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Unexplained circuit response.

Stan Vigurs

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We are using conventional tungsten lamps. 

I just finished programming our next production and noticed that when I was setting the value on circuit 14, circuit 26 was also responding albeit in a somewhat erratic nature. 

I rebooted the desk but it made no difference. There is not a fitting currently pugged into circuit 26 and so I finished programming and everything seems to be working ok, but I must confess I am a little concerned.

Any explanation or remedy please!  

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Hi @Stan Vigurs

39 minutes ago, Stan Vigurs said:

I just finished programming our next production and noticed that when I was setting the value on circuit 14, circuit 26 was also responding albeit in a somewhat erratic nature. 

Were you raising fixture 14's channel fader, and noticing that it was also adjusting fixture 26's intensity? If so, I would recommend testing your console's faders.

To do this, switch off the console, and then switch it on with the SETUP key held down. After around half a minute, the console will boot into Test Mode, with a virtual front panel shown on the internal touchscreen. Please move each fader up and down, and check that the console is registering the level of the faders correctly. If a physical fader's level does not match the fader level the console is registering onscreen, or a physical fader activates a different fader onscreen, please let me know, and I can advise the best steps to take.

To exit Test Mode, switch the console off and back on again, and it will then boot normally.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Doesn't sound like the console, sounds like an electrical noise coupling issue between your dimmers or control wires to those dimmers

What are your dimmers? Where are 14 and 26 in respect of the dimmers - same dimmer box, or different dimmer boxes on the same phase of the electrical supply? Are they analogue control input (with a DMX demux)? If you swap control cables (DMX/analogue) around does the problem stay on 26 or does it move around?

If you go into the Z key there is a tab for DMX Outputs. Do you see what you expect under address 14 (whatever) and circuit 26 (0 presumably).

(This assumes your dimmers are patched at addresses 1-<whatever>, adjust above numbers if they don't start at 1).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I've run the console in test mode as per your instructions. All appears as it should and all faders register as they should with the exception of fader #14! When I slide this fader up and down the virtual front panel responds as it should but channel 26 also displays a value. when channel 14 is 100% channel 26 flickers between 42 & 44%!

Since I last contacted you I have experienced a further, far more serious issue with the console. When operating the console for the current production the first 6 cues performed as they should, but then the next cue did not respond although the screen did show the correct operation. On pressing the Master Playback button a few times again, still the console did not respond and then after about 40 seconds or so it progressed through all of the cues. It then behaved correctly for the rest of the production.

When rebooting the console after the production, it did exactly the same thing but when I re booted the following day it behaved impeccably.

However I have lost confidence in the console and reprogrammed the production on my old Jester console which had no problems. Fortunately there were only a small number of lighting cues in the production.

I feel I cannot use the FLX S48 console again now until this is resolved.

Where do we go from here?

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16 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

Ok, I've run the console in test mode as per your instructions. All appears as it should and all faders register as they should with the exception of fader #14! When I slide this fader up and down the virtual front panel responds as it should but channel 26 also displays a value. when channel 14 is 100% channel 26 flickers between 42 & 44%!

Since I last contacted you I have experienced a further, far more serious issue with the console. When operating the console for the current production the first 6 cues performed as they should, but then the next cue did not respond although the screen did show the correct operation. On pressing the Master Playback button a few times again, still the console did not respond and then after about 40 seconds or so it progressed through all of the cues. It then behaved correctly for the rest of the production.

When rebooting the console after the production, it did exactly the same thing but when I re booted the following day it behaved impeccably.

However I have lost confidence in the console and reprogrammed the production on my old Jester console which had no problems. Fortunately there were only a small number of lighting cues in the production.

I feel I cannot use the FLX S48 console again now until this is resolved.

Where do we go from here?

@Stan Vigurs It sounds like your desk needs to go on someone's workbench to have fader 14 & 26 replaced first of all - it's a 'typical' failure mode sometimes that channels will cross read like that. I'd be tempted to swap fader 26 first then test again before putting a soldering iron on to fader 14. You might be lucky and some lubricant in the fader might solve the problem.

It also sounds as though the mechanical key switch for the Master Playback button needs replacing or some cleaner/lubricant inside - what appears to be happening is that the mechanism is sticking or there's a contact failing inside the switch.

Both spares aren't expensive, it should take around an hour in total of labour at your local dealer - if the desk is less than 3 years old then parts cost will be covered by warranty - I can't see from your profile where you're located... If you can't find a local dealer willing to carry out the repair, you could send the desk to me but I'm in Coventry, UK.

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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On 11/25/2023 at 4:45 PM, Stan Vigurs said:

all faders register as they should with the exception of fader #14! When I slide this fader up and down the virtual front panel responds as it should but channel 26 also displays a value. when channel 14 is 100% channel 26 flickers between 42 & 44%!

On 11/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, iank99 said:

I'd be tempted to swap fader 26 first then test again before putting a soldering iron on to fader 14. You might be lucky and some lubricant in the fader might solve the problem.

As @iank99 mentions, it sounds like fader 26 on your console is faulty. Please send us an email to support@zero88.com for detailed troubleshooting information.

You may find that a small drop of switch/contact cleaner will resolve the issue. If it doesn't, fader 26 will need to be replaced. As you are in the UK, I would recommend contacting @iank99 to get this repaired...

On 11/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, iank99 said:

If you can't find a local dealer willing to carry out the repair, you could send the desk to me but I'm in Coventry, UK.


On 11/25/2023 at 4:45 PM, Stan Vigurs said:

but then the next cue did not respond although the screen did show the correct operation. On pressing the Master Playback button a few times again, still the console did not respond and then after about 40 seconds or so it progressed through all of the cues. It then behaved correctly for the rest of the production.

When rebooting the console after the production, it did exactly the same thing but when I re booted the following day it behaved impeccably.

Without any further information, my first guess would be that this may be related to Speed Override. If you tap the Z/SHIFT key, you'll see Speed Override on the second encoder wheel. Please ensure this is reset to the midpoint position. If a yellow bar is shown, tap the button in the middle of the Speed Override encoder wheel, to reset. Upon running cues, the cue timings will then be used, and will not be temporarily overridden. To troubleshoot further, we would need to see a copy of the console's show file. If you can tap SETUP > Save, save the file to a USB drive, and email this to support@zero88.com, we'll take a look.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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Edward, I checked the Speed Override and that was fine set at the midpoint with no yellow bar showing.

At the moment the console is behaving itself with no repeat (up to now) of the cue not responding when commanded issue I reported previously but unless I have an explanation for this then I no longer have confidence in the console. I still the issue of when #14 fader is raised #26 shows a response albeit at a level below that showing on #14 fader.

I really need some advice on this as I cannot now responsibly use the console for any production - surely there must be an explanation!

I have attached the show cue file in case this can provide any clues.


Linlies on the Land3.isf

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4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

I have attached the show cue file in case this can provide any clues.

Thank you for sharing your show file. The first observation is that this show file is from ZerOS 7.9.7, which is serval versions out of date. I would therefore recommend updating your console's software.

ZerOS 7.14.1 is the latest software, and can be downloaded from the link below...


Release notes including installation instructions are available here...


4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

unless I have an explanation for this then I no longer have confidence in the console.

Please update your console's software.

4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

I still the issue of when #14 fader is raised #26 shows a response albeit at a level below that showing on #14 fader.

As discussed, this sounds like a hardware issue. Start by cleaning the faders. If this doesn't clear the issue, the faders will need replacing.

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Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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On 11/27/2023 at 2:35 PM, Stan Vigurs said:

I'm in Seisdon, Wolverhampton and so could bring the console over to you by prior arrangement if there is no one nearer to me. Please let me know if this could be arranged!

@Stan Vigurs my sincere apologies - I didn't see your response to me until just now :(

Yes - it would be very feasible to let you drop the console off with me then collect a day or so later. Drop me a PM here and I'll send you my eMail address so that we can arrange something.

Apologies again for missing your reply :(

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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