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Clearing a fader


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I'm trying to take advantage of the Move on Dark features. I have some led moving heads, and I want them to first move to position B, with 0% intensity, and then fade up with the fader.

For that I've created an Stack of two cues, one with (unset) intensity and the correct position, one with 100% intensity.


I've set the fader function to "Manual fade (1 way)", so far so good. It works. Now when I pull the fader down, the spots stay at their position, which makes sence. Ive figured that pressing Clear + fader button I can get them to move back to home. However then, the fader wont work at all.


What am I doing wrong? Is there any better way to go about this? Having an automated fade is not really an option for me

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Probably in your case you changed the position, had intensity at 0 and had SmartTag on when you recorded. Thus the position won't have been recorded. If you really must do this (and I don't think you do), then you will have to turn off SmartTag when you record (or update) this cue.

@Jon Hole I'm still getting the annoying "Can't edit, it's been too long" message - both on Chrome iOS and Chrome Win10.

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First of all, clear + fader button releases the playback which is why the heads return to their default position (which happens to be home as defined in the fixture personality but doesn't have to be). It also stops the cue stack running and sets the next cue back to cue 1.

You should be able to restart it but how will depend on the playback settings. You say you're in "manual fader 1 way" I haven't used this but, reading the manual. It looks like raising the fader will play cue 1 (heads move but stay dark), lowering it and raising it again should execute the 2nd cue, lighting the fixtures which should remain in the same position.

If you just want a fader that lights the moving heads without the movement being visible then there are other ways.

  1. You could just record position & intensity onto a playback and set the button to Go/snap then press the button before raising the fader
  2. You could separate position & intensity onto separate controls, useful if you have multiple positions you want the fixtures in.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I've done some more digging.

As you know, I want the beams to move on dark, and then be able to slowly crank up the intensity. I've created a small video.

I'm not running windows on my pc, thats why this video is on an laptop. Most details are on the screen, I didn't really wanna bother setting up Capture.


Hope this helps.

If this is not an bug, I would appreciate an explanation very much.



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Hi @showguy

13 hours ago, showguy said:

I've created a small video.

The issue shown in your video has been fixed internally, and the fix will be included in the next software update: ZerOS 7.14. This issue was logged as reference number ZOS-8363 on our system. 

On 3/31/2023 at 10:14 AM, showguy said:

I want them to first move to position B, with 0% intensity, and then fade up with the fader.

13 hours ago, showguy said:

As you know, I want the beams to move on dark, and then be able to slowly crank up the intensity. I've created a small video.

To achieve this, I would recommend configuring the playback's button as a GO button, to prepare the fixtures, as per @Davidmk's suggestion:

On 3/31/2023 at 2:22 PM, Davidmk said:
  • You could just record position & intensity onto a playback and set the button to Go/snap then press the button before raising the fader

To do this, I would recommend recording a fresh playback, that contains just a single cue of your lighting state with intensity. Then, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button. From the bottom, change the button function from "Flash" to "Go". There are two Go options, to decide whether the playback's button goes to the cue using or ignoring the cue's fade times. If you also want flash functionality, you could configure "Go" as the button's shifted function. Once configured, leave the remaining settings as they are, and click OK.

Now, before using the playback, tap its button, the fixtures will "prep", and you can then raise the intensity over the top using the fader. By default, lowering the playback will release its control over the fixtures, meaning there is no need to manually hold CLEAR and tap the playback's button.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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4 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

The issue shown in your video has been fixed internally, and the fix will be included in the next software update: ZerOS 7.14. This issue was logged as reference number ZOS-8363 on our system.


4 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

To do this, I would recommend recording a fresh playback, that contains just a single cue of your lighting state with intensity. Then, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button. From the bottom, change the button function from "Flash" to "Go". There are two Go options, to decide whether the playback's button goes to the cue using or ignoring the cue's fade times. If you also want flash functionality, you could configure "Go" as the button's shifted function. Once configured, leave the remaining settings as they are, and click OK.

Now, before using the playback, tap its button, the fixtures will "prep", and you can then raise the intensity over the top using the fader. By default, lowering the playback will release its control over the fixtures, meaning there is no need to manually hold CLEAR and tap the playback's button.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

From what I can see in the emulator, this seems to be working good. Ill try this on the stage in a few days. Perfect Thanks!

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