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Fade chase intensity from master playback


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I created an intensity chase which I trigger from the Master Playback cue stack. With the next Master Playback Cue I would like to fade this chase down to (e. g.) 30 % during (e. g.) 60 seconds, as if I would move the chases's fader from 100 % down to 30 % and leave it there.

The only related information I found in the manual was


When you release a playback from a cue in the Master Playback, the released playback's intensity will fade down using the timings of the cue that released it. 

However, after the fade I would like to keep the chase running with intensity at 30 % (relative to the intensities given by the chase). Is there a way to do this?

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Hi @Kauz

In all my time @ Zero 88, I don't think anyone has actually asked how to do this! But, this is a very good question.

Triggering a chase will always set it to full. Releasing a chase will always turn it off. Releasing therefore won't help you in this situation if you want the chase to dim to a certain level.

If you don't want to simply move the chase's fader down manually, you could automate this by recording yourself an "inhibit" playback. You could then trigger the inhibit playback in a cue in the Master Playback, as a way of scaling the fixtures used in the chase playback. If you'd like instructions on how to do this, please let me know.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Edward,

thanks for your answer. My use case was a fire effect, where the fire consists of multiple (independent) light sources and burns down over approx. 30 minutes. The fire effect was created by means of several overlapping auto-cue stacks in order to make it look more random. Preferably everything shold have been triggered from the Master Playback. As the first performance was on 30 September (i. e. before I received your answer), I solved the challenge by means of a fade down time of 45 minutes (instead of 30 minutes) and a permanent level offset. So the "fire" kept "burning down" till the end of the scene and was finally "exhausted" by a black-out.

Anyway. Thanks for the proposal to use an "inhibit" playback! I will keep it in mind for future use :-).

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Hi Kauz,

13 hours ago, Kauz said:

I solved the challenge by means of a fade down time of 45 minutes (instead of 30 minutes) and a permanent level offset. So the "fire" kept "burning down" till the end of the scene and was finally "exhausted" by a black-out.

Glad you were able to achieve the look you were after.

As a reminder, there is a dedicated automatic "Candle" effect for flame flickers. However, your custom playbacks are a good option for a bespoke look.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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