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Default dimmer display

Stan Vigurs

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I am using an FLX S48 console. When I power up the console and it has completed its boot-up functions, the display defaults to  showing non active dimmers 48 to 96 even though channels 1 -48 are selected on the button. All of the faders on the console therefore do not do anything as only dimmers 1 to 48 exist . How do I get the console to 'see' and operate dimmers 1-48?

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Hi Stan,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

2 minutes ago, Stan Vigurs said:

I am using an FLX S48 console. When I power up the console and it has completed its boot-up functions, the display defaults to  showing non active dimmers 48 to 96 even though channels 1 -48 are selected on the button. All of the faders on the console therefore do not do anything as only dimmers 1 to 48 exist . How do I get the console to 'see' and operate dimmers 1-48?

When you boot FLX S48 for the first time, it will boot with no fixtures patched. This means that your channel faders will not control any fixtures, as your console doesn't yet know what lights you have.

If you have RDM dimmers and fixtures, the console will be able to discover them and patch them for you, automatically assigning them to faders.

If you don't have RDM fixtures, and you would like to patch dimmers to the 48 channel faders, you can tap SETUP -> Add Fixtures, and then tap Next, as dimmer will be preselected. You can then press and hold the first channel button, and tap the last, which should light all 48 channel buttons. You can do the same on channel faders 49-96 by using the page button. If channel buttons don't light when you tap them, there is already a fixture assigned to that fader.

You can then tap Finish, and the console will patch those in. You can then tap SETUP to save and exit, and your faders will then control your dimmer channels.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Ok, I think I need to provide you with more information.

If I do a factory reset on the console and restart all works ok, the dimmer racks are identified and patched correctly and I can programme the console all ok using fixtures 1-48.

It seems that when I turn off the console having programmed it and the power up again later it then displays the Output window showing fixtures 49 to 96. These fixtures are not active and I can't get the Output window to display 1-48. If I press the 49-96 button the display shows 48-96 as selected (but I have no fixtures on 48-96). If I then press 1-48 button the display still shows 49-96 but shows them as not selected.

Does this help?

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Hi Stan,

OK thanks for the information.

What dimmers are you using?

What software version are you running? You can find your current software version by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information, and in this window will be a line of text displaying the Software Version. Currently the latest software is ZerOS 7.9.7. If you are not running this version, I would recommend updating your console.

ZerOS 7.9.7 is available from the website below...


If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Stan,

1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

We are using Zero88 Chilli 12 channel Dimmers.

Great thanks for confirming. We have of course tested these thoroughly with FLX S and know they work correctly.

1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

Could the software version be the problem?

Since FLX S was launched we have made many improvements to RigSync to allow it to use RDM effectively as possible.

1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

the console was purchased in November 2019

ZerOS 7.9.7 was released in December 2019, so if your console has never been updated you may be 1 or 2 versions behind. If so I would recommend updating.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Afternoon Kevin,

11 minutes ago, kgallen said:

would you expect FLX S RigSync to be employed with the Chilli dimmers Stan has?

RigSync will see multiple single parameter "sub-devices" under the Chilli, and so as long as that model of Chilli supports RDM, which it sounds like it does as they are discoverable, FLX S will be able to patch it.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Stan,

Just now, Stan Vigurs said:

Do you need to know the exact model or serial number of dimmers?

Update the software and let me know how you get on. It sounds like your dimmers are RDM as they are discoverable by RigSync in the current software on your console. Therefore the exact model of Chilli shouldn't make a difference.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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