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Only a black screen with ZerOS Monitor - although connected


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Hi @Holger

11 minutes ago, Holger said:

I installed and connected - it seems to be connected but I only get a black monitor...

Thank you for sharing a screenshot. Can you confirm that the ZerOS Monitor app on your PC has full access through your Windows Firewall?

Did the ZerOS Monitor app automatically detect your console, allowing you to click on the console to connect, or did you have to manually add the console's IP address into ZerOS Monitor?

If you close the ZerOS Monitor app and restart it, do you still only receive a black screen upon connecting to your console? If so please restart your PC, and let me know how you get on.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Firewall: There came a question and I allowed to pass the firewall.

When I started or when I restart the ZerOS Monitor I always get an empty list and I have to type in the IP.

I tried 2 different IPs.
a) The other one (without screenshot): It was stated "Connecting..." and after a time it states it is disconnected. The symbol in the left lower corner was always red
b) The one from the screenshot: More or less immediately the green "circle" was shown in the left lower corner. So I thought it is connected....

This behaviour doesn't change with a restart of the software.

Restarting my PC is not possible at the moment. I cannot do this, now....

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Are you connecting your desk and PC via an ethernet switch or a direct cable?

If it's a direct cable then it will need to be a "crossover" cable but if it's a switch then it should take care of that for you. That the two units aren't acknowledging each other might suggest a cable/connection issue?

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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Hi Holger,

1 hour ago, Holger said:

When I started or when I restart the ZerOS Monitor I always get an empty list and I have to type in the IP.

It sounds like your laptop and console may be on different subnets. You should only need to manually add a console's IP address if there is some form of routing on your network. If you are using a simple network, the console should therefore automatically be detected by ZerOS Monitor.

Please could you confirm the IP address, and Subnet Mask, of both your PC, and your console's Remote connection?

Please see the link below for more information on IP addresses...


41 minutes ago, iank99 said:

Are you connecting your desk and PC via an ethernet switch or a direct cable?

If it's a direct cable then it will need to be a "crossover" cable but if it's a switch then it should take care of that for you. That the two units aren't acknowledging each other might suggest a cable/connection issue?

In almost all cases nowadays, you shouldn't need to worry about whether you're using a "straight" or "crossover" cable. Almost all modern equipment features Auto MDI-X, meaning the devices work out what cabling is being used.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Holger,

4 minutes ago, Holger said:

@Edward Z88 Thanks! I activated DHCP, now it works - here in the company. I have to test with the laptop which should be used, too.... In the evening or so....

Pleased to hear ZerOS Monitor can now reach your console correctly. 

Let us know if you have any questions.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Holger,

1 minute ago, Holger said:

Apologies - due to your location, you were redirected to the German PDF.

See the link below for the English article I linked to...



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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21 hours ago, Edward Z88 said:

In almost all cases nowadays, you shouldn't need to worry about whether you're using a "straight" or "crossover" cable. Almost all modern equipment features Auto MDI-X, meaning the devices work out what cabling is being used.

Indeed it should but without knowing the age of the kit involved.. Occam's Razor and all that :D

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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