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Fixture Crash * Stairville Octagon Theater


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we have changed from Software DMX to Zero FLX24 .We are very happy about the change, but the FLX 24 crashed/hangs himself up. with our Stairville Octagon Theatre CW/WW/A light and the Fixture from the library. ...

Has anybody a Stairville Octagon Theatre CW/WW/A light ??

And problems with the Fixture from the library? We got two of them and we can't get them to work.

I wrote with the technical Manuel on fixture team but currently without answer. I have Mac OSX ,so I can`t use the Fixture Tool :-(

Greetings from Germany



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Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

What software version are you running on your FLX S24 console? You can find out by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information. In this window is a line of text displaying the software version. The current software for FLX S is ZerOS 7.9.7. If you are not running this version, I’d recommend updating. 

ZerOS 7.9.7 can be downloaded from the website below...


Also available from the website are release notes, detailing the installation instructions. 

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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