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FLX s48 network connection


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I am trying to set up our new S48 for a network connection for the remote apps.

I am using TP Link AC 750 travel router. The console is set with remote apps enabled and the IP address is set to DHCP.

The router has a number of modes that I have tried including Hot Spot, Access Point, and range extender mode. None of which seem to work. DHCP is enabled in all the different modes.

In looking at the network overview via the Z key it keeps displaying

  • DHCP - No DHCP IP address, and for
  • Remote - Security enabled, not listeneing - no DHCP address available.

I have the Remote ZerOS on my iPhone that is connected to the TP link router wifi and it is not seeing the desk.

Is this the wrong router if so what is recommended? Or have I tried the wrong mode? Or have I missed some vital setting on the console? Or is this only going to work with static IP?

This feels like it is something trivial but I can't fathom what.

Has anybody any idea why this happening, as far as I can tell everything is set as it should be but it doesn't want to play, somewhat frustrated!

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Unfortunately my lap top only has a wi-fi connection that works fine to set up the router.  My phone is also getting a wi-fi connection for the remote app. The problem seems to lie on the wired connection between the console and router. I have tried two different cables.

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Hi @alg

On 2/27/2023 at 12:22 PM, alg said:

I am using TP Link AC 750 travel router. The console is set with remote apps enabled and the IP address is set to DHCP.

Is this your TP Link device...


If so, this appears to be a range extender, not a router. If the AC750 has an "Access Point" mode, this may work, but all of the devices on the network will need to be configured with unique static IP addresses.

Please see the link below, for information on using the remote apps...


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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No the device is this TP unit https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/wifi-router/tl-wr902ac        also known as the AC 750 Wi-Fi travel router, it appears to have full DHCP capability and the wi-fi aspects work fine but the ethernet connection to to the console isn't behaving for some reason.

I referred to the manual for the set up and all seems to be as it should be.

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Hi @alg

Thanks for the information.

Does your iPhone receive a DHCP IP address from the router? To confirm, go to the Settings app -> Wi-Fi -> click on the network, and scroll down to IPV4 Address.

If you see a 169.254.x.x address, this confirms the router is not allocating DHCP addresses. You will therefore need to set a manual IP address on your phone, and a manual IP address on the console.

If the iPhone has been allocated an IP address as expected, such as 192.168.x.x, but the console still hasn't been given an IP address, you will need to configure a static IP address on the console, that is on the same subnet as the IP address your iPhone has been allocated.

The console should then appear in the ZerOS Remote app on the iPhone.

I hope this helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for your inputs.

Firstly the ethernet socket on the router LED is lit, there doesn't appear to be a corresponding LED on the console.

Both my phone and lap top  are seeing the router with the following IP


Lap top

This is confirmed using Netanalyser on my phone that also shows the Lan port on the router as

I have set the following static address on the console, subnet mask, router address


I have checked the DHCP settings in the router that show address range to be to with the default gateway as


In checking th N/W overview via the Z key shows for the Remote -  Security enabled, Not listening Socket error (101) 0 connection active. - What does this error message signify??

I have input the static IP address of the console on the iPhone app which simply comes up with "Desk connection failed".

This is sort of feeling like a fault either in the router or console unless I am missing  something else.


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Hi @alg

Thanks for the further information.

On 2/27/2023 at 12:22 PM, alg said:

The router has a number of modes that I have tried including Hot Spot, Access Point, and range extender mode.

What mode are you using the router in? I would guess this will need to be in Access Point mode.

1 hour ago, alg said:

In checking th N/W overview via the Z key shows for the Remote -  Security enabled, Not listening Socket error (101) 0 connection active. - What does this error message signify??

If you receive a Socket Error, this usually means there have been several network changes detected. Please leave the router on, reboot the console, and see if the console then receives a DHCP IP address once booted.

1 hour ago, alg said:

I have checked the DHCP settings in the router that show address range to be to with the default gateway as

If it doesn't receive a DHCP address, this confirms this router only seems to allocate DHCP addresses to devices connected over Wi-Fi.

1 hour ago, alg said:

I have set the following static address on the console, subnet mask, router address

You shouldn't need to worry about adding a router address, as you only need to talk to devices on this subnet. However, these network settings should allow your phone to reach the console.

1 hour ago, alg said:

I have input the static IP address of the console on the iPhone app which simply comes up with "Desk connection failed".

This router doesn't seem to be letting traffic pass from the Wi-Fi to Ethernet. Does your network analyser app allow you to ping the console?

1 hour ago, alg said:

This is sort of feeling like a fault either in the router or console unless I am missing  something else.

I am confident this is not a console issue.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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I have done further tests, I have obtained a second router and borrowed a lap top with an ethernet connection.

I have connected the lap top to each router in turn to see if will connect via ethernet not wifi. In each case the lap connected by ethernet and was allocated an IP address in the range of the router DHCP server.

Using Netanalyser on the phone I could see the local network showing athe ethernet connection to the lap top and the wi-fi to the phone.

I have then closed down and connected each router to the console, it is still not connecting to either router and presents the same messages on its status as previous reported.

Where do we go from here? The routers are good and can talk to a lap top but are unable to wake up the console. Advice on next steps please.

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Hi @alg

Thank you for the update following your further tests.

47 minutes ago, alg said:

I have connected the lap top to each router in turn to see if will connect via ethernet not wifi. In each case the lap connected by ethernet and was allocated an IP address in the range of the router DHCP server.

It is very strange that the console is not receiving a DHCP address, but the laptop is.

45 minutes ago, alg said:

Where do we go from here? The routers are good and can talk to a lap top but are unable to wake up the console. Advice on next steps please.

To troubleshoot further, I think it may be easiest if we jump on an MS Teams call. Please email support@zero88.com with some dates/times that work for you, and we can arrange a call.

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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