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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Effect Zoom Fade / Zoom step


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I've just got 2 moving heads (Stairville BS 280) which Zoom function can be DMX controlled. I'd like to try the Zoom Step / Zoom Fade effects but whereas other effects can be selected (in blue) on the effect pallette, these 2 boxes are still unavailable.

I've tried to patch this fixture, as well as Martin MacViper Profile on the Phantom Zeroz 7.9.7 (both on virtual FLX S24 but also FLX), and obtain the same issue : boxes are still in grey as seen on attached files

How can i use zoom effects on my FLXS24 device ?

Sincerely yours,



Phantom Zeros 7.9.7 FLXS 24 Mc Viper Performance.bmp Phantom Zeros 7.9.7 FLX Martin Mc Viper Performance.bmp

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Hi Tereva,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

It sounds like this fixture doesn’t have the Zoom parameter defined with a special of “Zoom” in the fixture library. 

This can be updated using the Fixture Editor software, available to download from our website.

To do this download the fixture library and fixture editor onto a PC, import the fixture you need to edit from the library into the fixture editor, go to the fixture’s parameters and find Zoom, and then under properties choose a special of “Zoom”. You can then give the fixture a new name, save the file, and then load the fixture file into your console. 

Fixture tools can be downloaded here...


Alternatively, send us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and one of the team will be able to update the fixture file for you. 

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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