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the new 9.2 software has a timecode setup in the desk setup menus.


I've looked thru the manual to figure out how to use this, but there is no documentation. Does the board read SMTPE time code sent to the desk via the audio input jack on the back? If so, how do I display that information (say on the monitor), and how do I attach timecode information to a queue in memory so that the desk can trigger it when the time rolls by.


It looks to me like the stub of a featureset thats not implememted yet, but it's something that I want on the desk.


also, I'd love to have memories be able to be RELATIVE to a specific timecode index. In other words, a song starts at 2:14.03 in the set, I'd like memory 13 to start THERE. I'd like memory 14 to trigger at memory 13 + 3.04 seconds and memory memory 15 to trigger at 10.12 seconds.


The reason for this is that songs remain the same structurally, but they get moved around the set from tour to tour, and I'd like to be able to program the song once, and then only change the starting queue for each tour.



In any case, the question is: what does the timecode setup do? (since it's not documented anywhere that I've been able to find.)



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The refered upgrade is for the Leap, Mambo and Bullfrog desks. It will not work (or fit) in the Frog or Fat Frogs.


To use you basically set the trigger type to midi/smpt input instead of GO. Be carfull as there is also an option for RT (real time) as well.

You then set each cue with a time frame as the trigger, then as the incomming signal runs through then it will cause the cues to trigger.


The set up in super user simply enables the time code to work and set parameters for frame rate and type etc.

It is in version 6 of the manual i beliveve as it a newish addition.


Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com

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The reason there is nothing in the earlier issues of the Frog Series and Mambo Frog manuals is that the SMPTE/MIDI and real time code memory trigger functionality was originally implemented for the Frog Box only in version 8.0 of the frog series software (December 2002).


At the time, only the Frog Box had the SMPTE/MIDI connections on the rear panel. Recently, upgrade kits have been available for the Leap Frog, Mambo Frog and Bull Frog desks.


The Release Notes for Version 8.0 of the frog series software describing the SMPTE/MIDI timecode and other new functionality were published and would have been on the Zero 88 website at the time. (Note the Zero 88 website usually only contains the latest software upgrades and release notes).


I have found a copy of the release notes and they can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE

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