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Convert fixtures


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Hi Emrys,

15 hours ago, Emrys said:

I've converted all the fixtures shown in red but, they are still showing as red, is this normal or have I missed doing something? Thanks

When you click a red fixture in the "Convert Profiles" column, the console will offer a small selection of fixtures in the library, that ZerOS thinks could be the same make, model and mode as your current fixture. You can then choose the correct one to convert to. If instead you see a full list of fixtures, this means your fixture will be missing from the library. If you send us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com with a link to the fixture's manual, we will be able to get this fixture added to a future release.

11 hours ago, kgallen said:

This is not an issue you can still keep the ‘red’ fixtures. Pretty much all the ones I’ve created myself stay red.

As Kevin says, there is no issue in leaving your fixtures "red" and continuing to use them - this just means they are not in the library format.

If you have any questions let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for the replies. I'm still a bit confused though as, they are not profiles I've created myself and all the fixtures have been in previous libraries so why aren't they in the latest fixture library?

Sorry if I'm being a bit dense about this!


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Hi Emrys,

Just now, Emrys said:

I'm still a bit confused though as, they are not profiles I've created myself and all the fixtures have been in previous libraries so why aren't they in the latest fixture library?

ZerOS now uses an entirely new fixture database. This database change was introduced in ZerOS 7.9.8. Therefore even though the new ZerOS Library (.zlbr format) contains almost twice as many fixtures as the "legacy" Zero 88 Library (.ift format), there's no guarantee fixtures in the legacy library are in the new ZerOS Library.

If you have therefore programmed your show file in ZerOS 7.9.7 or earlier with the old library, and then loaded this show file into ZerOS 7.9.9, you may find you are unable to convert your fixtures to the new library version, if the fixture was in the old library, and not the new library. In these cases, please drop us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, detailing the fixtures missing from the new library, and we will make sure these fixtures are included for a future ZerOS Library release. In the meantime you can continue to use the "legacy" format fixtures in your show file.

See the link below for more information...


I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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