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Strange Control Issue


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Evening all,

I'm back after another successful week at the theatre with the FLX.

Encountered a rather peculiar bug(?) or gremlin in the theatre infrastructure (in which case ignore this post) but the house technician hadn't seen this before..!

I had a Fresnel on LX1, Channel 101. When running my rig check each day "1 Thru 812" and slowly dialled up the intensity encoder, this Fresnel would not illuminate. When selecting 101 only and setting intensity, fixture comes on. If I selected my Fresnels group, all Fresnels expect 101 illuminates, even though the output window suggests it should be on. Fresnel 101 also did not respond to cues within the Master PB.

I ended up resolving this by physically plugging the Fresnel into a nearby dimmer circuit, and re-patching the desk, which then resolved all issues (so this makes me suspect it could be a dodgy infrastructure issue) however as mentioned earlier the house tech, who runs an ETC Ion, has never seen this behaviour before.

Any thoughts?

Completely unrelated, is there anyway the desk can calculate total cues (including . cues)? I know there is a 'last cue' number in the PB view, but this number does not include . cues. (Purely for bragging rights with my local lighting folk..! ;))



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Hi @scottydog75

48 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

When selecting 101 only and setting intensity, fixture comes on. If I selected my Fresnels group, all Fresnels expect 101 illuminates, even though the output window suggests it should be on. Fresnel 101 also did not respond to cues within the Master PB.

I ended up resolving this by physically plugging the Fresnel into a nearby dimmer circuit, and re-patching the desk, which then resolved all issues

This is indeed strange behaviour, and is most likely down to the venue’s dimmers. What dimmers are they? Sounds like they could be doing some form of load limiting (either intentionally or incorrectly!). 

The DMX Outputs window on the console shows the raw outputs of the console, and won’t lie. 

46 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

Completely unrelated, is there anyway the desk can calculate total cues (including . cues)? I know there is a 'last cue' number in the PB view, but this number does not include . cues. (Purely for bragging rights with my local lighting folk..! ;))

Copy your playback to an empty playback, hold SETUP and tap the button of the playback you pasted, Advanced > Renumber. The “last cue” field now shows the total cues in that playback. 

Hope this helps. 

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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3 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

This is indeed strange behaviour, and is most likely down to the venue’s dimmers. What dimmers are they? Sounds like they could be doing some form of load limiting (either intentionally or incorrectly!). 

The DMX Outputs window on the console shows the raw outputs of the console, and won’t lie. 

Strand LD90 Dimmers.

Yes, DMX outputs window would have been a good idea to check, but I'm pretty sure the FLX was doing what I thought it should be! I'll have to dig the desk out and have a look at what it is doing.

3 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Copy your playback to an empty playback, hold SETUP and tap the button of the playback you pasted, Advanced > Renumber. The “last cue” field now shows the total cues in that playback.  

Great, thanks!

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