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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Problem with raising Faders for controlling intensity

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I have problem with MMFs for controlling intensity and running cue. When I raise Faders in either Channel mode or Playback mode, some of them are not work and internal display does not indicate any intensity levels. I have also checked “DMX outputs” tab on “System Information” page and DMX signals have not out from the Universe. This issue have occurred every time after powering on the console. Furthermore, these faders with the issue would change to the others every time I turn on the console, so I cannot detect specific faders with the issue. Sometimes half of the faders would not work.

This issued has been occurred when I updated ZEROS to 7.10, but the console have been stable after updating to 7.11 last April. However, this issue has happened again. 

Does anybody have same kind of problem?

Is this problem with firmware or hardware?

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Hi @Takuya Chinen

Based on your initial description, this does sound like it could be a hardware issue. 

I would recommend turning off the console, and then booting it into Test Mode. To do this, press and hold SETUP, and then power the console. After around 30 seconds the console will boot into Test Mode, with a virtual front panel shown on the internal touchscreen.

Please move each fader in turn, and check whether they are registering correctly on the touchscreen. Please make a note of any faders that do not register correctly.

Please then email us a picture of your console's serial number to support@zero88.com, and we will be able to advise the best steps.

For more information on Test Mode, see the link below...


If you have any questions, please let us know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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