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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Issue with recording intensity effects


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Hi all,

I am sure that this is something simple that I have got wrong, but I am attempting to record an intensity effect on a few of my fixtures as part of a larger scene. I can set the effect to how I would like it to be, and I have recorded the scene but the fixtures will only playback at 50% intensity and wont play the effect back.

I have tried various recording options but nothing wants to work, I am starting to tear my hair out as every time I think I have a handle on recording effects something trips me up!

Anyone able to help?

Many thanks

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Really sorry to hear you have had difficulty recording intensity effects.

We are aware of an issue in ZerOS 7.9.8 software, which results in intensity effects not recording on some fixtures.

This has been fixed by our software team, and we are aiming to release ZerOS 7.9.9 next week to fix this.

In the meantime, intensity effects can be recorded correctly onto UDKs.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Jake,

No problem at all.

7 minutes ago, MerlinTheatre said:

Ah cool, I was going to say I was running 7.9.8 in case that this was the case. Glad it's not me being thick! I will utilise a UDK for this project

Keep an eye on our website and social media as we'll post when ZerOS 7.9.9 is released.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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