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New etc fixture on FLX s48


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We have recently purchased the etc Coloursource fresnel V for our rig. There is no profile for this fixture, using RDM the desk has successfully identified and loaded the standard 7 channel operating mode and the lamp can be controlled in terms of the colours etc via the wheels. However, the “colour” tab doesn’t appear and therefore we cannot access the Lee mood boards and other colour tools available. In checking the set up the fixture is identified in red.

I cannot find any clues on how to enable these options, any suggestions on this can be resolved as will need access to these functions?

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  • alg changed the title to New etc fixture on FLX s48

Hi @alg

52 minutes ago, alg said:

any suggestions on this can be resolved as will need access to these functions?

ZerOS 7.14 software has been released today, which includes the ETC ColorSource Fresnel V...


I would therefore recommend updating your console's software. ZerOS 7.14 can be downloaded along with release notes from the link below...


If you'd like detailed software installation instructions, please let me know.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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3 minutes ago, alg said:

Thanks, I will update the OS. Do you need to delete the profile that seems to have been obtained by RDM from the fixture or will the update simply replace it with this new version autmatically?

After performing the software update, do you plan to load your show file back in, or do you plan to start patching the console from scratch?

If you are not going to load your show file in, make sure you disable RigSync before connecting your DMX line. That way, you can patch everything how you want it manually.

If you wish to load in your existing show file, the easiest option is to delete the RDM version of the fixture from the show file, disable RigSync, and patch it in manually.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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There are no show files to reload. I was trying to use the RigSync feature to enable the ongoing process of adding more LED to the rig as we move forward. This was the first fixture of a block of 4.

It feels that it might be sensible to disconnect and then delete the fixture with its rig sync profile, do the OS update and then reintroduce the fixture to DMX, hopefully this will then use the correct profile from the OS update?

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6 minutes ago, alg said:

It feels that it might be sensible to disconnect and then delete the fixture with its rig sync profile, do the OS update and then reintroduce the fixture to DMX, hopefully this will then use the correct profile from the OS update?

Yep - that should work. Let me know how you get on.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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