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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Solution XL - General Views & Lifetime Expectancy


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Good morning all.

I have been using the FLX for quite some time and intend to carry on doing that.  I may have an opportunity to introduce a Solution XL into a venue and wondered what I can expect.  Are the workflows for the Solution XL the same as those for the FLX given they are using the same software.  Any good/bad points and given the desk is now a legacy product what is the lifetime expectancy for ongoing support on it please.  TIA

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Hi Mac,

3 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

Are the workflows for the Solution XL the same as those for the FLX given they are using the same software.  Any good/bad points and given the desk is now a legacy product what is the lifetime expectancy for ongoing support on it please.

The core functionality and workflow of Solution XL consoles is similar to FLX, as they both run ZerOS. In many ways Solution consoles are more similar to FLX S than FLX - there is no syntax numpad, and you are limited on the number of fixtures you can patch. There are a handful of features introduced in recent versions of ZerOS, that have not come across to Solution consoles, due to Solution consoles featuring older processors. Solution consoles were discontinued in 2021, and so the warranty of the very last Solution consoles will be running out in early 2024.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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27 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

Hi Mac,

The core functionality and workflow of Solution XL consoles is similar to FLX, as they both run ZerOS. In many ways Solution consoles are more similar to FLX S than FLX - there is no syntax numpad, and you are limited on the number of fixtures you can patch. There are a handful of features introduced in recent versions of ZerOS, that have not come across to Solution consoles, due to Solution consoles featuring older processors. Solution consoles were discontinued in 2021, and so the warranty of the very last Solution consoles will be running out in early 2024.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thanks Ed,  very helpful  !!

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