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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @LouAldons

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Would you be able to confirm which software version you are running on your FLX S console?

    If you are running the current latest software, please see the information below on controlling multicell fixtures…


    If this doesn’t help you, please link to your fixture’s manual, and we’ll be able to take a look.

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  2. Hi @Tassal

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

    4 hours ago, Tassal said:

    I used my FLX S48 last weekend for the first time in 20 months

    Glad to hear your console is back in use again. 

    4 hours ago, Tassal said:

    I was concerned about the desk freezing which it has done a couple of times in the two years since I bought it

    Sorry to hear this. Would you happen to know what software version your console was running? Feel free to send me an email if you’d like to explore this further.

    4 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    Might be overkill, might never happen again but it's peace of mind.

    That’s exactly it - most people that get ZerOS Servers buy them hoping they’ll never need them, but it’s nice to know it’s there just in case!


  3. Hi David,

    13 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    I'm looking for a backup solution because I made my FLX hang in the middle of a show on Saturday. First time I've had the problem and I don't know what I did immediately prior so can't make a useful report. Plus I'm a few versions behind (still on the old showfile format).

    Sorry to hear this. Once your show run has completed, I would recommend updating your console's software.

    13 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    I've obtained a DMX merger with backup mode and my DMX tester can record & replay a scene so I've changed the setup on my desk to send U1 on both outputs and, if it happens again, I can record the current output from the 2nd output, set the tester to replay it and then disconnect & restart the FLX. With the FLX restarted I can then set up the same output and reconnect it.

    That's all a bit clunky and what if the FLX doesn't come back? Hence the interest in having a backup desk, it'd be handy too if the FLX ever needs to go in for repair.

    If you can't get your hands on another FLX within your budget, it might be worth shopping around and seeing what price you could get for a 4-universe ZerOS Server...


    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  4. Hi David,

    21 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    I'm thinking of acquiring an S48 as backup to my FLX but I've got a couple of questions...

    Sounds good. I have updated this topic title to "S48" rather than "S24" to avoid confusion.

    18 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Regarding the 96 fixture limit. I have a number of channels with more than one fixture (with different DMX addresses) patched to them. Does the limit apply to channels or patched fixtures?

    Any DMX channels that you are using, will eat into your channel limit. So patching 1 dimmer channel, with an additional address configured, would use 1 of your 96 fixtures, and 2 of your 512/1024 DMX channels.

    19 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Regarding the playback limit. My default show has a lot of playbacks that I trigger with MIDI notes and these have to start at PB1. Obviously I wouldn't be able to use these but I would need to load this show and get pages 8 & 9 of the FLX playbacks mapped to pages on the S48. Can this be done and how does it work?

    To do this, firstly save a copy of your show file to a USB drive. You'd then need to delete all the playbacks you don't want to access on your FLX S48, and move the playbacks you do want to access to playbacks 1 - 96. You could then save the show file to USB, and load it into FLX S48. You could then load the original show file back into the FLX. For clarity, FLX S consoles do not feature a MIDI input.

    23 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    Anybody think of anything else that could trip me up?

    UDKs will not be loaded, and palettes greater than number 96 for each attribute will not be loaded. Total DMX addresses and fixture count are the main thing to bear in mind.

    13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    ...and can FLX S actually be used for live tracking FLX backup? i.e. is that feature supported on FLX S? Unless you meant "backup" in the sense of another physical desk you could swap in rather than as an active tracking backup... (Probably you did, I'm over reading into it...!)

    Yes worth clarifying - FLX S consoles do not support the Tracking Backup protocol that is available on FLX and other ZerOS consoles. So a FLX S could not automatically take over control of the show, should your FLX go offline.


  5. Hi @diacong

    9 minutes ago, diacong said:

    I would also like the channel that controls lamp illuminating the garden to fade quicker than those in the room thus emphasising the approach of evening. I'm unable to work out how to do this or even if it's possible.

    I would do this using two cues, that run simultaneously. 

    I would have one cue, that just fades the garden lighting. You could then have this cue with one fade time set. You may wish this cue to run automatically after the previous cue. For example if the previous cue brings the lights up, this cue can then start running automatically, slowly fading out the garden throughout the duration of the scene.

    I would then have another cue that controls the room lighting. This cue could then have a different fade time, however be triggered with the previous cue.

    Hope this helps,


  6. Hi Tony,

    There are many battens available from different manufacturers that can be operated in a "Multicell" mode, allowing individual control of the pixels/cells. Some other forum members may be able to suggest battens.

    If you find a batten that you're considering, feel free to link to its manual, and I'll take a look to see whether it can be operated in a multicell mode.


  7. Hi @Perla

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Glad to hear you have a FLX S24.

    27 minutes ago, Perla said:

    We had to factory reset and reset everything.

    Would you be able to explain why you had to reset everything?

    27 minutes ago, Perla said:

    We got a person to put the lights back in yesterday, it worked yesterday, but today the light fixtures are not responding.

    Has anything changed between the system working yesterday, and today? Have any new lights been added? Have any changes been made on the console? Has any cabling been changed?

    28 minutes ago, Perla said:

    Idk what to do now...

    To be able to help further, would you be able to explain your lighting system? For example, where does the DMX cable from the console go? What fixtures are you controlling?

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  8. Hi Tony,

    Thank you for linking to the fixture's manual. The fixture file for the LEDJ Q Batten can be downloaded here...

    LEDJ Q Batten.ift

    This fixture does not offer the ability to control the individual LEDs of this fixture separately.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  9. Hi @keredyelesob

    On 11/15/2021 at 8:29 PM, keredyelesob said:

    Also in the meantime I have swapped the entire fader pcb from one of my wings to the faulty desk so the desk can continue to go out to events. I have noticed the diagnostics does not expand to the faders on the wing. It does however work for the flash buttons. Is there a way to diagnose the wing. Not a huge problem if not as I can test in fixture mode but obviously not as accurate.

    There is no dedicated Test Mode for the ZerOS Wing. Instead, ZerOS Wing updates will be displayed in Z -> System Information -> Event Monitor.

    The faders/buttons on the wing will be numbered 25 - 48.

    Hope this helps,


  10. Hi @martin BA

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    On 11/12/2021 at 8:44 PM, martin BA said:

    hello, have experienced same issue with my FLX 24S, are there any updates in this topic?

    Sorry to hear you have experienced the same issue. 

    To confirm, are you finding that your console only boots with a USB drive connected?

    Have you also tried this...

    On 11/11/2021 at 1:02 PM, Edward Z88 said:

    I would recommend performing a fresh install of your console's software, using the ZerOS Start-Up Tool. Please see the link below, for information and instructions...


    The Start-Up Tool will allow you to load the ZerOS 7.10 application (.exe file) directly into the console.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  11. Hi Ed75,

    I haven't used one of these fixtures myself, but from memory they have a setting in the fixture's menu to enable or disable the ability to control the lamp via DMX. This option therefore has an affect on the personality used to control the fixture, hence there is a lamp on and lamp off variant for both modes.

    1 hour ago, Ed75 said:

    For me this problem is over now, after  the updates.

    Glad to hear it, thanks for letting us know.


  12. Hi All,

    As you may be aware, we will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary next year, as Zero 88 was founded in October 1972.

    If you have any stories of Zero 88 going back over the years, any images of legacy products still in use, or any old photos, memorabilia or literature, feel free to post and discuss them here.

    Our marketing team will then use this as part of our celebrations next year.

    As an important part of Zero 88, we'd love to hear from our friends on the forum.

    Thank you from all the Zero 88 Team.

  13. Hi @LLuk

    18 hours ago, LLuk said:

    So, to create some fast lightstates without patching the fixtures in order or sort them, i had

    to search the adress of each needed fixture in the Patch overview, to find out wich fixturenumber

    in my FLX it would be. It tooks me a lot of time to do this.


    1 hour ago, Ed75 said:


    I would suggest you patch the dimmers on a 'logical' fixture number. for example dmx 2.1 to dmx 2.36   to fixture 101 to 136 .......or someway else that is logical to you.


    As per @Ed75 suggestion, this is exactly what I’d do. If I had a whole universe of dimmer channels patched, I’d number these dimmers 1001 - 1512. That way I’d just put a “1” before the address. If you had another universes these could be 2001-2512 and so on. 

    18 hours ago, LLuk said:

    In this situation i realy missed the possiblity to select fixtures by adress. (for example the fixture with adress 254 in univers 2 at 50%: 2.254@50enter

    Currently, this syntax would attempt to select cell 254 of fixture 2. 

    On the Orb series of consoles, that still run ZerOS, there is DMX x @ y syntax. This is something that will come to FLX in future.

    If you have any questions, please let us know. 


  14. Hi @Nevermind

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    9 hours ago, Nevermind said:

    My question is whether there is a possible way to modify the PhantomJester software to allow it to do this?

    There is no way of getting control data out of Phantom Jester, and so there is no way of doing this. You can only ever program “blind” on Phantom Jester.

    If you are on a real console, you could use a DMX to Ethernet gateway to be able to connect to Capture. 


  15. Hi @drscoop

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    This seems to behave as a non-linear fixture, but it feels like it'd be easier to work with as a linear fixture, for applying fans, effects etc.  I have set up 8 sub-groups in the interim, one for each RGB cell/pixel group, and can fan effects and colours over these by selecting all eight groups vs the whole fixture, but running it as linear would feel a lot more elegant...

    ZerOS knows the orientation of a fixture’s cells. If a fixture’s cells are linear, the channel fader will select all cells. If the fixture’s cells are non-linear, the fader will treat the fixture as a standard fixture, and select the whole fixture. 

    If you need to select all cells of this fixture, bring up the channel fader, tap Z/Shift, and type “. Enter” on the number pad. The fixture is broken into cells, that can then be fanned across.

    For applications where you are regularly needing to be very specific about what cells you need, this is where life is much easier on the standard FLX console.

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    Unrelated, and I may be missing the obvious here, but is there a way to capture intensity palettes?

    As usual, @kgallen is right - on ZerOS, groups and intensity palettes are the same thing. At the point of recording a group, selection AND intensities are always recorded. At the point of recalling the group, tapping just selects, and double tapping recalls intensities. 

    Cues recorded using an intensity group, will reference the intensity group. Therefore if you double tap a group, tweak the levels, tap UPDATE and tap the group, any cues that used that group will use the new values.

    For more information, please see the links below…



    Hope this helps,


  16. Hi Philip,

    Thank you for confirming.

    2 hours ago, Taske said:

    If I plugin a empty USB pendrive the console won't boot.

    To confirm, does this USB drive simply have the ZerOS 7.10 application stored on it, in the .exe format, or has this USB drive been formatted using the ZerOS OS Creator software?

    (The ZerOS OS Creator is only required to update consoles running early software versions).

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  17. Hi Adam,

    30 minutes ago, AdamTheGinger said:

    but is it possible to offset the fixtures entirely

    To provide a custom offset across your fixtures, you will be able to hold Z/Shift, and dial the offset encoder. Your fixtures will start to offset. For more information, please see the link below...


    Each time you apply a random offset to an effect, the console will come up with a random order. With chases, random will automatically choose a random next cue each time.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  18. Hi @delicolor

    5 minutes ago, delicolor said:

    Thanks John, that sort-of works in that the direction is respected although the finess is a bit lacking on hitting a particular level. (Although that could be me being heavy handed). It looks like the acceleration settings make it fiddly.

    The encoders give the best results when the Front Panel window is full screen. Dragging horizontally gives "normal" control, and vertically gives more "fine" control.

    If you still find the control is too course, try reducing the encoder sensitivity on Phantom ZerOS to 40% ish.

    Hope this helps,


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