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wireless connection and setting name

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Hi everyone. I have 2 questions and I am still figuring out how to fix it.

The first one is inserting a wireless control in XL. My school didnt install the remote function due to security reason. Yet I want to use the remote badly as it is much easier for me to take control. Should I just bring in a Cat5e cable and a router in order to activate the remote function?

I saw a wireless hub in the Manuel https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/420a6dfa-f8ae-4528-aca0-9619099cfa9b/FLX-networking-guide.pdf. Does that referring to a router?


Secondly, I watched the online lesson video and I saw some categorize name on the screen. How can I do it in XL? 



WhatsApp Image 2020-06-27 at 18.03.00.jpeg

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Hi Gabriel,

31 minutes ago, Gabriel Lau said:

The first one is inserting a wireless control in XL.

By XL, I assume you mean Solution XL console.

23 minutes ago, Gabriel Lau said:

Should I just bring in a Cat5e cable and a router in order to activate the remote function?

Yes that’s correct. If you have a spare wireless router, the same one used at home, you can simply connect it to the console using a CAT5E cable. 

You can then enable the remote connection on the console, enable DHCP, and the router will then manage the console and the connected devices. 

For more information, see below...



26 minutes ago, Gabriel Lau said:

Secondly, I watched the online lesson video and I saw some categorize name on the screen. How can I do it in XL? 

Could you elaborate a little on categorise name?

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Could you elaborate a little on categorise name?

Thank you for answering my first questions. And Yes I am using Solution XL! I hope I can install it by myself.

oh btw, is it possible to bring in a cat6 cable instead of cat5e? I only got cat 6 at home.


For the second question, I just want to have the same screen with you according to the picture attached below. 

I saw the channel button window on the upper screen. Where should I open this window? And how can you name/categorize the channel regarding to the picture I attached?


WhatsApp Image 2020-06-27 at 18.03.00.jpeg

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Hi Gabriel,

4 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

oh btw, is it possible to bring in a cat6 cable instead of cat5e? I only got cat 6 at home.

Yes, any Ethernet cabling will work. 

4 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

For the second question, I just want to have the same screen with you according to the picture attached below. 

By default, you should see a screen layout that looks like the image. If you don’t, the windows have either be rearranged, or you aren’t running the latest software on your Solution XL.

We always recommend running the latest software, and if you are learning the console it would also make sense to ensure it’s up to date. To check your current software version, view your Outputs Window. If you cannot see the window labelled Outputs Window, tap OUTPUTS to open it. If it doesn’t open, use the desktop chooser bottom left of the screen to change desktops until you find where the Output Window has opened.

Then tap Other Windows top left of the Output Window, and then choose System Info from the drop down. In this window will be a line of text displaying the software version. The latest software for Solution XL is ZerOS 7.9.7. If you would like to update the software, please see the information below, and please ask if you have any questions. 


4 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

And how can you name/categorize the channel

To rename channels/ fixtures, see the article below...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Gabriel,

2 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

OMG Thank you Edwards. These info really help me a lot. I believe the version is too old to handle these and I will update it as soon as I get back to Uni. 

Hope my questions are not too stupid as I am still a novice digging into this console.

No problem at all, glad I could help.

If you have any questions once you get back to Uni or need a hand updating the software just let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I have just tried to update the console version.  I found my console OS version is The software version s I tried to update it following the instruction in http://support.zero88.com/1518909581/ZerOS-Software-Update-on-Consoles-running-ZerOS-7-8-2-39-or-older.htm. Yet I found the 7.9.7 version cannot run in my window PC according to the instruction (please check the picture below). How can I fix it?


WhatsApp Image 2020-07-09 at 13.52.52.jpeg

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Opps now I have an update. I just successfully installed the update 7.9.7 version into my USB, which mean the problem in the previous post had been solved. Yet after I plugged in the USB into the console, I cannot see any software update application during the power up of the console. Which mean the version is still staying in I have tried several times to reboot it but nothing changed. Is there something I missed causing the fail of installation? 


- Download the USB Install Creator application available from the latest ZerOS Download (done)

- Extract/unzip (done)

- Run the ZerOS OS Creator USB (Done)

- Insert a USB Memory Stick into your Windows PC when prompted and follow the on screen instructions of the ZerOS OS Creator. After a few minutes, the install creator will instruct you to remove the USB Memory Stick, which now contains the update for the desk. (done)

- Remove the USB Memory Stick from your PC and insert it in one of the desks USB ports (Done)

- Power on the desk and the desk will automatically boot into the software update application. It is recommended that you have a monitor, keyboard and mouse connected to the desk to perform this update. (Not yet done)

- Press the [Install ZerOS] button on the monitor and the software will be installed (Not yet done)

- Once the update is complete, you will be taken back to the "Install" screen (Not yet done)

- Switch the console off, and remove the USB Memory Stick(Not yet Done)

- Reboot the console, and you will boot into the newly installed software  (Not yet done)

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Hi Gabriel,

If you are having difficulty getting the console to boot from the USB stick, have you tried inserting the formatted USB stick into the USB port next to the Ethernet port?

If you are still experiencing difficulty, I would recommend trying a different USB stick. Before formatting the USB stick using the ZerOS OS Creator application on Windows, first in Windows File Explorer do a quick format of the USB stick.

If this also doesn't help, please see the guide below...


Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I finally fixed it with another usb 3.0 and all has been updated. Thank you!


Another question for the console. I tried to record groups for my light. I tried to press the MFKs Fixtures but nothing pop up for me. Even I choose another display window, it just pop up with beamshape,colour, groups but not one of them are fixtures window for me to record groups. 

What should I do?



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Hi Gabriel,

1 hour ago, Gabriel Lau said:

I finally fixed it with another usb 3.0 and all has been updated. Thank you!

Great, glad to hear you are now running the latest software. Future software updates will now be much easier, as you will be able to simply load the application directly into the console as if it were a show file.

Now you're up to date, you may find the video below worth a watch, which is the video you sent a screen shot of in an earlier post...


1 hour ago, Gabriel Lau said:

I tried to record groups for my light. I tried to press the MFKs Fixtures but nothing pop up for me. Even I choose another display window, it just pop up with beamshape,colour, groups but not one of them are fixtures window for me to record groups. 

Once you have fixtures patched into the console, you will be able to select them using the channel fader buttons, and by tapping FIXTURES and using the MFKs. To access Groups, you should find you can tap the GROUPS button, and the MFKs will show you your groups, along with a button to Automatically Create Groups. You can also access the Groups window on the external monitor. Hold SHIFT and tap GROUPS to open the window, and use the desktop buttons bottom left to find where it has opened.

To record your own groups, select some lights, tap RECORD GROUPS and tap an empty MFK to store to.

Hope this helps, 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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