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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Speedy

    Welcome to the forum. 

    To record custom Home, Default, or Max Level values, you will need to ensure that “SmartTag” is disabled in the record options. 

    If your custom Max Level values are not currently how you want them, first tap DELETE > HOME > Max Level. 

    Then double tap CLEAR, and set the fixtures you need to your desired maximum level. Then press and hold RECORD, and in the Record Options that open on the touchscreen, ensure SmartTag has a blue stripe, meaning disabled. If it has a red stripe, tap to disable. Then tap the HOME key, and then choose Max Level. Now only the lights you adjusted will be given a Max Level. 

    I hope this helps. 

  2. Hi Benjamin,

    If these errors appear, and the console is switched off and on again, the console will usually reboot into the previously installed version. However as your console has booted into ZerOS 7.14.3, this confirms the software installation completed successfully. The installer must have encountered an issue right at the end whilst it was wrapping things up. 

    The only thing I’d check is going into Setup > Add Fixtures, to check the fixture library is installed. If it is, then you can ignore those errors.


  3. Hi @Niels-Oliver Harfst

    Welcome to the forum.

    Thank you for your description of the issue. The first thing to look at would be the internal touchscreen ribbon cable that plugs into the processor. This intermittent behavior could suggest the touchscreen is not connected correctly. Please email a photo of your console's serial number to support@zero88.com, and we can then confirm whether the console is in warranty. If it is out of warranty, we can provide instructions on how to open the console.

    58 minutes ago, Niels-Oliver Harfst said:

    Is it possible to connect the console to an external regular monitor without a working screen

    FLX S24 does not have an external monitor output.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  4. 3 hours ago, Zulu said:

    When I introduce the 2nd playback, I get a sudden jump to the new colour. The intention is to be able to cross fade manually from one colour to the other without a visible colour jump.

    This should be a helpful one to watch...


    3 hours ago, Zulu said:

    How do I clear the desk of everything except the patching, to start a new show?

    Setup > Clear Options > Clear All will clear all programming, but leave all of your settings and patch.

    Setup > Clear Options > Reset Desk will clear the patch and most settings, but will leave any network protocols enabled and configured.

    Often the best option is load the "Setup Only", of a show file where you know the settings are how you'd like them...

    ZerOS Show Files - ZerOS | Zero 88

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  5. Bonjour,

    Si vous avez enregistré des positions sur un fader de lecture, vous constaterez peut-être que les appareils se déplacent vers leur position lorsque vous augmentez le fader de lecture. Pour éviter de voir ce mouvement, maintenez SETUP et appuyez sur le bouton de votre lecture pour ouvrir les paramètres de lecture. Ici, définissez la « Fonction du bouton » sur « Go (Snap) », plutôt que sur Flash. Cliquez ensuite sur OK. Maintenant, vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton de lecture pour préparer les appareils, puis augmenter le fader de lecture pour activer l'intensité.

    J'espère que ça aide.



    If you have recorded positions onto a playback fader, you may find you see the fixtures moving to their position upon raising the playback fader. To avoid seeing this movement, hold SETUP and tap your playback's button, to open the playback's settings. In here, set the "Button Function" to "Go (Snap)", rather than flash. Then click OK. Now, you can tap the playback's button to prepare the fixtures, and then raise the playback's fader to turn on the intensity.

    I hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi @delicolor

    12 hours ago, delicolor said:

    I sent something to Support@zero88.com on Wednesday and didn't hear anything back. Has it changed or is it a domain hiccup?

    support@zero88.com is still valid and comes through to me and the rest of the team. I’ve been on holiday without access to my emails. I’m back next week. 

  7. Hi @showguy

    From memory, ArtNettominator reports itself as an Art-Net controller, not a receiver. In older software versions, FLX S would only send Art-Net to receivers, not other controllers on the network (this is what @kgallen is correctly recalling). Normally you wouldn’t want to send Art-Net DMX data to another console on the network for example.

    This behaviour was changed in ZerOS 7.14, to avoid the exact confusion you’ve encountered. Therefore, make sure your console is running ZerOS 7.14.3, so Art-Net is sent to “controllers” such as ArtNetominator.

    Hope this helps. 

  8. As @Davidmk says, you cannot have two devices on the network with the same IP address. They must be unique, but on the same subnet in range. So, if the FLX S and laptop both had a subnet of, these would be valid IP addresses: 

    FLX S Remote connection:

    Laptop (running ZerOS Monitor for example):

    Default gateway/router is not required for simple network configuration like this.

    More information here…


  9. Hi @pierotec

    On 5/25/2024 at 10:32 AM, pierotec said:

    it is possible to convert a fixture file .zflx to .ift
    I tried with Fixture Tools software but .zflx is not accepted.

    No it is not - .zfix files support “multicell” fixtures, whereas the Zero 88 Fixture Editor does not. Therefore .zfix files cannot be converted to .ift. 

    .zfix files can be edited in the ZerOS Fixture Creator…


    Hope this helps.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Zulu said:

    how do I press and hold a key on the phantom zeros, eg to view a different playback cue stack?

    In Phantom ZerOS if you right-click a button on the console's Front Panel, this will press and hold it. Right-click it again to release.

    Don't forget that most of the console's front panel buttons are mapped to a keyboard shortcut.

    END will toggle your Fader Function between Channels and Playbacks. V is mapped to VIEW, and F1 is mapped to the button below the first fader.

    Therefore when your faders are toggled to Playbacks, hold V and tap F1, to view playback 1.

    Keyboard Shortcuts can be found here...

    Keyboard Shortcuts | Zero 88

    Hope this helps.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Zulu said:

    I have this playback triggered by the main cue stack on the master playback, layering searchlight on top of the current lighting state.

    this works well, except the moving light illuminates and sweeps from its default position to the required start position. Exactly what Move on Dark should address. Move on Dark is enabled on both playbacks, but the light still lights up before moving.

    Move On Dark won't actually be able to help you here. This is because Move On Dark only looks at what cues are coming next in this playback. Move On Dark won't be able to prepare fixtures ready for other playbacks that may be triggered.

    So in this situation, I would manually record the start position for the moving lights in the cue before the "search light" playback is triggered.

    To do this, go into the cue before the "search light" playback is triggered, select the moving light, and set it to its first position. Ideally if you recorded the first cue of your "search light" playback with a palette, you can apply this same palette, and your fixture will go to the correct position. Once in position, you can then update the cue. By default, "SmartTag" will be enabled in the console's Record Options. With SmartTag enabled, ZerOS will not include data for a fixture, if the fixture is @ 0%. So in this situation, you will need to disable SmartTag, so that the position information can be included with the light @ 0%. To do this, press and hold UPDATE to open the Update Options, and in here ensure that the SmartTag button has a blue stripe, meaning disabled. Then, tap your Master Playback's GO button to update the current cue.

    Now upon going into the cue before your search light playback is triggered, the mover will prepare, and upon going into the next cue, the search light playback will be triggered with your mover ready in position.

    Hope this helps.

  12. 16 hours ago, DALX said:

    One thing I noticed when doing compilation was in the Piety mood folder Lee 707 was incorrectly labeled as ultimate frost which should be ultimate violet. 

    Well spotted. I have reached out to our gel database provider regarding this.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  13. Salut @jmd
    Tout d’abord, assurez-vous que votre FLX S48 exécute un logiciel à jour. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de la version utilisée par votre console, veuillez me le faire savoir.

    Ensuite, veuillez calibrer le moniteur externe. Veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous pour plus d'informations, notamment sur la marche à suivre si l'écran tactile ne répond pas...


    Si l'écran tactile ne répond toujours pas, veuillez fournir un lien vers la page Web de votre moniteur sur le site Web d'Iiyama, et nous pourrons enquêter plus en détail.


    Hi @jmd

    Firstly, please ensure your FLX S48 is running up to date software. If you're not sure what version your console is running, please let me know.

    Then, please calibrate the external monitor. Please see the link below for more information, including what to do if the touchscreen does not respond...


    If the touchscreen is still not responding, please provide a link to your monitor's webpage on the Iiyama website, and we can investigate further.

  14. 19 hours ago, Zulu said:

    I have an FLX S24, and am a novice to moving lights. I have a pair of Chauvet Intimidator Spot 155.

    I’m wanting the default or home state to be dark. It’s currently defaulting to 100%.

    does anyone have experience of how to fix this?

    I have patched the Chauvet Intimidator Spot 155 in both modes, and on FLX S this is correctly defaulting to 0% intensity, and correctly homing to 100% intensity.

    If the fixture is defaulting to 100% on your console, this intensity percentage will be shown in yellow in the Output window. If this is what you are seeing on your console, this confirms the fixture's default values have been edited in your show file.

    If you wish to reset all fixture defaults back to their library values, tap DELETE, and then tap the Home icon. You can then confirm you wish to remove all custom default values.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  15. On 5/11/2024 at 1:07 PM, DALX said:

    I have patched three ProShop Pluto 2000 (also called LEDMOV530) into my FLXS24. There is no light output when I first put the fader to max, when I select a colour using the Colour tab I get a light output of that colour. But the light is flickering or strobing. I have looked at the strobe channel encoder wheel and it has a default of 0%.

    I have checked the Show Technology Pluto 2000 in PERSON2 mode, and the DMX map/parameter defaults in the ZerOS Library appear to match the information in the fixture's manual. The Shutter/Strobe parameter is correctly defaulting to 0 (no strobe).

    On 5/11/2024 at 1:07 PM, DALX said:

    How do I extract a fixture file from the ZerOS Library to view the channel details using the Fixture Type Editor.

    Fixtures in the ZerOS Library can be extracted in the .zfix format. However, the "old" Zero 88 Fixture Editor cannot open .zfix files. As @kgallen & @Davidmk have mentioned, fixtures in the ZerOS Library can be edited in the ZerOS fixture creator.

    Have you tried controlling the fixture in any of the other modes? Does the same issue occur in all modes?

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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