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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Tom,

    Yes, that’s how you setup a fixture macro. From your description it sounds like you have done this correctly. 

    When you save the fixture, make sure you save the fixture with a different name, so that when it is loaded into the console you know which fixture in the library is your edited one. To load into Phantom, save your .ift file into your Phantom Directory. In Phantom, this can be configured on the launcher screen by tapping Settings, and then choosing a directory. Now when you launch FLX S in Phantom, go into Setup (shortcut SHIFT + F10), press Load, you should see the fixture file. Choose it and load it in, and you can then go to Add Fixtures, to find and patch it in the usual way.

    As Alex describes above, you don’t have to configure Macros if you don’t wish to access functions such as reset. Instead you can go to Beam, find the control/special/reset parameter for the fixture, press the middle encoder button, and then press the function you’re after.

     Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. 


  2. Hi Chris,

    43 minutes ago, Chris Mower said:

    Is there a quicker way to assign the fixtures to the UDF without having to do each one separately? Sort of 1 THRU 48 RECORD UDF 1 and have it automatically save the rest?

    No, unfortunately UDFs have to be programmed manually. 


  3. Hi Chris,

    When it comes to programming, the main thing to bear in mind is the three step programming process. This is, create what you want, press RECORD, and then choose where to store it to. A little way of remembering this is what I like to call Who What Where. 

    3 hours ago, Chris Mower said:

    Take for example the theatres that I have run lights in, which for the most part have been Strand or similar desks, universe 1 has simple dimmer packs on the first 48 channels and universe 2 has the multicolour LED's. Each of the standard fixtures is mapped to the a fader so to set up a scene you simply adjust the faders and then record the cue.

    On FROG2, the only way of making the faders control individual fixture intensities is to program each fixture onto an individual fader. The main way of controlling intensities is using the syntax pad. For more information on syntax, see the article below...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  4. Hi Mac,

    I would recommend testing ZerOS 7.9.7. ZerOS 7.9.7 does include the performance enhancements that were introduced in the beta version, so please use this and see how changing pages performs for you. This is actually included under reference number ZOS-9615.

    Hope this helps, please let me know how you get on. 


  5. Hi Chris,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    The last ZerOS software version that was released for FROG2 consoles was ZerOS This was released several years ago, and therefore many of the Zero 88 YouTube training videos which are for current ZerOS software won’t be applicable.

    I would therefore recommend taking a looking at the FROG2 manual, which is available here...


    The latest software for FROG2, can be downloaded here...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  6. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    What software version are you running on your FLX S24 console? You can find out by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information. In this window is a line of text displaying the software version. The current software for FLX S is ZerOS 7.9.7. If you are not running this version, I’d recommend updating. 

    ZerOS 7.9.7 can be downloaded from the website below...


    Also available from the website are release notes, detailing the installation instructions. 

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  7. Hi Kevin,

    On 12/20/2019 at 9:25 AM, kgallen said:

    Thanks that finally worked, I've got myself a "Spell" effect setup. Not what one would call 'intuitive' though is is!

    Great, glad that’s worked and you’ve achieved what you’re after. As I’ve said definitely an area we want to improve.


  8. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    If you just have a single Ethernet cable linking the console to your iMac, you will have to configure static IPs, not DHCP. DHCP can only be used if there is a DHCP server on the network, such as the one usually part of a wireless router. 

    Therefore if using a single Ethernet cable, set static IPs and subnets, such as for the CITP protocol on the console, and for the iMac, both with subnets of

    You will then need to restart Capture. You should find if you tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> System Text on FLX S, the console reports that it has found Capture on your iMac and is connected. Tap Network Overview for the console’s status.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  9. Hello,

    1 minute ago, Techie_v2 said:

    Say the position I used for the movers for the spotlight needed changing (I didn't use a palate, silly me), could I just change it in the first 1 of the 3 repeats and that new position would track forward to the other 2 cues they are used?

    When you copy a cue, the pasted copy does not reference the original - it is an entirely new cue. Therefore you will have to update the positions manually if you didn’t use a palette. To do this, create your position, and then store as a palette. Then go into each cue, select the fixtures, apply the palette, and then press UPDATE, and then the playback button to store the edit. If the position requires to stay the same in the next cue, do this as a tracking update. 

    4 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

    2. If I now wanted to insert a cue (with tracking enabled) would the lighting I changed in the new inserted que move forward into the next cue of is that when I need to hold down record and press cue only or dont track forward?

    If you insert a track forwards cue, any new information will track through until the next cue the lights are given new instructions. Therefore if you wish to insert a cue and not affect any subsequent cues, make sure you insert cue only. 

    Hope this helps,


  10. Hi Kevin,

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:
    4 hours ago, Edward- Z88 said:


    Sneaky. Has that always been the case or have you quietly made this work?!

    As far as I’m aware that has always worked. 

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Cheers Edward! I'm thinking too that now I've a couple of years (=4, console now out of warranty!) of FLX experience under my belt and the training course/software is probably a bit more mature now, I should probably do the course again! 🙂

    You’d be very welcome - would be to good to meet in person after these hundreds of forum posts! 😂

    As I’m sure you’ve found before, a brief outline of what the sessions include can be found here...



  11. Hi both,

    1 hour ago, Techie_v2 said:

    The effect has stopped on the next cues, this lights stay still, they just don't move to the next position they will be used in until that cue is called.

    Yes it sounds like there is position data stored in my example cue 3. The easiest way to remove this is to go into the cue, tap UPDATE, enable SmartTag, and tap the playback button. This will remove any data for fixtures at 0%. 

    Alternatively Kevin’s method of:

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    - select the movers

    - Update, SmartTag Off, Nudge the pan or tilt encoder (this tags position, there might be a neater way using Home), Remove, OK

    Do the same in cue 3.

    Is also perfectly acceptable. The neater way I think Kevin is referring to is press and hold POSITION and tap HOME, to tag all position parameters. 

    50 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

    Oh yeah it is definitely user trouble! I'm hopefully booking a place on one of the training dates next year!

    It would be great to see you! Just drop us an email to training@zero88.com, if you decide on a session that suits you.

    Hope this helps and makes sense.


  12. Hi Tim,

    To move windows onto new desktops, you’ll need to use the SPECIAL -> Screen button. Therefore view desktop 3, tap Outputs, and if the Output Window doesn’t appear tap SPECIAL, and choose Screen from the MFKs. It should then appear. You can then use the Size button to resize the window.

    Hope this helps,


  13. Hello,

    Let’s say cue 1 is your effect. Cue 2 is movers off, cue 3 is a new state, cue 4 is movers used in a new position.

    We record cue 1, turn the fixtures off, record cue 2. As we have told the fixtures to go off, any further information given is ignored. The fixtures continue running the effect in dark. This is useful if you simply want the intensity to fade out, rather than fading and stopping at the same time. If you don’t want the effect to run in this cue, we can update it by turning SmartTag off, to give the fixtures a no effect command without intensity. You can therefore go into cue 2, select the fixtures, tap UPDATE, turn SmartTag off, tap the playback button. With Cue Only updates enabled, cue 3 will therefore look exactly how it was before - your movers were moving so they’ll continue to. You therefore will have wanted to update cue 2 with Track Forwards selected. As all you told them to do was stop their effect, move on dark will still be reading ahead for their next positions in cue 4. If it isn’t, you can remove any data for fixtures that are at 0%, by going into the cue, and updating it with SmartTag enabled. At this point you can revert back to Cue only mode if you wish, to ensure that any future records/updates don’t catch you out by tracking.

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    This means that I almost always end up typing the cue number because I don't "trust" the desk.

    If you just want to update the cue you are currently in, simply tap UPDATE -> GO of your playback. You don’t need to choose the update options or type cue numbers. 

    Hope this helps,


  14. Hi Vilhelm,

    What software version is your FLX S24 running? You can find out by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information. In this window is a line of text displaying the Software Version.

    The latest version is ZerOS 7.9.7.

    You should find that when you raise a fader, the fixture selects automatically. If you then apply a palette for example, and then push up another channel fader, this new channel selects and the old one is automatically deselected.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  15. Hi both,

    7 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

    Hi Edward,

    I have created the audience search I was after and it works well. Thanks

    Problem is when i create the next cue, which is two profiles focused on the narrators, i took the intensity down to 0 on the movers, pressed no effect on the effects page and the turned off and stopped moving. Recorded the next cue and it was all good.

    That was until I went through all my cues and when I got to the cues after the audience search, the movers carried on moving moving to the circle effect again but with no intensity, and all though out the subsequent cues I made, moving to the previous effect I had set but with no intensity.

    Where am I going wrong. I have the desk in cue only mode.


    As Kevin says, the reason for this is with SmartTag enabled on the console, when fixtures are at 0% all other functions are ignored. A quick way of getting around this is to hold SHIFT and press RECORD, for the cue which stops the effect. 

    As you have a reduced set of Record/Update options, your console is in global cue only mode. To enabled the tracking options, press SETUP -> Settings -> Record & Update -> Tracking Options -> Enabled. Exit SETUP, and then press and hold RECORD. You should see more options in the window, including a SmartTag button, and tracking options. Make sure that Cue Only is selected, if you don’t want tracking enabled. 

    6 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Edward - see that list of updateable targets: Cue 0/4, Cue 0/5 etc. Well sometimes I have that situation "on acid", where the desk is trying to show me 2 or 3 lines of these targets - and the text is absolutely tiny. You can see above that the second line (Effect Palette 11) is only partially displayed (and the scrollbar on the right is unusable without accidentally triggering some other button). Can this be improved please! This is one example of something we see in "real use" that you guys probably don't see during limited software testing (otherwise I'm sure you'd improve it!).

    I use the console as much as I can on events, and of course software test the console, and must admit I very rarely use the targets, as the ones you need are preselected. What situations do you find you have to use these? I’m not at all denying the UI needs improvement in the Update Options, it’s something we’ve got on our list.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


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