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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Kevin,

    29 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    But no fixtures with a (cool) white emitter? (Or is that the "C" on the Strand fixtures?)

    We have tested on standard RGBW fixtures as well. The "C" emitter is Cyan.

    29 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    on the internal screen if you get towards the end (like I was doing with the Sat fader), it jumps about like crazy with big changes in fixture response. It is a screen I've not used much before, but I've now got a new-found interest in it as it was very useful in the respect of adjusting "Sat" for example.

    Using the internal touchscreen, the onscreen colour faders seem to be tracking finger movement pretty accurately. If you're not seeing this, would you be able to capture a video of this and email it to me?


  2. 11 hours ago, Gerran said:

    Unfortunately the colours from the LEE library still don't match the expected colour output.

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    I find the (Lee) swatch colours very pale as they seem to contain a lot of the white emitter - although I don’t know if this is different to before.

    2 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Of course by fixtures aren’t colour calibrated as they are ‘cheap’ so by no means am I a reference here.

    As @kgallen mentions, the accuracy of the colour filters ultimately comes down to the fixtures. We have done testing with both our Acclaim series (RGBL engine), and our Aurora/Cantata/Coda/Leko fixtures (RGBALC engine), which give good results.

    The colour filter values were updated in ZerOS 7.11, so there is a good chance they look different compared to earlier software. In ZerOS 7.11, all colour filters were updated to use the latest information from LEE and Carallon, our fixture database provider.

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Side question - I used the colour faders screen quite a bit (like the Sat slider) - and it was very useful - but it’s very sensitive: can these controls be brought down onto the encoders?

    I've personally not found the faders window to be too sensitive, however I do like the idea of being able to use the encoder wheels to adjust these faders. I have logged this suggestion, reference number ZOS-11157.

    Let us know if you have any questions.


  3. Hi @Kauz

    12 hours ago, Kauz said:

    Ok, understood. If I understand your proposal right, you would creat an alternative "Grand Master", but this does not allow an actual exclusion from the original Grand Master / Black Out.

    That is correct - you could essentially create your own Grand Master using an Inhibit playback, and then disable the "real" Grand Master control by deleting it.

    12 hours ago, Kauz said:

    Is there a way to create a fixture without intensity parameter, just with an attribute? Would this do the job?

    Yes - if you create a fixture without an intensity parameter, it will not be affected by the Grand Master. This would mean that you couldn't control the fixture with a Channel fader.

    However, you could patch a "Non Dim" fixture. To do this, tap SETUP -> Add Fixtures -> Generic -> Non Dim -> Default Off -> Next>. Then set the fixture's number, and DMX address, and click Finish.

    Then, tap SETUP to save and close, select the fixture, and tap BEAM. You can then dial the "Connected Load" parameter to full, tap RECORD, and then tap an empty playback fader. Then, press and hold SETUP, and tap that playback's button. Under "Fader Controls...", enable Beam, so it has a red stripe. You can then click OK.

    This playback fader can then be used to set the output level of this DMX channel, which will not be inhibited by the Grand Master.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.


  4. Hi @terryb

    2 hours ago, terryb said:

    It got very late last night! However I am at home and ploughing through all the previous update information. I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing! However we have a lot of these!


    As our desk is used sporadically we can miss upgrades. I prefer not to do them too close to a show for obvious reasons. Many thanks for your help so far but I fear it isn't over yet. We tend to use a lot of 'disco' great because the venue is very small and theatre fixtures are too narrow.

    This appears to be a duplicate post. Please see my responses in my previous reply.


  5. Hi @Takuya Chinen,

    2 hours ago, Takuya Chinen said:

    The monitors are blacked out and they are not reboot. On FLX S48 keeps flashing the LED of MFFs buttons and LED of the page number keeps circling on FLX full board. I have tried to launch test mode and follow the rebooting process on the manual but, it does not work on both console.

    It sounds like you may have managed to install a corrupt version of ZerOS 7.13 onto your consoles.

    If you are now unable to boot your consoles normally, they will need to be recovered. Please delete the original copy you installed, and then download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.13 from the link below...


    Firstly, please try accessing the ZerOS Start-Up Tool, which will allow you to perform a fresh installation of the console's software. Please see the link below, for information on accessing and using the ZerOS Start-Up Tool...


    If you cannot access the ZerOS Start-Up Tool, you should be able to recover the FLX console using the installation method described here...


    If you cannot access the ZerOS Start-Up Tool on FLX S48, the internal storage card will need to be re-flashed. Please email your console's serial number to support@zero88.com, and we will then be able to advise the best steps to get the console up and running.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  6. Hi @terryb

    9 minutes ago, terryb said:

    However we have a lot of these!

    Please click the link below, to download the fixture file for the LEDJ Quad Par 64...

    https://www.zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/LEDJ/Quad Par 64.ift

    Once downloaded, save the file to a USB drive, and plug into your console. Then on the console tap SETUP -> Load, and choose the fixture file to load in. Once loaded, you can then find and patch this fixture in Add Fixtures.

    11 minutes ago, terryb said:

    I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing!

    If there are fixtures you need help with, please just let us know, and we can point you towards the best version of the fixture to use.


  7. Hi @Kauz

    13 hours ago, Kauz said:

    the channel's output value must be controlled by means of a fader, but may not be influenced by blackout and grandmaster. Is there a way to achieve this?

    If you patch a fixture with an Intensity parameter, this will always be governed by the Grand Master (unless parked).

    If there are certain fixtures you want to be controlled by the Grand Master, and some fixtures you don't want to be controlled by the Grand Master, your best option would be to configure an "Inhibit" playback. You could then use the Inhibit playback as the Master fader for certain lights.

    To do this, set all the fixtures you wish to be controlled by a Master fader to full. Then tap RECORD, and tap an empty playback. Then hold SETUP, and tap this playback's button. In the Playback Settings, set the Intensity Mixing to Inhibit, and click OK. This fader will now act as an Intensity master for all the fixtures you just recorded. It must be raised to achieve light output. Fixtures that were not recorded to this playback, will not be inhibited by it.

    You can then choose to disable the console's Grand Master if you wish. On FLX, this can be done by tapping DELETE -> BLACKOUT -> ENTER.

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


  8. Hi @kgallen

    11 hours ago, kgallen said:

    This ‘upgrade’ process - how does that relate to user fixture profiles implemented using the legacy Fixture Tool? If they’ve been implemented using the correct colour detail metadata will they work properly using 7.13 and the auto palettes, gel palettes, mood board and colour picker (talking full FLX here)?

    Fixtures in the .ift format with subtractive colour mixing will not be applied to the Colour Filters, due to a change that was required in ZerOS 7.11 software. All other colour mixing tools will continue to work.

    (This is related to how ZerOS supports subtractive "Cyan" dichroic colour flags, and also additive "Cyan" emitters).

    Fixtures in the .ift format with additive colour mixing will work as expected.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi @terryb

    15 hours ago, terryb said:

    Would clearing the fixtures and reinstalling them clean be simpler way of doing it?

    Yes - if you want to start a fresh show file, you can delete your "legacy" fixtures from the Fixture Schedule. Then, you can tap SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Fixture Files, to remove all fixture files from the console that aren't currently in use. You can then patch your fixtures in from scratch from Add Fixtures.

    Don't forget - upon deleting fixtures, you remove information for these fixtures from your cues. This operation therefore cannot be undone.

    15 hours ago, terryb said:

    our RGBW LEDj PARs are coming up as RGBA which means the colours are wrong

    If you can only find a RGBA variant in the library, it sounds like the RGBW variant is missing. Please could you provide a manual for your LEDJ LED PARs? I can then provide you with the best fixture file to use.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  10. Hi @terryb

    If you have loaded a show file from an earlier version of software into ZerOS 7.13, you may need to "upgrade" the fixtures to the latest version in the library, to be able to take advantage of the Mood Boards. This is dependent on the fixtures you are using.

    To upgrade your fixtures, tap SETUP to take you to the Fixture Schedule. Then, click on the patch group button at the bottom for the type of fixture you need to upgrade. Then click the "Change / Convert All Fixtures / Modes" button at the top of the Fixture Schedule. You should then be able to find the latest version of the fixture from the library, which will be listed in the standard white text. You can then click OK, and the console will work through and upgrade these fixtures to the latest version. Once complete, you can tap SETUP to exit, and then use the Mood Boards with these fixtures.

    For more information, please see the link below...


    10 minutes ago, terryb said:

    I managed to leave the release notes at home and there may have been something there.

    This procedure is described in the ZerOS 7.11 release notes...


    The ZerOS 7.13 release notes are available here...


    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


  11. Bonjour,

    Après de plus amples investigations, nous avons constaté que les applications ZerOS ne fonctionnent pas correctement sur iOS/iPadOS 15.7.

    La version précédente du logiciel, iOS/iPadOS 15.6, et la dernière version du logiciel pour le matériel Apple plus récent, iOS/iPadOS 16, permettent aux applications de fonctionner correctement. Le problème semble donc être causé spécifiquement par iOS/iPadOS 15.7. À ce stade, nous ne pensons pas que les applications soient en faute.

    Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous en informer.



    After further investigations, we have found that the ZerOS apps are not functioning correctly on iOS/iPadOS 15.7.

    The previous software version, iOS/iPadOS 15.6, and the latest software version for newer Apple hardware, iOS/iPadOS 16, allow the apps to operare correctly. The issue therefore seems to be caused specifically by iOS/iPadOS 15.7. At this stage, we do not beleive the apps are at fault.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  12. Bonjour,

    Merci pour l'information.

    Savez-vous quand ce problème a commencé à se produire ? Le problème a-t-il commencé après la mise à jour de votre iPhone vers iOS 15.7 ?



    Thank you for the information.

    Do you know when this issue started occurring? Did the issue start after updating your iPhone to iOS 15.7?


  13. Salut @sdanilo,

    Bienvenue sur le forum Zéro 88.

    Pourriez-vous confirmer la version du logiciel en cours d'exécution sur votre console FLX S ? Cela peut être trouvé dans Z/Shift -> Informations système.

    Pourriez-vous également confirmer que vous utilisez la dernière version de l'application ? Sur la page d'accueil de l'application, appuyez sur le bouton "À propos". La dernière version est la

    iOS 16 n'est pas disponible pour l'iPhone 7. Pouvez-vous confirmer que l'iPhone 7 exécute la dernière version d'iOS 15 ?

    Je n'ai pas d'iPhone 7 disponible pour tester, mais j'ai un iPhone 8 qui est très similaire. L'iPhone 8 fonctionne correctement sur iOS 15 et iOS 16.

    Lorsque l'iPhone 7 est connecté à la console, qu'est-ce qui fait planter l'application ? Taper n'importe où dans l'application provoque-t-il un plantage ? Lorsque l'application plante, êtes-vous ramené à l'écran d'accueil de votre iPhone ?



    Hi @sdanilo,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    Please could you confirm the software version running on your FLX S console? This can be found in Z/Shift -> System Information.

    Please could you also confirm you are running the latest version of the app? On the app home page, tap the "About" button. The latest version is

    iOS 16 is not available for iPhone 7. Can you confirm the iPhone 7 is running the latest version of iOS 15?

    I don't have an iPhone 7 available to test, however I do have an iPhone 8 which is very similar. The iPhone 8 works correctly on both iOS 15 and iOS 16.

    When the iPhone 7 is connected to the console, what is causing the app to crash? Does tapping anywhere in the app cause a crash? When the app crashes, are you taken back to your iPhone home screen?


  14. Hi @Gerran

    1 hour ago, Gerran said:

    Great Edward, thanks a lot for your extensive reply. I'll be checking on the console later this week and report back here. 

    No problem at all - just let us know if you have any questions.


  15. Hi @kgallen

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Edward, would you be able to elaborate on the conditions for this issue occurring and if there is a workaround when using 7.13. I have a large/complex show coming up in October so I would like to be up to speed with handling this.

    You will only encounter this if you are using fixtures with a colour temperature parameter, that has a single continuous colour temperature range. If you are using fixtures without a colour temperature parameter, or you are using fixtures that have a colour temperature parameter with discrete presets, you will not encounter this.

    The work around is to simply apply the filter twice. This then applies the filter to the first selected fixture's colour temperature parameter.


    • Thanks 1
  16. Hi Simon,

    16 hours ago, SimonH said:

    Is this a thing or are you referring to the list of wants?

    when I said list I meant the one you were working on not our would be nice list. 

    Custom desktop layouts is on our roadmap. There are many factors that decide the order of the roadmap, one of which being the votes in this forum thread.


  17. Hi @Gerran

    ZerOS 7.11 software introduced a new Colour Mixing system. Please watch the video below if you'd like to learn more...

    One of the features of the new colour mixing system, is that ZerOS can now factor in colour temperature parameters. ZerOS will use colour temperature parameters that  have a continuous range from one colour temperature value through to another. ZerOS will not use colour temperature parameters that have discrete temperature "presets".

    On 9/24/2022 at 2:54 PM, Gerran said:

    The inifinity Fixtures have a dedicated colour temperature channel in the DMX chart, but when I select a colour from the LEE library, the colour temperature is changed.

    According to the fixture's manual, the Colour Temperature parameter allows you to adjust the fixture's light output from 2000K @ 0 to 8000K @ 255. ZerOS will therefore use this parameter when using the various colour mixing tools, including LEE filters.

    On 9/24/2022 at 2:54 PM, Gerran said:

    Another issue we noticed is that the LEE colours for the Infinity fixtures are not even close to the supposed values. LEE 106 for example should be red, but the light output is orange/yellow. 

    My guess in this situation is that the Infinity fixture's Green LEDs are more intense than ZerOS expects at the low end. After applying the filter, you will therefore need to dial down the level of Green using the encoder wheels to fine-tune the colour. You can then save the custom colour as a colour palette, to quickly recall your shade of red.

    On 9/24/2022 at 2:54 PM, Gerran said:

    The same behaviour is observed with the TourLED's, but with the dedicated 'white' channel. So when I adjust for example red and blue encoderwheels below a certain value, white value is lowered as well. 

    To confirm, are you using the "Expolite TourLED Pro 28 Zoom"? I am not able to replicate the behaviour you describe in ZerOS 7.13 software. Adjusting the fixture's red and blue encoder wheels, correctly does not affect the fixture's White parameter. When using the onscreen RGB colour faders, these do correctly adjust the fixture's white parameter.

    On 9/24/2022 at 2:54 PM, Gerran said:

    Last issue (for this post): when a group of the same fixtures is selected and given a colour from the LEE library (and the colour temperature value is adjusted with that for some reason) and after that another colour is selected, all the fictures get new colour (expected) and termperature (why?) values EXCEPT the first fixture in the group. That fixture only gets new colour values but remains the temperature value of the firstly selected colour. 

    Thank you very much for the description of this behaviour. I have been able to replicate this issue, and can see that the colour temperature parameter of the first fixture in the selection occasionally does not change upon applying a filter. This issue is logged as reference number ZOS-11120 on our system, scheduled to be fixed in the next software update.

    On 9/25/2022 at 8:24 AM, Gerran said:

    After the update to ZerOs 7.12 I've changed all fixtures with the new profiles available in the library.

    If you wish to control these fixtures in the "legacy" method, with the Colour Temperature parameter not used by the colour mixing, the original versions of these Infinity fixtures can be downloaded from the links below...

    Once downloaded, you can save these files to a USB drive. You can then load each file into the console from the USB drive. You can then patch the loaded files, which will be displayed in red text, rather than using the library fixtures.

    I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know.


  18. Hi @Gerran

    I'll be able to provide a more detailed reply when I’m next in front of my computer, however based on your initial description it sounds like you may be using the fixture from your show file, rather than the fixture from the latest software. 

    If you have loaded in a show file from an earlier software version, ZerOS may use the fixtures from the show file, instead of fixtures from the library. Within the Fixture Schedule, you should see the option to convert/change this fixture, to replace it with the latest version from the library. 

    The colour control should behave as expected. 

    Let us know if you have any questions.


  19. Hi Simon,

    7 hours ago, SimonH said:

    The instructions on here say to return to factory settings press reset button and cycle power but there isn’t a reset button or any button for that matter. 

    As the Gateway 4 supports LLRP, we have hidden the Reset button away, to try and avoid people using it. If you must reset the Gateway 4, there is a secret hole down the outside of one of the XLR connectors, which a pin can be inserted into to reach the reset button.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  20. Hi Simon,

    3 hours ago, SimonH said:

    I’ve just received my new gateway 4

    Really pleased to hear you now have a Gateway 4.

    For information on configuring Gateway 4, please see the link below...


    For information on configuring Gateway 4 from FLX, please see the link below...


    Let me know if you have any questions.


  21. Hi Ian,

    Glad you were able to use a different USB drive. Is the Corsair drive in a different format?

    6 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

    I used the new fixture creator to build a template for my Stairville Pro Bar 16x10w straight onto the desk - all good!!

    Really pleased to hear it!

    Let us know if there’s anything else you need. 


  22. Hi @Ian_p

    1 hour ago, Ian_p said:

    I have downloaded the 7.13 update file to a usb, ensured it is unzipped and not in a subfolder - but when I attempt to view the usb from the console, I see no list of files...

    Am I missing a step...? There are other files on the usb, the console sees no files at all....

    If you tap SETUP -> Save, under "Device" you should see a removable device. If you see <No Destination Devices>, please tap Refresh. If your device then appears, you should be able to choose Load, and see the files on your drive.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  23. 3 hours ago, Ed75 said:

    The reason for these questions is I might consider searching for a Solution, because there is no need to switch pages then, between channel and playback mode, because of the seperate playbacks. Which is a little pain for me on the FLX range

    If the only reason for looking at a Solution console is the separate Channel and Playback faders, it might be worth taking a look at the ZerOS Wing instead...


    This can then be plugged into your FLX S console via USB. ZerOS Wing will not increase the number of Channels or Playbacks your console can control, but would allow you to set the ZerOS Wing faders to Channels, and the console faders to Playbacks for example, to access both at the same time.

    For more information on ZerOS Wing, please see the link below...


    Hope this helps.


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