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External monitor


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3 qus re external monitor:

1. What do the colours mean on the channels part of the external  monitor? I'm running a show on master playback and in among the reds and blues, there are lots of channels in GREY. What's that about? Are they in the next cue? We're they in the previous cue?? 

2. Can the monitor be used to show what's coming up in master playback. I used to do this on my old Strand MX24. Really handy because I could tell at a glance what the next cue would be (eg snap blackout

3 Linked to above - can I reconfigure what the external monitor shows?



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So, if I remember,


Red are channels that have been altered, eg you moved a fader, channel goes red, these take precedence over any playback.


Green are channels which have lowered in intensites since the previous cue.

Blue is channels which have increased in intensity since the last cue.

Green - down towards the grass

Blue - up to the sky

I think grey is when a channel is ready for the next cue, I.e when move on dark has run although I might be wrong on that.

The monitor can show your cues but not the values in those cues so helpful to name your cues so you can tell by the name what it is.



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Move on dark is the term used when your moving lights get into position before the cue they are used in.

Cue 1 - light at position x

Cue 2 - light off

Cue 3 - light in position y

So in the above example, the moving light will move to position y after Cue 2 has finished running, so they are in the correct position to come on when you call Cue 3

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Move on Dark affects any non-intensity parameter, not just position. So for an example, an LED fixture has a colour, even if the intensity is off. When you turn that LED back on, you want it to be in the correct colour so you don’t see it change - so it’s “moves” on dark. 

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Hi Andy,

Please see the link below for information on the Output Window..


The external monitor can display one of four predefined desktops. Please see the link below for more information…


I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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