I assume you have chosen to use as many midi controls as possible, references to 128 would, of course, be less if you only have a few controls on your chosen midi device.)

    5 hours ago, stowedout said:

    Do we not already have Midi note control of Macros as soon as they are assigned to a playback

    Yes, we do. It still means reserving the first 128 playbacks, mostly doing nothing themselves, just redirecting to macros to do things with other playbacks.

    It is worth noting that you don't actually have to have a recorded macro if all you want to do is trigger a cue in another playback - there's syntax you can type into the advanced option of the cues macro setup. I discovered this too late but, actually, I quite like having a recorded macro so I've kept it that way.

    Firing the 1st 128 macros direct from midi removes a step from the setup along with the related "opportunity" to call the wrong one. It frees up those 128 playbacks (nearly half of them) returning the flexibility to run from whichever page you want and pushes all your midi stuff into the background where you are less likely to record over it or delete it.

    Finally, and this is an obsession born from 45 years of programming computers, it's just right - it is the obvious thing that should be triggered by an external input because it effectively makes that input do whatever you want it to.


    On 10/23/2020 at 1:50 PM, Davidmk said:

    maybe you could fiddle with the code around "first note"

    If you could choose your own start point for notes and CCs then you could have pbs 1 to 128 controlled by notes and 129 to 256 controlled by CCs (except you couldn't because there's only 240 pbs but you get the idea).

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