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Submaster controlling the dimmer channel??


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Having some problems to get my submasters to work the way I want.

Would like to control the dimmer channel so if I made a chase the submaster still can have effect. (I'm not able to dim the light....)

Tried the color and intensity settings - working fine if I'm not using the effect generator.

Any suggestions to get it working? 

Carsten Poulsen

Carpo Roadshow


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Hi Carpo,

Could you expand on this a little?

Have you got one Playback with an intensity effect and one with a intensity chase? 

If so intensity on Playbacks will always mix together HTP (Highest intensity value takes precedence). 

Intensity from Channel faders is a little different, as it has highest priority, which is why the CLEAR button lights to allow you to clear these Red values, and allow your Playbacks to take control.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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What I'm looking for is a way to get fixture groups dimmer channel to Playbacks.

I know I have the intensity knob - but it is easier for me to have each main groups dimmer channel on a fader/Playback. I hope it is possible.

Really reading in the manual, but I think I still miss a lot info to understand ZerOS. The videos about ZerOS are great, but I need more of them ;-)

It is "easy" for me to get my effects on FLX S24 running on the fly - but programming is really hard for me.......... :-(



Carsten Poulsen

Carpo Roadshow


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Hi Carpo, 

The quickest way to record your Fixture groups to a Playback fader, is to double tap the group you want so the fixtures come to full, tap RECORD, and tap the flashing Playback button you want their intensity stored to. 

If you need more programming tips, feel free to email me directly and we can talk through what you’re after. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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  • 5 months later...

We've recently updated our LeapFrog 96 to OS 7.9.4 (been putting it off for a long time) and the conversion of shows from 7.8 has broken most of our submaster functionality. We've been struggling with it for a few days now as we're finding it impossible to recreate even the most basic function e.g. using a submaster to control the dimmer on a generic. We've even tried with a completely new empty show and it still won't work. In the apparent absence of any update to the manual (we've watched the 7.9 youtube video), could you help us with the basic steps to get us back on track?

From the YouTube video you posted up regarding the update changes, it would seem you would just set the generics faders, hit Record, select the submaster, then set the second state of the generic faders and hit Record and select the submaster again. Nothing happens when we do this - the submaster fader has no effect on the dimmers.


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Sorry to hear you've had issues after updating your Leapfrog's software. Please see the latest Solution manual below, correct as per ZerOS 7.9.2...

https://zero88.com/manuals/IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf

Leapfrog and Solution consoles operate identically, and therefore this manual will be applicable for Leapfrog. You can find the latest software changes listed in the ZerOS 7.9.4 release notes, which should have been included with the software download.

Operation should indeed be as simple as the YouTube software overview video shows. If you are finding your old show files have not imported correctly, re-save them in the new version, and then email them to me. I'll be able to take a look and see whether there has been a conversion issue, and if so repair it for you.

If you have any queries just let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Thanks for the quick reply and the link to the updated manual, Edward. The video is the one we've been watching already.

Would our old shows be converted AND saved automatically when we load them? We've not explicitly re-saved any of our old shows yet, being cautious because of the few issues we've had with the submasters.

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Make sure the keep the original show files safe and don't overwrite them, just in case you decide to stay on the older software version. Then, after loading these files into the new software, re-save them with new names and email them to me along with the originals, and I'll be able to take a look to see if there has been an issue with converting to the new software. I'll then be able to make these fixes and send you back your show files compatible with the new software.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Thanks Edward.
I think there's something more fundamental that we're missing here, regardless of whether the show files are converting. Even with a blank show we still can't just save a lighting state to a submaster and then use it in any meaningful way. The only thing that occurred to me was whether the desk has to be in Tracking mode. We mostly don't use it and so our desk is set to not track. Is that why we can't use the submasters? Working my way through that manual you linked to but haven't discovered anything revelatory so far. Thanks again for the quick responses. 

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Tracking mode won't effect recording to Submasters/Playbacks, unless you are recording fixtures with 0% intensity. If you tap SETUP -> Defaults -> Playback Defaults -> Raise & Lower -> Trigger on Raise, is this setting enabled or disabled? This should be enabled, otherwise the console will require you to tap the playback's button first before you raise the fader.

Let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Trigger on Raise is enabled.

So from a blank show if I do this:
- set faders for a bunch of generics

- press Record then the button of submaster 1

I should be able to fade in that state with submaster 1 fader? Or am I missing something? This is the way we used to have, say our house and gangway lights setup so we could fade them all up or down with 1 fader. It's this functionality that doesn't seem to work any more. I accept that I could be misunderstanding how it works with the new scheme.

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Ah, might be onto something! The blank show I was using still had several submasters programmed from the old OS. I've cleared everything and now I can program a submaster as described :)

I guess something in the conversion was overriding anything new I was trying to program, or maybe a conversion bug?
Thanks for your assistance.


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It certainly sounds like a show file conversion issue. As Kevin says from Factory reset you should be able to push channel faders up, tap RECORD, tap a Playback button (submaster button), and that lighting state will then be stored to the playback. A double tap of CLEAR will allow you to fade the Playback up and show your lighting state.

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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