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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Reset issue

Lightescape Duncan

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Ok guys if you ever wanted to roast a complete newbie here is your chance. 
Just got the FLX 48 and loving the ease of - well just about everything. 
loaded profiles for some cheap 60w generic gobo spots (U King I think) and all is well except - it keeps on resetting. works for a second after reset - intensity, colour picker, gobo, position but then just resets, it isnt an issue with the fixture as when unplugged it just goes about its business happily - I think its being sent a reset command from the desk.

Chan 11 on the fixture is dim slope mode and 101-255 of that channel is reset but I cant seem to correlate this with the controls on the desk. I'm guessing its the wrong profile but what do I do?
Ive got the channel details of the fixture, is it an easy thing to edit the profile?? or has someone else had this issue??

Hope you can help. 

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Hi @Lightescape Duncan

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

Just got the FLX 48 and loving the ease of - well just about everything. 

Really glad to hear you are enjoying your new FLX S48.

1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

I'm guessing its the wrong profile but what do I do?


1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

OK quick response by myself - did a bit of research and its the z b 242. - loaded and we are away.. 

Great, glad to hear you were able to use a different fixture profile to control your fixture correctly.

1 hour ago, Lightescape Duncan said:

Ive got the channel details of the fixture, is it an easy thing to edit the profile?? or has someone else had this issue??

If you wish to create or edit fixture files, you can use the free Fixture Editor application for PC. The Fixture Editor is included in the Fixture Tools package, which can be downloaded from the link below...


For information on using the Fixture Editor, please see the link below...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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