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Is a Fixture list with attributes for FLX S48?


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I have just purchased a flx s 48. And I am trying to rationalise my various fixtures, mostly generic Chinese unbranded, is there a readable list of fixtures with attributes available, as I do not want to duplicate fixtures already created by you, or will I have to guess my way down the list?

thanks for any help



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Hi Steve,

Really glad to hear you have just purchased a FLX S48.

1 hour ago, Troncosauce said:

I am trying to rationalise my various fixtures, mostly generic Chinese unbranded, is there a readable list of fixtures with attributes available, as I do not want to duplicate fixtures already created by you, or will I have to guess my way down the list?

There is no list of fixtures detailing their channel maps, however I would recommend using the Fixture Editor software for PC to help you out. If you haven't downloaded it already, the Fixture Editor is contained in the Fixture Tools package which can be downloaded from the link below...


Once installed, run the Fixture Editor, and then open the file that can be downloaded from the link below...

https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/UNBRANDED/_ALL UNBRANDED.ift

This file includes all of our existing Unbranded fixtures. If you work through the properties of each fixture, you may find one with the channel map you need.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Don,

As @kgallen explains, the Image Manager is part of the Fixture Editor, not a stand alone program. It can be used to show you all the images used by fixtures in the current fixture file.

To edit the gobo images of a gobo parameter, go to the properties of the gobo parameter of a fixture, and then go to the details tab at the top. You can then edit the details, including loading images to a detail.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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