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Gobo pictures not complete


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Hi Edward, I use Fixture Library 37.00 that has been downloaded from your site. I have nothing changed in this file.

just bought the solution desk last month. All works fine and I’m happy to work with the desk, one thing I miss is the correct manual for the latest soft version 7.9.5

the manual i got is not update and thats confusing.

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To confirm - are these fixtures Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots? I can't find MHX200 scans in the library.

I have been able to recreate this issue with the Pro Spots in both modes. Taking a look at our library file, the images are correctly formatted. I will continue to investigate this and get back to you.

The latest manual for Solution is currently ZerOS 7.9.2, available here...

https://zero88.com/manuals/IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf

For changes since this software version, see the software release notes, available with the software downloads here...


ZerOS 7.9.5 is the latest software for Solution, available with release notes here...

Just so you're aware, the latest Zero 88 Fixture Library is version 38, available from our website here...

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Please find an updated fixture file attached for the Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots...


Copy this file to USB, plug into the console, tap SETUP -> Load, and choose the fixture file to load in. You can then go to the Fixture Schedule, select your existing Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots, tap Change Profiles, and replace the fixture for the new personality labelled "EDIT". You can then click OK, exit Setup, click Auto Create Beam palettes, and you should find the gobo images load in correctly.

Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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