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Edward Z88

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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Joe,

    12 minutes ago, JWylie91 said:

    Installing it by loading the .exe file directly on the desk has worked. 

    Great, glad to hear it.

    9 minutes ago, JWylie91 said:

    I was not previously aware of this method, Thanks guys.

    Ah interesting. I am guessing, that you have come to FLX from an older ZerOS console, and therefore this is the method you have always been used to? Loading the software application directly into the console like a show file, is the recommended installation method, and is the method detailed in the release notes. Performing the software update via the bootable drive method, is more of a recovery tool now.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  2. Hi Joe,

    48 minutes ago, JWylie91 said:

    I've tried installing this beta version on to our FLX today and no matter how many times I run the usb creator (which builds successfully), when i put our zero88 usb that I always use the lighting desk throws up this error when I try to do the install.

    Have you tried installing the software, by simply loading the ZerOS application (.exe) into the console from Setup -> Load?


  3. Hi Jason,

    1 hour ago, Jason Brameld said:

    There's always more than one way to skin a cat!

    Thanks again for the excellent contribution to the debate.

    Yes there certainly is! No problem at all!


  4. Hi Jason,

    Here's another thought - we could just look at doing this with colour fades, and no intensity changes. This would mean we'd need to be careful with tagging as Kevin mentioned earlier.

    The cue stack would look like this...


    In cue 1, my fixtures are at full, in red.

    In cue 2, my fixtures are at full, in black. You can create black quickly by using the slider in the colour picker window to pull all colour mixing down. When cue 2 is triggered, I therefore have a 5 minute fade out of red.

    In cue 3, my fixtures fade up to full blue, a minute after cue 2 was triggered. The key however, is ensuring that only blue is tagged in cue 3. You can do this by creating blue, but then tapping on the "Red" and "Green" parameter displays so they have a dark blue background rather than light blue, which will display "Untag [Red]" and "Untag [Green]" in the command line. If red is tagged, it will not continue being controlled by cue 2, and so its fade out would slow, so that red would be out at the same time you reach full blue.

    11 hours ago, Jason Brameld said:

    Lastly, in programming your cue sequence I couldn't use Smart Tag for all the cues as cue 2 has the fixtures 'off' and cue 3 has no brightness information in

    If SmartTag is enabled, the console decides what gets stored. When SmartTag is disabled, you decide. Therefore for all of this, I have had SmartTag disabled, as I need to be specific about what does and what doesn't get included.

    I hope this helps, let me know your thoughts.



  5. Hi Jason,

    29 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

    Given that we seem to need 3 cues to do this by your way or mine,

    Yes 3 cues is easiest here, as we turn lights off, change their colour, then turn them on again. You could probably get rid of “Cue 3” in my latest example, and also have the colour change from red to blue in cue 2, with colour having a 4 minute fade, and a 1 minute delay. My cue 4, would then need an Auto With wait time of 3 minutes. In many ways though, it is easier separating it out into separate cues for each part. 

    6 hours ago, Jason Brameld said:
    1. <GO> Start with general FOH wash (tungsten)
    2. <GO> Add in red from side LED fixtures on a 5 minute fade up time
    3. <GO> Start a 1 minute colour fade of the red leds to 80% of full value (lose 1/5 of value in 1/5 of the fade time)
    4. <AUTO after end of Q3>Start a 4 minute colour crossfade to take reds out and bring blues to 80% of full value (bring in 4/5 of blues in 4/5 of the time - take out remaining 4/5 of reds)
    5. <AUTO after end of Q4) Start a 1 minute colour fade of blues from 80% to 100% of full value

    Leaving fixture intensity at fixed level through Q3-5.

    This works, however the fixtures will be halted at 80% for the duration of the colour fade, rather than dipping in intensity, however this may be what you’re after.


  6. Hi Jason,

    32 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

    Ah - but the red fade out should finish at minute 5, and not minute 6.....leaving the blues to continue from 80% to 100% in the last minute.

    Good brain teaser huh?

    The intensity of red, as shown in your graph, will have completed its fade to 0 at minute 5. This is true of cue 2 in my image above, due to the 5 minute fade down. Red fading down between minute 3 and 5 is theoretical in this instance, as the intensity will have begun to rise again at minute 3 (cue 4 starts).

    However when red is at "0", there is still a minute of colour mixing left to complete, due to the 5 minute colour fade in my cue 2. If the colour needs to be full blue at minute 5, then simply change the colour fade in my cue 3 from 5 minutes, to 4 minutes. As cue 4 is set to "Auto With", not "Auto After", changing the timings of cue 3 will not affect cue 4.

    This would then give in my example:

    • In cue 1, your red lights are up.
    • In cue 2, your red lights are fading down to 0% over 5 minutes. No colour information included, therefore no colour times are shown. [Minute 0 in your graph]
    • In cue 3, your lights then begin the 4 minute cross fade from red to blue, which begins 1 minute after the reds started fading. There is no intensity information included, therefore no fade up/down times shown. [Minute 1 in your graph].
    • In cue 4, your lights then begin to fade back up to full over 3 minutes, 2 minutes after they started to change to blue. This starts when they are magenta - 50% red and 50% blue, mid colour cross fade. There is no colour information included, therefore no colour fades are shown. [Minute 3 in your graph].
    • Result once cue 4 has completed - a minute after completing the fade to blue, the fixtures hits 100%. [Minute 6 in your graph].

    Hope this helps,


  7. Hi Jason,

    39 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

    This is what we want to achieve:

    Thanks for the graph, that is great! Bet you wish your designer could have shown you that at the start!

    In that case, we'll be looking at this...


    In cue 1, your red lights are up.

    In cue 2, your red lights are fading down to 0% over 5 minutes. No colour information included, therefore no colour times are shown. [Minute 0 in your graph]

    In cue 3, your lights then begin the 5 minute cross fade from red to blue, which begins 1 minute after the reds started fading. There is no intensity information included, therefore no fade up/down times shown. [Minute 1 in your graph].

    In cue 4, your lights then begin to fade back up to full over 3 minutes, 2 minutes after they started to change to blue. There is no colour information included, therefore no colour fades are shown. [Minute 3 in your graph].

    Result once cue 4 has completed - red to blue fade ends at the same time as blue hitting 100%. [Minute 6 in your graph].

    39 minutes ago, Jason Brameld said:

    Also if you have the intensity dip and the colour crossfade do you end up with the brightness dropping more in the middle doing it this way?

    In theory the intensity of the colour will remain the same (assuming the red and blue LEDs are equally intense, which is unlikely), as you will go from one LED colour at full, to both LED colours at half (equaling the same intensity as one LED colour at full), to the other LED colour at full.

    In your graph though of course, you are dipping to 40% of the overall intensity mid fade.

    Hope this helps,


  8. Hi Jason and Kevin,

    2 hours ago, Jason Brameld said:

    This was the subject of much confusion as it was being asked for by the designer (who wasn't very good at explaining things) as well!!

    Ultimately, it sounds like the designer was trying to explain what he wanted as if there were red PARs and blue PARs, not taking into account that for you, a red PAR and blue PAR are the same fixture when they're LED!

    3 hours ago, Jason Brameld said:

    <AUTO 1 min after start of Q3>, start a 5 minute fade in of blues on the same fixtures as the reds (accepting that this will pass through various lovely shades of purple on the way (now I'm stuck.....red fade would then finish 1 min before the blues did).

    Maybe I have misunderstood this, but it sounds to me this should look like this...


    Your reds are up in cue 1.

    Your reds start to fade down in cue 2.

    After a minute, cue 3 fades your lights back up again, taking 5 minutes to get to their intensity, whilst they crossfade from red to blue, also over 5 minutes. Remember as far as the console is concerned, there are no lights fading down in cue 3. In terms of your output window, you will see them dip to 80% over a minute, and then raise to full over 5 minutes.

    If after a minute of the reds fading down, you needed the fixtures to halt at 80% for 4 minutes, then raise to 100% over a minute, it could have looked like this...


    Your reds are up in cue 1.

    Reds fade down to 80% in cue 2 over a minute.

    Cue 3 runs once the fixtures are at 80%, and the fixtures then start to change to blue over 5 minutes, however remain at 80% for 4 minutes, due to cue 3's delay time. They then raise back to full over a minute.

    3 hours ago, kgallen said:

    If you wanted to keep the red and blue independent, then on your red fade out you would only tag the red colour and for the blue fade up only tag the blue colour. I believe this would require the desk to be set "keep parameters separate" for colour (that's probably the default). In both cues the intensity is retained at 100% so the fading of the colours is via the colour channel not the intensity channel.

    Unless I have misunderstood, I therefore don't believe this is down to tagging. Worth mentioning, "Keep Parameters Separate" is set to "No" for colour, to ensure that with SmartTag disabled, if you move a colour encoder, all colour parameters will be tagged, to ensure all parameters are stored, equating to your desired colour.

    I hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let me know.



  9. Hi Edden,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    I have replied to your Facebook message, however I’ll reply to your query here too. 

    It is possible to trigger Solution XL consoles, by adding an optional triggers card. This card has MIDI connections. SCS will be able to output MIDI with an appropriate USB to MIDI interface, which you can then use to trigger cues on the console.

    The ENTTEC DMX USB Pro MK2 can be connected to one of the Solution’s USB ports, to give you another DMX output. 

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. 


  10. Hi Laurent,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    11 hours ago, Salander said:

    I've juste receive my new desk controller (FLX S24). of course I've a lots of questions.

    That's great, glad to hear you chose FLX S.

    11 hours ago, Salander said:

    - I need to add new fixtures, how I can do to create new when the led projectors are not in the list?

    These are the steps to take if you cannot see your fixture in Add Fixtures...


    If you would like us to make the fixture file for you, please email us a copy of the fixture's manual to fixturesupport@zero88.com, as mentioned in "Option 3" in the link.

    11 hours ago, Salander said:

    Can I use my iPhone with the FLX S24 with the app "zeros remote" and "Zeros monitor"

    Yes you can, for more information, see below...


    11 hours ago, Salander said:

    phantom zero os can be use with a MAC?

    Unfortunately, Phantom ZerOS is currently not available in a native Mac version. 

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  11. Hello,

    36 minutes ago, pierotec said:


    i can't connect with my apple watch anymore, probably after the Apple latest updates.  I want to know if it is a problem that will be solved.

    Thank you 

    Unfortunately the ZerOS Remote Apple Watch app is not compatible with watchOS 7. We will release an update to the app in future that supports watchOS 7.

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  12. Hi David,

    25 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    I've replaced my touch screen monitor with a reconditioned Windows tablet and a docking station and set up 3 connection configurations for different circumstance.

    Sounds like a nice neat set up. Thanks for sharing.


  13. Bonjour,

    Les applications ZerOS Remote & Monitor sur iPad ne peuvent pas se connecter à la console via USB, mais si vous souhaitez utiliser une connexion filaire, vous pouvez utiliser Ethernet à la place.

    Quel modèle est votre iPad? Selon le modèle, vous pourrez utiliser soit un adaptateur Lightning vers Ethernet, soit un adaptateur USB-C vers Ethernet. Lorsqu'il est connecté à l'iPad, une nouvelle option «Ethernet» apparaîtra dans l'application Paramètres sous l'option «Wi-Fi» habituelle. En appuyant dessus, vous pourrez alors configurer les paramètres réseau de votre iPad. Si vous utilisez un serveur DHCP sur le réseau, l'iPad se verra automatiquement attribuer une adresse IP. Si vous souhaitez brancher l'iPad directement sur la console, vous devrez configurer une adresse IP statique sur l'iPad qui se trouve sur le même sous-réseau que la connexion à distance de la console.

    J'espère que cela vous aidera, si vous avez des questions, faites-le moi savoir.



    The ZerOS Remote & Monitor apps on iPad cannot connect to the console via USB, however if you wish to use a wired connection, you can use Ethernet instead.

    What model is your iPad? Depending on the model, you will be able to use either a Lightning to Ethernet adapter, or USB-C to Ethernet adapter. When this is connected to iPad, a new "Ethernet" option will appear in the Settings app under the usual "Wi-Fi" option. Tapping this will then allow you to configure the network settings of your iPad. If you are using a DHCP server on the network, the iPad will automatically be assigned an IP. If you wish to plug the iPad directly into the console via Ethernet, you will need to configure a static IP on the iPad which is on the same subnet as the remote connection of the console.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know.


  14. Hi Ian,

    19 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    I thought I saw somewhere in the forum (or maybe another forum) that being able to place a playback onto channel faders 1-48 as well as the ten paged MFF playbacks was coming on software. 7.9.x for Solution (and LeapFrog) desks.

    Rather than being able to record playbacks directly onto the channel faders, you can use spare channel faders to control playbacks on other playback pages. This can be done using DMX In, by linking one of your unused DMX outputs on the back of the console to the DMX input port, on Leapfrog or Solution consoles.

    The topic below mentions this, which may be the one you saw...

    The instructions above are as per software versions ZerOS 7.9.2 - ZerOS 7.9.4. If you are running the latest software (ZerOS 7.9.7), the options are found in slightly different Setup menus.

    To configure this, firstly readdress the channel faders you wish to use to control some of your playbacks. To do this, tap SETUP -> Fixture Schedule, and then tap the channel buttons you wish to edit, in order. You should then just see these fixtures in the Fixture Schedule. Then tap "Address" at the top, and assign these onto a free desk universe you are not using, starting at address 1.

    Then, tap Universes within Setup, and scroll down to the Desk Universe you just assigned your channel faders to. Under DMX for that Desk Universe, you can then configure an unused DMX port number on the back of your console to output this universe. You can then use a short DMX cable to come out of this port, and then into the DMX input.

    Then, tap Triggers within Setup, and under DMX In, you will be able to add playbacks that you wish your incoming DMX channels to control.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  15. Hi Ian,

    25 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    I tried converting a couple of legacy fixtures and it suggested other fixtures that were similar but not identical.

    It sounds like in that case your non-library fixtures are not included in the new library. You can therefore either continue using your legacy fixtures, which will work fine, or you can send us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com with a link to your fixture's manual, and request it gets added to the new library.

    26 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    What will the road map be on replacing the fixture editor tool, which I assume will not work with the new library?

    There are no plans to update the Fixture Editor software yet. You will still be able to use this to create fixture files in the old Zero 88 library format, which you will still be able to load in. As the current Fixture Editor just has the Beamshape attribute, not separate Beam and Shape attributes, upon loading these ".ift" files into ZerOS, any gobo parameters will automatically be pulled into the Shape attribute, leaving the remaining Beamshape parameters under the Beam attribute.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  16. Hello,

    3 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    It does give me a warning that the saved file I am loading was recorded on a Leapfrog (or a Solution) and some data may not be loaded, however it seems it does load ok.

    Yes that is correct. As Solution XL and Leap Frog 96 consoles are different console types, ZerOS will give you a warning. However as Leapfrog 96 and Solution XL operate in the same way, you will not lose any show data.

    5 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    I own a single Universe capture license but unfortunately universe 1 in the demo file is just the backcloth!

    The Dockhouse Capture project file (Project.zip) is available to download from the article below...


    You will then be able to open this in your licensed version of Capture. On universe 1 in the demo file you will have 10 Clay Paky A.leda Wash K20 moving washes rigged above the stage, and 8 ADB ALC4 LED cyc lights.


  17. Hi Stan,

    Just now, Stan Vigurs said:

    Do you need to know the exact model or serial number of dimmers?

    Update the software and let me know how you get on. It sounds like your dimmers are RDM as they are discoverable by RigSync in the current software on your console. Therefore the exact model of Chilli shouldn't make a difference.


  18. Afternoon Kevin,

    11 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    would you expect FLX S RigSync to be employed with the Chilli dimmers Stan has?

    RigSync will see multiple single parameter "sub-devices" under the Chilli, and so as long as that model of Chilli supports RDM, which it sounds like it does as they are discoverable, FLX S will be able to patch it.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  19. Hi Stan,

    1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    We are using Zero88 Chilli 12 channel Dimmers.

    Great thanks for confirming. We have of course tested these thoroughly with FLX S and know they work correctly.

    1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    Could the software version be the problem?

    Since FLX S was launched we have made many improvements to RigSync to allow it to use RDM effectively as possible.

    1 hour ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    the console was purchased in November 2019

    ZerOS 7.9.7 was released in December 2019, so if your console has never been updated you may be 1 or 2 versions behind. If so I would recommend updating.

    If you have any questions let me know.


  20. Hi Stan,

    OK thanks for the information.

    What dimmers are you using?

    What software version are you running? You can find your current software version by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information, and in this window will be a line of text displaying the Software Version. Currently the latest software is ZerOS 7.9.7. If you are not running this version, I would recommend updating your console.

    ZerOS 7.9.7 is available from the website below...


    If you have any questions let me know.


  21. Hi Stan,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    2 minutes ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    I am using an FLX S48 console. When I power up the console and it has completed its boot-up functions, the display defaults to  showing non active dimmers 48 to 96 even though channels 1 -48 are selected on the button. All of the faders on the console therefore do not do anything as only dimmers 1 to 48 exist . How do I get the console to 'see' and operate dimmers 1-48?

    When you boot FLX S48 for the first time, it will boot with no fixtures patched. This means that your channel faders will not control any fixtures, as your console doesn't yet know what lights you have.

    If you have RDM dimmers and fixtures, the console will be able to discover them and patch them for you, automatically assigning them to faders.

    If you don't have RDM fixtures, and you would like to patch dimmers to the 48 channel faders, you can tap SETUP -> Add Fixtures, and then tap Next, as dimmer will be preselected. You can then press and hold the first channel button, and tap the last, which should light all 48 channel buttons. You can do the same on channel faders 49-96 by using the page button. If channel buttons don't light when you tap them, there is already a fixture assigned to that fader.

    You can then tap Finish, and the console will patch those in. You can then tap SETUP to save and exit, and your faders will then control your dimmer channels.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  22. Hello,

    In this scenario, I would recommend loading the GENERIC -> LED Unit -> 4ch (D RGB) fixture into the fixture editor. This can be done by downloading the fixture library onto your Windows PC, and extracting/unzipping it. Then open the Fixture Editor software, choose create new, then go to File -> Import Fixture Type, and browse your PC for the extracted library file. You will then be able to navigate this to find the 4ch (D RGB) fixture. 

    Once loaded in, you can then readdress RGB to 3, 4 and 5 respectively, add in a Strobe parameter under the Beamshape attribute, and then rename the fixture and manufacturer. You can then save the fixture file, copy the .ift file to a USB stick, and you will then be able to load this into the console.

    To download the latest library, see below...


    Hope this helps,


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