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Error: Playbacks activating automatically


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I have a software error on my FLX S24.

When the console is booted up, after a few seconds several playbacks automatically activate on the top right and bottom left. You can see the affected playbacks turn blue in the playback menu, on bank 1-24 as well as when selecting bank 25-48.
The activated playbacks can then no longer be deactivated; they can only be temporarily deactivated by holding down the Clear or Setup button.
When this error occurred for the first time, I tried to load via my stick various shows that had definitely previously worked, but the error always occurs again. I only noticed that in different shows, playbacks with the same numbers are not always activated, but nevertheless always several in the top right and bottom left. 
To solve the problem, I have tried Rest Desk and Factory Reset. But after both resets, the error reappeared in my previously working shows.

My short term solution was to delete the affected playbacks and leave them blank so it doesn't matter that the desk activates them.

Is this error known and how can I fix it?

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Hi @Tommox

3 hours ago, Tommox said:

When the console is booted up, after a few seconds several playbacks automatically activate on the top right and bottom left.

If the console's faders are in "Channels" mode rather than "Playbacks", do you find that individual fixtures incorrectly turn on automatically?

1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

Try starting the console in test mode (see manual here) in case it is a hardware error.

As @Davidmk mentions, this could be a hardware issue. Please boot the console with the SETUP key held down, to boot into Test Mode. When in Test Mode, check that the onscreen faders match the levels of the physical faders as you move them. If the onscreen faders show different levels to the physical faders, this suggests there's a hardware issue. In this situation, please email a picture of the serial number sticker on the rear of the console to support@zero88.com, and we can advise how to proceed.

If the onscreen faders in Test Mode match the physical faders, this suggests there is not a hardware issue. If possible, please boot the console normally, take a video of the issue occurring, and then email this to us, to allow us to investigate further.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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