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Keep parameters separate for effects ..


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Hi everybody,

I asked for this issue some years ago and now it´s time to ask again.

The effect engine has a huge amount of predefined effects .. (thx for that) .. BUT .. if I want to run live shows I'm really limited in controlling parameters.


A simple example ... A Pan/Tilt-circle  is running and you want to control speed or/and size. To change size and speed at the same time, you can assign it to the fader.

But there is no possibility to program the size- and speed-parameter on separate faders (or  I don´t know how to).

The only way to control speed individual is the chaser (tap), but that makes no sence for movements ...


The second issue is the Offset in effects.... The Solution and FLX S supports no possibitity selecting and monitoring the offset in a detailed way. Programming with this feature  feels always like try and error.   


Is it planned to improve the effect section in a way, that the parameter can be kept separate and the offset is more flexible and values are transparent? 


Am I the only operator to have this features on the wishlist for ZerOS? 


For our information:

I´m running shows on an old Leap Frog 24 and FLX S desks...  


Best regards 


Lighting Designer

Leap Frog 48 / LG1730SF

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Hi Stefan,

51 minutes ago, derboessl said:

A simple example ... A Pan/Tilt-circle  is running and you want to control speed or/and size. To change size and speed at the same time, you can assign it to the fader.

But there is no possibility to program the size- and speed-parameter on separate faders (or  I don´t know how to).

If you wish to "fade in" and effect, you can use the "Fader Controls Effect" option in a playback's settings. This allows a playback's fader to control the intensity, speed, and size of the effect recorded on it. This is ideal if you have your fixtures in a position, and you want to add movement subtly by fading in the effect.

To control just the speed of a recorded effect, you can configure a Speed Override fader. To do this, hold SETUP and tap an empty playback. Choose Speed Override and click OK. Then move this fader to 50%. This Speed Override fader can now control the speed of any playback. To choose a playback, press and hold VIEW, and tap a playback's button. The Speed Override fader can then speed up or slow down effects on the chosen playback, by raising or lowering the Speed Override fader.

54 minutes ago, derboessl said:

The second issue is the Offset in effects.... The Solution and FLX S supports no possibitity selecting and monitoring the offset in a detailed way. Programming with this feature  feels always like try and error.   

I'd recommend watching the video below, to make sure you're getting the most out of effects...

The "Offset By Group" option may help achieve what you're after.

54 minutes ago, derboessl said:

Is it planned to improve the effect section in a way, that the parameter can be kept separate and the offset is more flexible and values are transparent? 

Am I the only operator to have this features on the wishlist for ZerOS? 

We'd certainly like to improve the effects in ZerOS. If improved effects in ZerOS are a high-priority for you, please vote for "Improve Effects Engine" using the poll on the link below...

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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