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Zero88 FLX S24 not booting

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I've got a Zero88 FLX S24 that won't boot anymore. Worked fine yesterday, today client called about a non-booting desk.

I tried attaching a keyboard and get into the Startup Tools, but that will not work either.
The boot LEDs do their run, then stop, screen does not come on (not even the backlight) and after the boot sequence stops, the desk does not respond, does not output DMX and not a single LED is on.

I tried the PSU from my own FLX S24, but that didn't make any difference.

Any tips? The desk is still under warranty so I can bring it in, but if there's an easy solution I'd prefer it.

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Hi @Rene van Hove

Thank you for your description of the issue. 

If you are unable to access the ZerOS Start-Up Tool, this suggests there is a hardware issue with the console. Could the console have experienced any impacts since it was working correctly?

As your console is under warranty, I recommend sending us an email to support@zero88.com, including the console’s serial number. Feel free to email a picture of the serial number sticker on the rear of the console. Please also let us know your location, and we will be able to advise.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Rene van Hove

2 hours ago, Rene van Hove said:

After some more unsuccesful tries, I brought the console to my supplier. It's indeed under warranty.

In their service centre, it boots up straight away under identical circumstances as my tests.

Interesting but seems solved somehow...

This sounds like an intermittent internal connection, sometimes causing the console to fail to boot. An approved service centre should be able to open the console, to ensure everything is seated correctly.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 9 months later...

Hi Edward,

Our FLX24 (about 5-6 years old) has started exhibiting similar intermittent problems. It has not suffered any impacts that I am aware of. You mentioned in a reply to a similar problem that some components (presumably cards or connectors) may not have been seating properly. If this is a possibility I can open it up and check. (I have had a similar problem with our cinema projector, though sadly it has turned out that we need a completely new card!) 

We are in the middle of a show run and on two occasions it has taken several attempts to boot - it seems to get stuck Galway through the process. The LEDs keep cycling as usual but it doesn’t get anywhere. 


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Hi @MaltingsTech

8 hours ago, MaltingsTech said:

We are in the middle of a show run and on two occasions it has taken several attempts to boot - it seems to get stuck halfway through the process. The LEDs keep cycling as usual but it doesn’t get anywhere. 

Please send us a picture of your console’s serial number to support@zero88.com. We can then send you instructions on how to re-flash the console’s storage card, which should then allow the console to boot normally. 

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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