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confusion about blocked values


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Hellöü everybody

I created a cuelist in Master-Playback (tracking enabled, smarttag enabled).
when i dont change the value of a fixture from one to the next cue it should be a
tracked value, showed in violet in the outputwindow (so far my understanding).
And sometimes it actually is. But sometimes i get blocked values (showing white
in the outputwindow). I didnt get attention to this while programming. I realised
this first, when i wanted to do some changes in the cues with tracking forwards enabled.
It just doesnt worked cause of the blocked cues (i guess).

I figured out when i update a cue without any changes, the blocked values turned to
tracked values. So i did this for every single cue, to have the possibility to use
tracking for changes. Now i wanted to change some values in some cues, and
again some values are blocked. (even if a couple of minutes ago they showed me as tracked

I also realised that move on dark worked kind of strange. After update(without any
changes) all the cues, to get tracked values, my scrollers(move on dark) worked as
excepted. So does the blocked values also have an impact on move on dark?

I am just very much confused about this, and i am wondering whats the trick to
dont get blocked values when i dont need them. Whats my mistake?

Maybe somebody knows more about this..??


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Hi @LLuk

Blocked (white) values will inhibit move on dark from operating on any fixture that is blocked in that cue. MOD can operate on the following cue if the fixture isn't blocked assuming that fixture is not used until later.

COPYing cues will result in blocked values. Updating or recording with SmartTag off may result in blocked fixtures if you tagged that fixture but actually didn't change the intensity.

Using UPDATE with SmartTag enabled will clear the blocking and track if possible.

If you've seen other behaviour (and your opening text suggests you do), then Edward will probably need a little more info on your exact programming sequence, a showfile and which ZOS version you're using.

Reading your paragraphs your understanding in each seems correct to me.

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Hi @LLuk

49 minutes ago, LLuk said:

But sometimes i get blocked values (showing white
in the outputwindow).

As @kgallen mentions, without knowing how you have programmed your Cue Stack, my guess would be that you have been copying cues. Upon "pasting" a cue, you may find you encounter blocked values, where a fixture in the pasted cue is now told to do something it is already doing. With SmartTag enabled, you can go into the cue, tap UPDATE > GO, and this will unblock the cue.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Denks Kgallen and Edward for the fast respond.


Actually i did some copying cues to make auto follow cues when Led-Fixtures turn in with Conventionals.

And sometimes when i needed a cue later in the show again, but in this case i guess the values should not be blocked,

when other cues are between.

I didn't realised that copy cues blockes values. But after your explainations it seems logic to me.


But i still dont understand why there are again some blocked values after update every single cue with no changes but SmartTag enabled.

have a good evenging and many thanks


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11 hours ago, LLuk said:

I didn't realised that copy cues blockes values. But after your explainations it seems logic to me.

Nor did I, until Edward explained to me a while back. Likewise it makes sense once you know, and the UPDATE (SmartTag on) to get the console to recalculate tracking is the way out of it. (I think there might also be a global "unblock this cue stack" too, but I've never used it - too scared!).

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11 hours ago, LLuk said:

But i still dont understand why there are again some blocked values after update every single cue with no changes but SmartTag enabled.

I think we'd need a little more information to find an explanation for this. Maybe if you upload the showfile this will be enough for Edward to try "unblock" and give you an explanation if the unblocking doesn't work for a specific fixture.

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2 hours ago, kgallen said:
13 hours ago, LLuk said:

But i still dont understand why there are again some blocked values after update every single cue with no changes but SmartTag enabled.

I think we'd need a little more information to find an explanation for this. Maybe if you upload the showfile this will be enough for Edward to try "unblock" and give you an explanation if the unblocking doesn't work for a specific fixture.

@LLuk - as Kevin mentions, a show file would be very handy, as this may indicate the cause of the blocked values.

2 hours ago, kgallen said:

 (I think there might also be a global "unblock this cue stack" too, but I've never used it - too scared!).

More information here...


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 11/7/2023 at 9:40 AM, kgallen said:

Nor did I, until Edward explained to me a while back. Likewise it makes sense once you know, and the UPDATE (SmartTag on) to get the console to recalculate tracking is the way out of it. (I think there might also be a global "unblock this cue stack" too, but I've never used it - too scared!).

Nor did I  untill now. I ofter get issues with movers not MOD'ing and thought it was down to copying cues. Will try the update trick, so copy X to Y then go into Y, tap update, make sure smart tag is on (red stripe) and tap the playbacks button?

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hellö everybody

sorry it took a while...but with the informations i get from your answers,
i played around a little and i figered out what happend:

when i have blocked values in a cue (for exempel cue 10) and i want them unblocked,
i press update - (smarttag enabled) - enter, and they change to tracked values(when its possible).

BUT...then the next cue(cue 11) changes to blocked values.

i do the same (update - enter)with cue 11, and then again cue 12 get blocked values.

and so on...

thats why i was confused about still having cues with blocked values after ("empty")updating cues.

when i think about this, i am not shure if its logical to me or not(its a bit a head scratcher to me🤔)
It makes tracking kind of funny, if you dont do a general unblock for the cue (setup - PB button - advanced - block/unblock).
(denks @Kgallen for this hint, i think i will start to use this function often in the future...)



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Hi @LLuk

1 hour ago, LLuk said:

when i have blocked values in a cue (for exempel cue 10) and i want them unblocked,
i press update - (smarttag enabled) - enter, and they change to tracked values(when its possible).

BUT...then the next cue(cue 11) changes to blocked values.

i do the same (update - enter)with cue 11, and then again cue 12 get blocked values.


Before unblocking cue 10, are you sure that cue 11 wasn’t also blocked? If you went into cue 10 and then cue 11, were the fixture’s intensity percentages displayed in white in the Output window in both cues?

Unblocking cue 10 would not also unblock cue 11, so you’d find that the intensity percentages were purple in cue 10 when unblocked, and white again in cue 11. 

As mentioned, you’ll have to do this if you want to unblock every cue in the stack…

1 hour ago, LLuk said:

(setup - PB button - advanced - block/unblock).


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
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3 hours ago, LLuk said:

It makes tracking kind of funny, if you dont do a general unblock for the cue (setup - PB button - advanced - block/unblock).
(denks @Kgallen for this hint, i think i will start to use this function often in the future...)

As with me, this is due to COPY cue. I think if you were programming a fresh show, did a COPY then did an UPDATE then when you are programming the next cue fresh (not COPY) then I think it will be tracked from Cue 10.

Maybe what is happening here is either (a) Cue 10,11,12 were all COPY, or maybe (b) if Cue 10 is a COPY, then when you UPDATE cue 10, the desk has to repair Cue 11 by changing the values to blocked. Just my guess!

I'll add that I've never been brave enough to try the global unblock in the middle of a tech. I'm sure it's fine though and Edward has tested it thoroughly!

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denks for the replays.

maybe its important (maybe not..??) to know that not all the values of a cue get blocked.

(if its important i am very sorry to not mention it clearly.)


5 hours ago, kgallen said:

Maybe what is happening here is either (a) Cue 10,11,12 were all COPY, or maybe (b) if Cue 10 is a COPY, then when you UPDATE cue 10, the desk has to repair Cue 11 by changing the values to blocked. Just my guess!

point (b) is my guessing too...


7 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

Before unblocking cue 10, are you sure that cue 11 wasn’t also blocked? If you went into cue 10 and then cue 11, were the fixture’s intensity percentages displayed in white in the Output window in both cues?

yes, i am sure about this. i will do in the next days a small cuelist to visualize.


denks a lot for taking the time for answers...

good evening Luk

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On 11/6/2023 at 10:19 PM, LLuk said:

But i still dont understand why there are again some blocked values after update every single cue with no changes but SmartTag enabled.

On 11/11/2023 at 1:15 PM, LLuk said:

BUT...then the next cue(cue 11) changes to blocked values.

i do the same (update - enter)with cue 11, and then again cue 12 get blocked values.

The issue here is that you are unblocking cue only.

Let's say cue 11 is blocked, and cue 12 tracks from cue 11.

If you unblock cue 11 (UPDATE > SmartTag > GO), you are removing data from the cue. If you are doing this as a "Cue Only" update, this means the console will remove blocked data from cue 11, and add that removed data back into cue 12, to make sure that cue 12 looks exactly how it was programmed. This is exactly the same as if you were to turn a light off in a cue, and do this as a Cue Only update - the console would need to add the light into the next cue, so the next cue looks how you originally programmed it. In your example, cue 12 then may become partially blocked, as it is now telling fixtures to go to values they were at in the previous cue.

So, in this example you could update cue 11 with SmartTag and Track Forwards enabled, and this would unblock the current cue, and would not add/remove data to/from the next cue.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Edward Smith
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  • 2 months later...

Bonjour, je me pose les mêmes questions. c'est à dire comment débloquer des circuits bloqués dans des CUES. Or, je m'interroge sur la fonctionnlaité "Smart Tag" à quoi sert-elle si le mode tracking est activé ? 

ET je ne comrpends pas trop le mode "Block/déblock" général du PB. 

Merci merci...

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Veuillez jeter un œil à cette vidéo pour des informations détaillées sur les options d'enregistrement...

Veuillez consulter cette section du manuel pour plus d'informations sur les options d'enregistrement...


Veuillez consulter cette section du manuel pour plus d'informations sur le blocage/déblocage des lectures...


J'espère que ça aide.



Please take a look at this video for in-depth information on the Record Options...


Please see this section of the manual for information on the Record Options...

Please see this section of the manual for information on Blocking/Unblocking playbacks...


I hope this helps.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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