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Lee Mood Boards Don't work


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I have just upgraded our desk FLX S48 to OS 7.13 and so far all looks fine except that the Mood Boards by Lee Filters do not work. I managed to leave the release notes at home and there may have been something there. The Colour/Colour Picker work as expected. Anyone any thoughts?


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Hi @terryb

If you have loaded a show file from an earlier version of software into ZerOS 7.13, you may need to "upgrade" the fixtures to the latest version in the library, to be able to take advantage of the Mood Boards. This is dependent on the fixtures you are using.

To upgrade your fixtures, tap SETUP to take you to the Fixture Schedule. Then, click on the patch group button at the bottom for the type of fixture you need to upgrade. Then click the "Change / Convert All Fixtures / Modes" button at the top of the Fixture Schedule. You should then be able to find the latest version of the fixture from the library, which will be listed in the standard white text. You can then click OK, and the console will work through and upgrade these fixtures to the latest version. Once complete, you can tap SETUP to exit, and then use the Mood Boards with these fixtures.

For more information, please see the link below...


10 minutes ago, terryb said:

I managed to leave the release notes at home and there may have been something there.

This procedure is described in the ZerOS 7.11 release notes...


The ZerOS 7.13 release notes are available here...


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward,

This ‘upgrade’ process - how does that relate to user fixture profiles implemented using the legacy Fixture Tool? If they’ve been implemented using the correct colour detail metadata will they work properly using 7.13 and the auto palettes, gel palettes, mood board and colour picker (talking full FLX here)? Hoping so, as you know I’ve written most of my own fixture profiles to ensure they are compatible with the firmware in my intelligent fixtures and I don’t want to go through a validation process of the ‘official’ library fixtures and nor do I want any RGBA/RGBW surprises (because for example the library only has the ‘wrong’ variant).

Thanks, Kevin 

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Hi @terryb

15 hours ago, terryb said:

Would clearing the fixtures and reinstalling them clean be simpler way of doing it?

Yes - if you want to start a fresh show file, you can delete your "legacy" fixtures from the Fixture Schedule. Then, you can tap SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Fixture Files, to remove all fixture files from the console that aren't currently in use. You can then patch your fixtures in from scratch from Add Fixtures.

Don't forget - upon deleting fixtures, you remove information for these fixtures from your cues. This operation therefore cannot be undone.

15 hours ago, terryb said:

our RGBW LEDj PARs are coming up as RGBA which means the colours are wrong

If you can only find a RGBA variant in the library, it sounds like the RGBW variant is missing. Please could you provide a manual for your LEDJ LED PARs? I can then provide you with the best fixture file to use.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi @kgallen

11 hours ago, kgallen said:

This ‘upgrade’ process - how does that relate to user fixture profiles implemented using the legacy Fixture Tool? If they’ve been implemented using the correct colour detail metadata will they work properly using 7.13 and the auto palettes, gel palettes, mood board and colour picker (talking full FLX here)?

Fixtures in the .ift format with subtractive colour mixing will not be applied to the Colour Filters, due to a change that was required in ZerOS 7.11 software. All other colour mixing tools will continue to work.

(This is related to how ZerOS supports subtractive "Cyan" dichroic colour flags, and also additive "Cyan" emitters).

Fixtures in the .ift format with additive colour mixing will work as expected.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


  • Thanks 1

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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It got very late last night! However I am at home and ploughing through all the previous update information. I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing! However we have a lot of these!


As our desk is used sporadically we can miss upgrades. I prefer not to do them too close to a show for obvious reasons. Many thanks for your help so far but I fear it isn't over yet. We tend to use a lot of 'disco' great because the venue is very small and theatre fixtures are too narrow.

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Hi @terryb

9 minutes ago, terryb said:

However we have a lot of these!

Please click the link below, to download the fixture file for the LEDJ Quad Par 64...

https://www.zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/LEDJ/Quad Par 64.ift

Once downloaded, save the file to a USB drive, and plug into your console. Then on the console tap SETUP -> Load, and choose the fixture file to load in. Once loaded, you can then find and patch this fixture in Add Fixtures.

11 minutes ago, terryb said:

I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing!

If there are fixtures you need help with, please just let us know, and we can point you towards the best version of the fixture to use.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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It got very late last night! However I am at home and ploughing through all the previous update information. I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing! However we have a lot of these!


As our desk is used sporadically we can miss upgrades. I prefer not to do them too close to a show for obvious reasons. Many thanks for your help so far but I fear it isn't over yet. We tend to use a lot of 'disco' great because the venue is very small and theatre fixtures are too narrow.

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Hi @terryb

2 hours ago, terryb said:

It got very late last night! However I am at home and ploughing through all the previous update information. I managed to update a few fixtures, but a lot are still refusing! However we have a lot of these!


As our desk is used sporadically we can miss upgrades. I prefer not to do them too close to a show for obvious reasons. Many thanks for your help so far but I fear it isn't over yet. We tend to use a lot of 'disco' great because the venue is very small and theatre fixtures are too narrow.

This appears to be a duplicate post. Please see my responses in my previous reply.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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