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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Chris,

    36 minutes ago, Chris Mower said:

    Yes, that was the problem. Working 100% again thanks guys. 
    I must say that Zero 88 support is outstanding, especially for equipment that is way way out of production. 


    No problem, really glad to hear this solved the problem.

    Any questions just let us know.


  2. Hi Eric,

    I have taken a look at the LEDSTAGE Zoom Led Par fixture. Correctly, Red, Green and Blue are defaulted to full, as there is a dimmer channel. However from your description it sounds like the dimmer channel on the fixture is not scaling these correctly. Are you able to email us a copy of the fixture's manual to FixtureSupport@zero88.com? If so we'll be able to check the fixture matches the personality for FLX.

    If you wish to use the fixture in 6 channel mode, I'd recommend patching 6 dimmer channels on FLX as you have done, and making a note of what each channel does. Make sure the address of the fixture matches the address of the first channel fader.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  3. 46 minutes ago, iank99 said:

    If the encoder assembly is the same as on the other Frogs - what can happen sometimes is the small PCB with the sensor "pops" out of it's clips so it doesn't "see" the wheel moving. It just needs pushing back home on to the clips...

    If you're happy to open the desk and look at the wheels - it will be obvious (and only needs to be adrift by a few millimetres to not read the wheel).

    Hi Ian, yep, this is exactly what it sounds like. FROG2 consoles use the same encoder assembly. 


  4. Hi Chris,

    9 minutes ago, Chris Mower said:

    Is there a possibility of an .ift file causing a program glitch such that the wheel event would fail?

    Importing a .ift file would not cause this issue. It sounds like it just happens to be a coincidence.

    10 minutes ago, Chris Mower said:

    If so can this be fixed by re-installing the operating system

    From the description it sounds as if it is a hardware fault with that wheel, and therefore a software update won't solve this. Event monitor will show you the signals the console is receiving from the various controls.

    11 minutes ago, Chris Mower said:

    how difficult would it be to fix the hardware?

    The difficulty of the repair depends on the exact cause of the issue. If you are happy opening the console, it would be worth checking the wheel assembly is seated correctly. Usual caveats apply with regards to opening consoles up - don't do this if you are not confident.

    Happy to continue discussing this over email, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  5. Hi Jakob,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    2 hours ago, sossy said:

    I used the Fly In effect and when I'm in channel mode the effect is normal but when I press record and put it on a playback channel the effect is not the same as it was when I adjust it in channel mode. 

    When using this effect, make sure both intensity and position fade times are the same. Otherwise one element of the effect will lag behind the other, and they won't be in sync. Therefore when you have recorded this onto a playback, press and hold VIEW and tap the playback's button, and then edit the cue fades so intensity and position match.

    Hope this helps,


  6. Hi Kay,

    12 hours ago, Kay said:

    Question is, how to unassign one of the effects, if e.g. I do not want the rainbow effect anymore.

    After applying multiple effects, to remove one of them, tap the Effects tab, until you see "Exx Size", on the second encoder wheel, where xx is the number of the effect you wish to remove. For example "E21 Size" for the Auto Rainbow effect. The effect numbers are displayed in the auto effect palettes. Then dial the size to 0. The effect is then removed.

    12 hours ago, Kay said:

    Second question, if I save this into a playback, is there any way to find out afterwards, which effects where used for this playback?

    To find out which effects are running, select your fixtures, tap Effect, and the active effects will be displayed on the wheels. Tap the Effect tab to cycle through the active effects. 

    Hope this helps, 


  7. Hi Kay,

    11 hours ago, Kay said:

    "Renumber" are the only 2 values where I have to attach a keyboard.

    Maybe it would be a good idea solving this in next version/update of ZerOS?

    When renumbering a cue stack, most people use this for 1:1 numbering, and so isn't an issue. However adding a number pad in this window is logged on our system as an enhancement (reference number ZOS-8681). Unfortunately this currently isn't scheduled to be included in the next software version.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  8. Hello,

    8 minutes ago, loui013 said:

    Are there any significant differences between the consoles or is the Solution simply a "refresh" of the LeapFrog ?

    Not really, you are correct, Solutions are a refresh of LeapFrog consoles. Internally newer Solution’s have larger storage and more RAM, but operationally they are identical.

    Therefore the Solution manual and training material is applicable for LeapFrog consoles on the latest software. 

    Hope this helps,


  9. Hi Oliver,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    1 hour ago, Oliver Böckler said:

    I need a solution to set the FOCUS of every Lamp to an individually default value to make the beams and gobos sharp.

    The way this is typically done is using Beam palettes. To do this, turn each light on, and individually set their focus to the value you need to make your Gobos sharp in your chosen position. Then tap RECORD, and tap an empty Beam palette on the touchscreen, marked with an asterisk. 

    Now whenever you select any of your fixtures, you can simply tap this Beam palette, and they will recall your custom focus. 

    Hope this helps. 


  10. Hi Kay,

    10 hours ago, Kay said:

    but on FLX S there seem to be no way to change/enter the numbers,

    That is correct, on FLX S, the renumber function is for 1:1 renumbering, unless you have a USB keyboard connected. 

    10 hours ago, Kay said:

    Espacially because renumber, as far as I have read, will not update jumps to (renumbered) cues.

    That is correct, renumbering cues will not renumber Next jumps. 

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  11. Hi Sam,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    4 hours ago, SamBrook said:

    I can't find any documentation anywhere which goes over mapping a light group to a channel.

    Are you trying to control a group of fixtures (each or which being the individual parts of your whole fixture) by a single channel fader? If so this can’t be done. You can however record your multiple parts as a group. You can then select the group, press Z, and control the intensity with the intensity wheel on the first encoder. 

    If you simply want to control their intensity from a fader, set all the parts to full, and then record this to a playback fader. 

    Hope this helps,


  12. 6 hours ago, cctheatre said:

    Thanks Ed - So tap the channel fader once to save new dmx but tap again and it clears the dmx back to default? 

    Not back to default, it will clear the patch for that address. You can see this when you’re doing it on the console, as the channel number disappears for that DMX address. 


  13. Hi Terry, 

    Tap Z/Shift -> Copy. Then type the number of the cue you wish to copy, followed by pressing the playback button it is currently stored on. Then type the cue number you wish it to be pasted as, followed by pressing the master playback’s button. 

    Hope this helps,


  14. Hi Claire,

    30 minutes ago, cctheatre said:

    In Super User mode I can select <DMX Patch> and find the dmx address by pressing the up and down arrows that I want to be controlled by Channel 1 and press the button under that Channel 1 fader? Then repeat for each light? I will know it's worked because the button is lit?

    Yep, it’s as simple as that. Arrow down to the DMX address you want to configure, and tap the channel button that you want to control the address with. Then repeat for all DMX addresses you need to patch.

    30 minutes ago, cctheatre said:

    Do you mean a different button to the one under the Channel fader when you say - 

    No, I mean the button under the channel fader. 


  15. Hi Eric,

    3 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

    FLX > ethernet > Ethernet lightning > iPad, is it Right ?

    And on iPad you use IOS application ?

    That is correct. When you plug an Ethernet adapter into an iPad, a new Ethernet menu appears in the Settings app under WiFi.You can then use this menu to configure your network settings. The ZerOS Remote and ZerOS Monitor apps will show any consoles available via both Ethernet and WiFi, with their IP addresses displayed.


  16. Hi Eric,

    4 minutes ago, van den abbeele Eric said:

    But I know that external device aren't work as easily as something that is included. I can often see during shows, tablets connected to the sound management, and no longer work, because the WIFI hotspot falls

    It is true that during a live show you don't necessarily want to rely on a wireless connection. However the Windows and iOS devices can be connected to the console via Ethernet, instead of WiFi. For example you can get Lightning to Ethernet and USB C to Ethernet adapters for iPad.


  17. 3 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Maybe we could translate the French one back into English, it will probably have more information in it! 🤣 😈

    That would be a new spin to "lost in translation" 😉


  18. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    9 minutes ago, cctheatre said:

    I have never done patching before but I guess its a way of telling my desk that the light I have programmed for channel one, dmx 1 can be the light on say dmx 8 on someone else's rig?

    Yes, that's pretty much it. Patching is purely the process of telling the console which channel fader controls which DMX address, and therefore, which light.

    16 minutes ago, cctheatre said:

    'Use the cursor keys to select the menu option <DMX Patch>. The LCD and monitor display the DMX patch, in sequence from DMX 001.'

    The external monitor purely shows you a repeat of the internal LCD, so you can therefore patch the console without an external monitor connected if necessary.

    When in the <DMX Patch> in Super User, the up/down arrows allow you to choose each of the 512 DMX addresses. You can then assign the selected DMX address (DMX address at the top of the LCD), by tapping the button under the channel fader you wish that DMX address to be controlled by. The channel fader controlling the currently chosen DMX address will have it's button lit. If you tap the button, or press CLEAR, it will switch off, meaning that channel fader no longer controls that DMX address. If you press and hold CLEAR, the console will go back to the default patch. The default patch is called 1:1, meaning channel fader 1 controls DMX 1, and so on.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


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