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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @M. Torka

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    37 minutes ago, M. Torka said:

    When I try to load the ZerOS from USB stick, load Setup  & Palettes, I get the respose:

    The latest software for FLX S consoles is ZerOS 7.10. Is there a particular reason you are trying to install ZerOS

    For installation instructions please see the link below…


    I hope this helps. Please let me know how you get on.


  2. Salut Delfine,

    Merci d'avoir joint votre fichier de spectacle. Veuillez trouver l'export .csv joint du Master Playback...


    Les valeurs des paramètres sont affichées en DMX avec des détails et des références de palette.

    Si vous souhaitez exporter d'autres lectures ou exporter avec d'autres options de valeur, veuillez me le faire savoir.

    Notre équipe logicielle enquête actuellement sur la cause de l'absence d'informations dans l'exportation csv. Dès que j'aurai une version du logiciel qui résout ce problème, je vous le ferai savoir.

    Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir.


    Hi Delfine,

    Thank you for attaching your show file. Please find the .csv export attached of the Master Playback...


    The parameter values are shown in DMX with details, and with palette references.

    If you would like other playbacks exported, or exports with other value options, please let me know.

    Our software team are currently investigating what is causing the csv export to be missing information. As soon as we have a version of software that fixes this I will let you know. 

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  3. Salut Delfine,

    Connaissez-vous l'utilisation des groupes en tant que palettes d'intensité ? Ceux-ci peuvent être utiles pour votre situation.

    Les groupes peuvent stocker des informations d'intensité, qui peuvent être rappelées en appuyant deux fois sur un groupe. Si vous appuyez deux fois sur un groupe, puis que vous l'enregistrez dans un repère, le repère fait référence aux intensités stockées dans le groupe. Cela vous permet de mettre à jour les niveaux d'intensité dans le groupe, et tous les indices qui ont utilisé le groupe seront également mis à jour.

    Veuillez consulter cette section du manuel pour plus d'informations...


    J'espère que ça aide.


    Hi Delfine,

    Are you familiar with using Groups as Intensity Palettes? These may be helpful for your situation.

    Groups can store intensity information, which can be recalled by double tapping a group. If you double tap a group, and then record it into a cue, the cue references the intensities stored in the group. This allows you to update the intensity levels in the group, and any cues that used the group, will also be updated.

    Please see this section of the manual for more information...


    I hope this helps.


  4. Hi @van den abbeele Eric

    These are the issues we are aware of in ZerOS 7.10 software, that have been discovered since launch:

    • Viewing the Fixture Levels window on legacy consoles can cause a crash
    • Encoders can sometimes not work correctly on linear multicell fixtures if their cells have been reversed
    • Channel Auto-Select on Fader Movement behaviour in Fixture Schedule is incorrect
    • Fixture parameter values are not included in CSV exports

    I hope this is helpful.


  5. Bonjour,

    Roamin a rencontré ces problèmes, en raison du remplacement des appareils multicellulaires qui ont certains paramètres maître et cellule, par des appareils qui ont des paramètres maître et cellule différents.

    Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.



    Roamin experienced these issues, due to replacing multicell fixtures that have certain master and cell parameters, with fixtures that have different master and cell parameters.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  6. Salut Delfine,

    Avez-vous une copie de votre fichier d'émission qui a été enregistré dans le logiciel ZerOS 7.9.9 ? Si tel est le cas, veuillez me l'envoyer par e-mail, et je pourrai vous envoyer l'export CSV par e-mail. Si vous n'avez qu'une copie de votre fichier de show enregistré dans ZerOS 7.10, vous ne pourrez pas exporter les informations de projecteur programmées avant la prochaine mise à jour logicielle.

    Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.


    Hi Delfine,

    Do you have a copy of your show file that has been saved in ZerOS 7.9.9 software? If so, please email this to me, and I will be able to email the CSV export to you. If you only have a copy of your show file saved in ZerOS 7.10, you will not be able to export the programmed fixture information until the next software update.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  7. Hi @Philbik

    On 12/5/2021 at 7:59 AM, Philbik said:

    An error message popped up on screen while I was programming our FLX desk recently and I sent the debug file to the "support" email address (as instructed) on November 24th. There hasn't yet been any response and I've sent another email to "support" just now (with another debug file attached) because of another error message seen during programming yesterday.

    Sorry to hear you encountered an error on your FLX console. I have just done some digging, and found your email in our email quarantine filter. 

    On 12/5/2021 at 7:59 AM, Philbik said:

    We're starting show week so I'm keen to know whether we have a problem with the desk. Please can someone review the debug files and advise.

    I will investigate the debug file today and get back to you.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  8. Salut Delfine,

    Merci de joindre un exemple de votre fichier CSV. Nous sommes conscients que dans le logiciel ZerOS 7.10, les exportations CSV de lecture n'incluent pas correctement les valeurs des appareils. Les informations affichées dans la fenêtre Cues sont toujours incluses dans l'exportation. Ce problème sera résolu dans la prochaine mise à jour logicielle. Ceci est enregistré sous le numéro de référence ZOS-10892 sur notre système.

    Toutes nos excuses pour la gêne occasionnée. Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.


    Hi Delfine,

    Thank you for attaching an example of your CSV file. We are aware that in ZerOS 7.10 software, playback CSV exports are not including fixture values correctly. Information displayed in the Cues window is still included in the export. This issue will be fixed in the next software update. This is logged as reference number ZOS-10892 on our system.

    Apologies for the inconvenince this causes. If you have any questions, please let us know.


  9. Hi Simon,

    Hope you're well.

    The bottom row of dimmed channel sockets on Betapack 4, operate identically to the channel sockets on Betapack 3.

    The top row of non-dimmed channel sockets, are supplied directly from the channel's MCB, and therefore bypass the control circuity completely.

    For more information on Betapack 4, please refer to the online manual below...


    Hope this helps,


  10. Hi Alex,

    2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

    The bottom line is as follows, when choosing LED devices, conditionally selecting the red color of the wheel, you need to remove the selections from the other wheels. Holding "undo" I turn any wheel and the remote crashes. When restarting, repeating the sequence, everything passes.

    Sorry to hear this. On OrbXF consoles, holding UNDO and jogging an encoder wheel, will Knockout that parameter. For information on Knockout, see the link below...


    I have spent some time testing this, and haven't yet been able to replicate.

    2 hours ago, AlexSky said:

    If I manage to detect this bug again, I will send it to the technical support email.

    This would be very helpful. Thanks very much.


  11. Hi Alex,

    37 minutes ago, AlexSky said:

    Digging into the problem, unexpectedly solved it, the problem turned out to be in the choice of cell order reversal settings. I had a "cell order reversal," "Yes." As soon as I canceled the value, everything worked properly. Maybe the difficulty lies somewhere there. Temporarily changed the reverse in the devices.

    Thanks very much for investigating this further. We have found the cause of the issue, which temporarily disables the colour encoders, when a linear multicell fixture's cells are reversed. This issue is logged as reference number ZOS-10887 on our software tracking system.

    This issue will be fixed in the next ZerOS software update.

    Thanks again for your help finding this issue, and apologies for the inconvenience this causes in the meantime.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


    • Like 1
  12. Bonjour,

    Veuillez envoyer une copie de votre fichier show à support@zero88.com, accompagnée d'une description indiquant quels appareils sont utilisés dans quelles mémoires et par quels appareils vous souhaitez les remplacer.

    Nous allons ensuite jeter un œil pour voir ce qui peut se passer.

    Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.



    Please could you email a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, along with a description stating which fixtures are used in which cues, and which fixtures you wish to replace them with.

    We will then take a look to see what may be going on.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.

  13. Hi @Alasdair

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Thanks for reaching out to FLX S users on the forum. It might just be worth clarifying a couple of points:

    1 hour ago, Alasdair said:

    We have a  new three year old  Flx 24 with monitor (only used twice)!

    FLX S24 consoles do not have an external monitor output - do you mean a FLX S48 console?

    1 hour ago, Alasdair said:

    The idea is (as I understand it) the show will be run from the main show control via SMPTE time code once rehearsals are complete. But they require manual back up programmed into your desk in case of timecode failure and some quick programming during the rehearsals as directed.

    FLX S consoles cannot be triggered by SMPTE timecode. If you are looking for MIDI Timecode support, I would recommend using the FLX console...


    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  14. Hi @Muller Light

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    49 minutes ago, Muller Light said:

    This way, you would only have to write the interface ‘middleware’ software from Solution controls to FLX controls once, and it would then run the FLX software.  So you would not need to produce a separate ‘if Solution console, then…’ branch of the software for every OS release.

    Solution consoles, and other legacy ZerOS consoles, use x86 architecture. FLX consoles use ARM architecture. Therefore the FLX branch is very different to the Solution branch, and you couldn't simply run the FLX software on a Solution. The FLX processor is also far more powerful than the Solution processor, and so there are FLX features not available on Solution consoles. 

    If you have any questions, do let us know.


  15. Hi @Troncosauce

    The direct link to the ZerOS 7.10 download is available here...


    This software is available, along with Phantom ZerOS, the release notes, and ZerOS Monitor, from the ZerOS page here...


    Please see the link below for installation instructions...


    I hope this helps,


  16. Hi @van den abbeele Eric

    14 hours ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

    Finally I went to the Swisson site and discovered that the node I own is finally also ArtNet 4.
    (Art-Net 1 - 4, sACN (ANSI E1.31), sACN draft version (v0.2))

    So on the Swisson XND 4 node I have a small screen which avoids having to go through an external computer to enter the parameters.
    Which is a good thing!

    In any case I thank you for the information of settings and I hope to be able to come back to you in a few days ...

    That's great, sounds good.

    If there's anything else I can help with, please let me know.


  17. 35 minutes ago, drscoop said:

    We were using the ProLight LEDJ Starcloth System profile.  The profile only seems ot have master intensity - I guess this might be the issue but I wondered if there was a way to control individual cell intensities?  Maybe a custom effect across the RGB channels, offset by cell, created on an FLX and transferred across via a showfile?

    Thank you for linking to the fixture's manual. I have taken a look, and this appears to be working correctly. As this is not a linear fixture, the cells will not be selected by default upon raising the fixtures fader. Therefore when you raise the fader and apply an effect, it will run across the master intensity/master RGB, not the cells. To break the fixture down into its cells, raise the fixture's fader, and then tap Z/Shift, and type ". ENTER". Now when you apply an effect, it will run across the cells.

    To control an individual intensity, hold Z/Shift and tap the fixture's channel button. Each tap will select each cell in turn. Once you have selected the cell you want, you can use the intensity wheel to adjust the level of the cell.

    Hope this helps,


  18. Hi @hermionejay

    6 minutes ago, hermionejay said:

    Hi thanks for help. I can’t get it to read - it asks to format it and I have to wipe the USB for that but looks like it’s done for. Can I use any USB on the desk or do I need a replacement zero88? 

    Any USB drive should work with FLX S consoles. The USB drives that used to come with Zero 88 consoles were in the FAT32 format.


  19. Hi Sven,

    Sorry to hear this.

    13 hours ago, Sven76 said:

    I just started to prepare our desk for a new show based on 7.10 and realized it especially on recording a cue is pretty laggy. It sometimes really takes some seconds until the desk responds again. 

    Would you be able to email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com? If so we will take a look, and see what may be causing it.

    If you are using a large number of multicell fixtures on your Orb/OrbXF console, you may start to see a lag whilst the console records all the cells into cues.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  20. 17 hours ago, drscoop said:

     Is there a way / should I be able to access intensity on a cell-by-cell basis?

    To select individual cells, to allow you control the parameters related to an individual cell, hold Z/SHIFT, and tap the fixture's channel button. The Output Window will show you the currently selected cell. More information here...


    17 hours ago, drscoop said:

    On a related topic, the next show is potentially including a number of RGB battens, and I’ll be at >512 channels if I run them all as multicell fixtures.  What’s the rough cost to upgrade the S24 to 1024 channels?

    Universes are currently £250 ex-VAT. Please email support@zero88.com if you would like to upgrade, or would like more information

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    I didn’t see a way on our cloth to control per-cell intensity.  Maybe specific to the fixture profile in that it sees the cloth as a non-linear fixture.  With “show intensity on wheel 1” enabled, selecting one of the cells did not give me an intensity encoder as expected….

    Please let me know the fixture's make and model, and the mode you were using, and I'll take a look.


  21. Hi Henry,

    On 11/28/2021 at 8:35 AM, HenryYandell said:

    for someone who doesn’t know the board inside out not having button labels does somewhat complicate things a little.

    If you hover your cursor over a button, the button's function will be displayed at the top of the Front Panel window in the title bar.

    You will also be able to use some keyboard shortcuts to control Phantom ZerOS as well. Please see the link below for more information...


    Hope this helps,


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  22. On 11/27/2021 at 8:25 PM, Ed75 said:

    Hello Edward. Is the story the same for FLX S?? I'm considering to use artnet too.

    Yes it is. Art-Net and sACN functionality is the same across all ZerOS consoles. The only difference is the number of DMX channels you can output over Ethernet.

    On 11/28/2021 at 9:52 AM, van den abbeele Eric said:

    So the Swisson XND-4R5 ENode work only in Artnet I, II & 3.

    (It was for this that I was interest by gateway 4. )

    Thank for your help, I Will have a Look tomorow.

    No problem. To clarify, you will be able to configure the device remotely if you just use Art-Net. What you cannot do, unless the device supports Art-Net 4, is use sACN for DMX over Ethernet, and use Art-Net for the configuration over Ethernet.

    Hope this helps,


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