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Question about Jester 24/48 memories recording DMX In ?

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I'm coming for a other French user.

So he had connect a other DMX console, in the "DMX In" and he want to record in memories. things from Jester console and the other console...

1/ So is it possible to recording DMX Data from a external console ?

2/ There is special things to do ?

3/ If it's possible what are the memories limits ?


Thank for your help and this French user




1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Just a other question about "DMX IN"


Jester Fader use for exemple channels 1 to 48. A other console in DMX in use 49 to 96. So the Jester quand record Chanels 1 to 96 ?

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

9 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

1/ So is it possible to recording DMX Data from a external console ?

2/ There is special things to do ?

3/ If it's possible what are the memories limits ?

That is correct. If you connect another lighting console into the DMX input of the Jester, you can store the DMX input state into a memory or submaster on Jester.

See page 20 of the manual for more information...


Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Last question about Jester Manuel 3.4, and last OS version 4.1 ... 

News things about Manual between Jester OS ?

1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Thanks Edward.

I transmitted this information 


Thank a lot



1 FLX + 1 wing  "7.14" + 1  FLX "7.13" & 4 Wings  / 2 Touchscreen  // Jester 24/48 

2 Swisson XND-4R5 ENode  // Stairville : 4 Wash MZH 19X15w  - 31 Retro Flat Par 18X 12w RGBW 

Electroconcept : 36 Wash 18 X 10w Q188 //  ADJ 2 Spot Focus 4Z & 2 Spot Focus 5Z Led 200w  - VARYTEC : 12 Varytec Hero Wash 300 FC

LedStage : 10 LS200 - Spot 200w // 19 Wash Par 12 X 18W   // 12 BOWLDER 12X40w WASH // 12 PARZOOM 19 X 15w  // 7 LY 400 - BSW CMY LED 400w

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Hi Eric,

9 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

Just a other question about "DMX IN"

Jester Fader use for exemple channels 1 to 48. A other console in DMX in use 49 to 96. So the Jester quand record Chanels 1 to 96 ?

When you store a scene, all 512 incoming DMX channels, and the Jester's current channels, are stored.

If the other DMX console is outputting channels 49-96, and you store this to a memory or submaster, you will store a scene where 1 to 48 are the Jester's levels, 49-96 are the incoming levels, and 97-512 are at 0.

5 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

Last question about Jester Manuel 3.4, and last OS version 4.1 ... 

News things about Manual and Jester OS ?

Jester manual v3.4 is correct as per JesterOS 4.1, which is the latest software for Jester consoles.

Hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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