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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Change reset position for the moving head

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Hi all forum.

Sorry for the trivial question is it possible to change the reset position of the moving heads, i.e. when I release a playback with release lower enabled the moving heads go to a position chosen by me, I have tried to keep release lower disabled but then problems arise with colour changes and various beamshapes. thanks always for your availability i apologise for my English and for the trivial question.

Very best regards

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yes you can change both the home and default position of the all the attributes. Depends on the version of OS  you are using but the latest version is you select the fixtuer 

first select the fixtures and set them to where you want them then tap record, then the tap the home buttons and you will see four option.

Default, Home, Max level and Cancel. 

You want to select default to give you the positions when the playback or fixture is released.

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Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com

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