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Fail to connect to Remote


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Edit: Problem solved. I changed the IP adress to


When I open ZerOS Remote on my Android smart phone my FLX S48 shows up in the list. But when I tap it to connect the message "Warning Desk Connection Fail" pops up.

What is wrong?

Edited by LisaEkbom
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  • 3 months later...

I've got a similar problem, but on an Iphone. Both remote and monitor apps give med the same error, "Desk Connection Failed"  I've tried with and without password, I've tried to change the DHCP-range. Any suggestions? Console software 7.9.7, Zeros Remote version


2020-08-05 13.36.26.png

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Hi Per,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

13 minutes ago, PerS said:

I've got a similar problem, but on an Iphone. Both remote and monitor apps give med the same error, "Desk Connection Failed"  I've tried with and without password, I've tried to change the DHCP-range. Any suggestions? Console software 7.9.7, Zeros Remote version

From your screen shot, the WiFi symbol is not displaying top right of your iPhone. Are you sure you are correctly connected to the WiFi network?

If you are using a router/access point with DHCP capabilities, I would recommend setting your console and phone to DHCP. Your phone will use DHCP by default.

Please ensure there are no other devices with static IPs on the network, that may have a conflicting IP address.

Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks. The network has DHCP, and is just 3 units; the router, FLX S48 and my Iphone. And as the name of the console "Scene1" with IP-adresse is showing, I'm expecting the phone and console to be in contact. The ip of the phone is   (router is
The phone connection to the network enables me to open the config-page of the router, so I beleive the phone should be correctly connected.

2020-08-05 14.28.21.png

2020-08-05 14.16.56.png

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Until Z88 come back with a better answer, try checking the lease time in the router, make it as long as possible (see last few entries in the old topic "Control Beamshape Parameter with Fader" By martin-144, March 1 in FLX).

You may even find a setting that forces the router to give the desk the same I/P address every time it connects (this is still DHCP but more predictable) and that would also be worth a try.

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Hi Per,

Thanks for the information and screen shots.

1 hour ago, PerS said:

The phone connection to the network enables me to open the config-page of the router, so I beleive the phone should be correctly connected.

Thanks for confirming, yes looks like the iPhone is correctly on the network then.

1 hour ago, PerS said:

The network has DHCP, and is just 3 units; the router, FLX S48 and my Iphone. And as the name of the console "Scene1" with IP-adresse is showing, I'm expecting the phone and console to be in contact. The ip of the phone is   (router is

The main reasons you may encounter this "Desk connection failed" error are conflicting IP address, poor network bandwidth, or almost out of range from your access point. However from your description, it sounds like these issues aren't present in your set up, and something else may be going on.

To confirm the network status on your console, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> Network Overview.

Are you able to connect a PC to the network, and run ZerOS Remote Monitor to see if you can connect to the console? ZerOS Remote Monitor is available from the website below...


42 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

try checking the lease time in the router, make it as long as possible (see last few entries in the old topic "Control Beamshape Parameter with Fader" By martin-144, March 1 in FLX).

Thanks David for your suggestions here too. The thread David is mentioning can be found below...

It is worth mentioning, most routers won't default to such a low DHCP lease time, so this shouldn't be an issue. And even if they do, most routers will build up a DHCP table, with a list of which IP address has been allocated to which discovered MAC address, and as a general rule will try and keep to this allocation even after leases expire, and devices drop in and out. 

42 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

You may even find a setting that forces the router to give the desk the same I/P address every time it connects (this is still DHCP but more predictable) and that would also be worth a try.

This would be known as a MAC address reservation, where the DHCP server sees a MAC address and always assigns it a given IP address.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for all good suggestions; I worked a from "make sure the Iphone has got a proper connection to the network"
My Iphone is primarly for business use, it has a VPN-client for working on unsecure wifi in airports and hotels.

After disabling VPN-functionality on the Iphone, the connection to the FLX S48 is fine.

So, it my bad, and again thanks for the help, it pointed me in the right direction.


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Hi Per,

1 hour ago, PerS said:

My Iphone is primarly for business use, it has a VPN-client for working on unsecure wifi in airports and hotels.

After disabling VPN-functionality on the Iphone, the connection to the FLX S48 is fine.

Really glad to hear you’ve got this working. Thanks very much for letting us know the cause of the issue. I will bear this in mind for if anyone else has similar sounding issues in future.

If you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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