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Connecting Remote Monitor crashes Phantom S24


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I continue to fiddle around with the phantom S24 before my new S24 arrives.

I'm trying to connect my Android tablet as a remote screen. Enabled Remote devices in settings, desk password set as zeros, address as which is offered as an option. Windows firewall is set to allow PhantomOS through public and private.

Fire up the remote app, the desk is seen - select it and enter password.

Dialog on tablet pops up 'Warning - Desk Connection Failed'

S24 Phantom then 'stops working' on the laptop - only option is to close program. 



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Hi @Ian_p

1 hour ago, Ian_p said:

Dialog on tablet pops up 'Warning - Desk Connection Failed'

Sorry to hear this. What version of Phantom ZerOS are you running on your laptop? If Phantom ZerOS is running as a FLX S, tap Z on your keyboard, and from the Phantom ZerOS LCD window choose "System Information". Please ensure the "Software Version" is ZerOS 7.13, which is the latest version.

1 hour ago, Ian_p said:

S24 Phantom then 'stops working' on the laptop - only option is to close program. 

To close Phantom ZerOS, can you use the close button on the launcher window, or do you have to force close using Task Manager?


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Ian,

21 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

Hi Edward - I had missed it was on 7.12 software, so upgraded to 7.13 and all works!!

Thanks for letting me know, pleased to hear this solved the issue.

If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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