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  1. You could try setting the fader as "Fader Controls Colour" (Setup+Fader Button). However for this to work I think you'd need to use a different approach rather than the cue-based one I gave above. I'm not too sure because I'd have to try it (and I don't have access to my FLX at the moment) but you might have to do something like change the default for the light to "red" (rather than white which will be the default) then programme the fader to change the colour to green (and set "Fader Controls Colour"). You will probably need to assign another fader to the light as the intensity control. Others on here do this sort of thing more so will probably have a better suggestion. Maybe I could have a play tomorrow, but no promises!
  2. Hi @Lena Here you go, all three modes (phew!). Everything is in there including all channel "details". You will find lots of channels under Colour and Beam(shape) so you'll have to rotate through the "pages" of them on your S24. However there is a limitation in what I've created. The FLX S24 will support multi-cell fixtures and the TMH-W555 looks like it could benefit with being defined as a multi-cell fixture for the 36 and 48 channel modes. However the Windows Fixture Editor does not support this (as it's a new console feature). You would need to request such an enhanced fixture definition from Vari-lite (or write one using GDTF which I'm not capable of!!!). I'm not sure if the colour palettes will work in the 36 and 48 channel modes as I've not picked any of the RGBW 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 as "primary". But they should work fine in the 24 channel mode. You'll have to see how you go on in 36/48 channel mode and come back to me if it's a little unworkable - I would need you to tell me which segment 1-7 you want to be "primary". Just put this file on a USB stick and use Load on the console. When you patch it, it will show in red text as a "non-library fixture". Enjoy! (ps there is a lot of info I've had to enter so if you see an error or spelling mistake, let me know) eurolite_tmh-w555.ift
  3. Red and green mix to make yellow so this should be possible. I would programme three cues on a playback. Set light to red. Record to playback 1. set light to orange. Record to playback 1 (answer yes to create cue 2). Set light to green. Record to playback 1. In cue 2 and 3 makes sure the colour fade time is set to a non-zero value, possibly quite long. You can either step through these cues using the button or if you want the sequence to run on its own (after you start it), set cue 2and 3 to ‘auto after’. You might not know how to do all of these actions in which case it will be a good opportunity to find out from the manual and learn a few new things about the console. Good luck!
  4. Hi @Lena If you can attach a pdf of the manual and say which modes are a priority for you, I’ll try and find some time today/tomorrow to write one for you.
  5. Possibly the internal coin cell (CR2032) gone flat? Access diagram: https://www.vari-lite.com/b-dam/vari-lite/discontinued-products/jester/english/jester-range-aaccess-diagram.pdf
  6. I agree and would be happy to do this. I’m similarly a ‘mod’ on other community forums essentially in a capacity of spam removal in the European time zone. This forum may be different as it’s commercial, but the offer is still there.
  7. I’ve been reporting the spam posts/users as soon as I see them. I don’t know if the corresponding report emails are being seen or triggering the cleanup action. From what @Davidmk is saying, possibly not!
  8. No, but I have now! The Intensity Wheel indeed works as 16-bit - although it's stepped so it's not smooth but certainly the LSB/MSB behave as a 16-bit 'pair'.
  9. Hi @Neil Macmillan I had a play with my FLX (ZerOS 8.0) and a Cameo Q-Spot 40 which has 16-bit dimmer. The fixture definition was written by myself. I use the Z key to access the DMX Outputs tab to look at the DMX values sent to the fixture on addresses 1 and 2 where the fixture MSB and LSB intensity channels sit. If I use the channel fader to manually play with the intensity, at 0% I see 0/0 (MSB/LSB). As I move the fader up the LSB goes to 128 and the MSB increments. When I get to 100% I see 255/255. Instead, making the desk do the dimming, I set Programmer Time on at 10:00 (10 minutes) and type syntax 1@@. I now see the LSB incrementing from 0-255 and the MSB increment when LSB is 255. Similarly if I do clear-clear I see the LSB count down from 255 to 0 then the MSB decrement then the LSB 255 to 0 again. All the way down to 0/0. So when the desk does the dimming, true 16-bit dimming is performed. When the fader is used, the dimming is understandably simplified - that fader doesn’t have 16-bit resolution! Conclusion - 16-bit intensity dimming works as expected. Hope that helps.
  10. I doubt it (but I need to do the research to substantiate that, so will endeavour to find "my light")! Being able to define intensity as 16-bit has been in the "old" fixture editor from well before FLX series desks were designed and I doubt they would have not written the software to support that on their latest range of consoles. If it was just 8 bit it would just use the MSB channel and leave the LSB at 0. Needs some more investigation unless another user already knows the answer (you never know, Edward or Jon might answer as they are still lurking 😉
  11. I'm my red mist I've so far failed to acknowledge @Jon Hole. My apologies. Thanks for so much Jon over the years - great products, accurate and timely support, recruiting some other great team members, and putting up with some quite strong feedback and comments from us on here. You will be missed as will all of the legacy Z88 team. Good Luck!
  12. You could "Report" it and get the new mods to delete the thread. I don't think a user can delete - at least I don't find any buttons suitably named! Alternatively - anything useful you can share with the community?
  13. Given the serial number, in theory if the database still exists and the will is there with the new support arrangements, Vari-lite should be able to give you a master code (I would expect, but I don’t have experience of this product).
  14. Welcome! If I recall correctly, there are a few users on here with fairly elaborate OSC setups working. Typically I can’t find a good thread to link (there are some in the Beta forum but you won’t have access to that). Have a search of the forum, especially the FLX forum. Hopefully one of those users will be along to help. @Davidmk is probably one to look out for!
  15. I notice the two support personnel Jon quotes above have a combined contribution of posts on this forum of exactly zero (since Sept/Nov 2024 when they joined). Looks like we're on our own folks, or they've got some work to do to establish their credibility and start making an active contribution - which I guess is part of what they are paid to do (unlike us). A 'hello' and a short resume would be a start…
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